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Black and white flag : Comments

By Junaid Cheema, published 17/12/2014

Our way of life is under attack there is very little doubt about that, but by whom?

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McAdam’s reference to

<<Michio Kaku, American Professor of Theoretical Physics at the City College of New York and author, discloses that President Eisenhower and later President Nixon, both had firmed up plans to drop nuclear bombs on North Korea. Both could not execute their plans for lack of sufficient public support at home.>>

is quite significant.

An established intent to use Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) aside, it has been used by the same country.

The same country, with the aid of its allies, has killed hundreds of thousands of civilians on the pretext of WMD in Iraq which were never there.

And countless in Afghanistan. And thousands in Pakistan. And thousands by its ally in Palestine.

No condemnation for hundreds of thousands of these deaths from extremists of this thread.

They don’t even talk about that. Not even as a factor motivating revenge.

Their approach: Shift the focus from enormous number of deaths. Shift the focus from occupation of countries and land of Palestinians. And target the belief system of the sufferers.

This is where discussion of these extremists has been fixed – De-contextualisation.

The likes of SPQR must continue to target Islam.

They know from the clarifications of the misquotes posted in this thread that Quran is not violent.

They can’t produce reference from Quran, other than those accepted by universally acknowledged principle of holding by force the hand of the aggressor.

They know that Bible, even the New Testament has lot more violent provisions.

Yet they must keep crying violence of Quran - De-contextualisation.

Their intent is so obvious that the crime of a deranged mind in Sydney immediately focusses their minds on Islam and that is where they are stuck still.

These are the people with mission and their mission is to paddle hatred against Muslims through misinformation and De-contextualisation.
Posted by NC, Monday, 19 January 2015 9:48:38 PM
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Hii Loudmouth,

"......Are you agreeing that terrorism is not and can never be the way to exert one's will over an unwilling world ?"....And that believers need to seriously question and reject those defective interpretations ?".... all people, believers and non-believers, men and women, are equally entitled to the benefits and the protection of the law, to exercise their democratic right to contribute to the choosing of a government,....equally ?

Short answer to your post is; yes I agree with entirety.

I also know that all Muslims may not agree with me....we have zealots too, who would like to impose their version, their interpretation on others, but that does not mean that they should not be challenged. Challenged, they must be, as fairness and truth has to prevail over falsehood, like light has to, over darkness.

Loudmouth, you and me have differences and those differences shall perhaps remain . But you and me have agreements too. What is the percentage of our agreements and disagreements? A serious calculation is in order here, yet I have not seen any effort any where in the world to concentrate on points the humanity agrees on.

All of us have allowed ourselves to be the hostage to the Stake Holders in Religious Differences, which is mainly clergy.....and their bread and butter is in fanning the differences.

Either the story of our our common origin, commonality of genes and oneness of humanity is wrong or we all have been taken for a ride by the dispensers of hate.

I know I can't correct the world, yet I'll heed Thomas Carlyle who said;
"Make yourself an honest man, and then you may be sure that there is one less scoundrel in the world.”

May I not hate and may I be counted among those who contributed to the good of humanity, even though it be a straw's worth of goodness, amen

May be I am emotional and weak, but I should like to believe it is because of sincerity that I have tears in my eyes, when I write these lines
Posted by McAdam, Tuesday, 20 January 2015 1:34:50 AM
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Striking Fear in Paris
.....To conduct an effective fight, one has to put oneself first into the shoes of the fanatics and try to understand the dynamic that pushes young local-born Muslims to commit such acts.
.....It is a struggle imported from North Africa
Algerian war of liberation ...1954, the Jews ....decided to support the colonial power, France, against the Algerian people.
In 1870, the French minister of justice, Adolphe Cremieux, ....a Jew, conferred French citizenship on all Algerian Jews,.......
... The local Jews, proud of their French citizenship, staunchly supported the colonists. In the end, the Jews were prominent in the OAS, the extreme French underground which conducted a bloody struggle against the freedom fighters.....
now is the continuation of this war between Algerian Muslims and Jews on French soil. All the four “French” Jews killed in the attack had North African names.
..... The anti-Semites have helped drive the Jews to Palestine,And the new immigrants will certainly settle in the occupied Palestinian territories on stolen Arab land.
... Israel benefits from the Paris attack has led Arab media to believe that ... the Arab perpetrators were really manipulated by the Israeli Mossad.
...winner from this outrage is Israel. But to draw the conclusion that Israel is hiding behind the Jihadists is utter nonsense."

URI AVNERY is an Israeli writer and peace activist with Gush Shalom. He is a contributor to CounterPunch’s book The Politics of Anti-Semitism."

This extract is not being posted to discuss the right or wrong stated therein.
It in only to show that the world events have complex dynamics. Things are not as black and white as the mainstream media spins for popular consumption; for the consumption of people, as stated on this thread, "are too lazy, ignorant and indifferent (don't know, don't care)"
We don't want to be in that category. We want to work through the noise of media to dig the truth and stand firm on it.
We need to keep our eyes open, in the interesting times we are living in.
Posted by McAdam, Tuesday, 20 January 2015 4:42:03 AM
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Substantiate ? What a joke, ROFL
It is pretty clear that no amount of evidence will sway you or your confederates

But for the benefit of others here are a few snippets:

“I suspect that in the medium run, the new crusader city state known as Israel won't survive much past the end of US supremacy even with their nuclear weapons” [Posted by dkit, Wednesday, 30 July 2014 9:04:44 AM]
Note the mindset still in the crusades era!

<<“a moron in a three piece suit is still a moron” …The sooner you realize the above the earlier I can accommodate you in my Troll Rehabilitation Program… Virulent trolls>> [Hadi, Friday, 15 August 2014 1:13:41 PM & on numerous other occasions]
Note his loving-kindness towards his fellow humans

<<But nothing in human history compares with the Atlanta slave trade (1441-1840) in volume, exploitation and brutality… Conclusive historic evidence: How did the huge number of black Africans end up in Americas – Not on work or business visas! [Posted by NC, Friday, 1 August 2014 8:01:18 PM]
Note his one-eyed halal take on history

<<• … The rate at which the political and economic land-scape is fundamentally altering, US will soon have enough of its own concerns, than to bather about Israel, what then?...
• The aging US on irreversible decline…[Posted by NC, Tuesday, 5 August 2014 6:15:41 PM]>>
Put this down as No.1 on his secret wish list.

Can’t you just feeeeeeel the spray of venom in the above posts,eh!

Another point to note from that thread <<Cutting The Grass>> it it was grounded on a comment taken out of context and blown out of all proportion …something NC & McAdam supposedly take much umbrage to when it relates to their holy texts!
Posted by SPQR, Tuesday, 20 January 2015 7:25:44 AM
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Thank you, McAdam, that clarifies the situation.


On the Atlantic slave-trade: of course, it was a subsidiary of the much-longer slave trade - which even pre-dates Islam - from sub-Saharan Africa to all points across the north and east. Muhammad had at least one African slave, Bilal, BEFORE Islam. I think he freed him when he converted.

The fact that trans-Atlantic shipping points were usually just forts and holding compounds right on the coast, i.e. within a hundred metres of the water, raises a question: who brought the slaves to those points ? Who transported those many millions of Africans, over many centuries, across the Sahara to North Africa and to the Middle East as well ? [I believe they called the slave-trains 'coffles', they could take a year or more to shuffle from point of capture to slave market. And where were the main slave markets ?]

Is it possible that that trade is still going on ? Mauretania still has a large slave population: they were allowed to vote in elections in about 2007, for the first time; they were given the afternoon off to do so [Islam is kind and merciful, after all]. The key requirement of a slave is that the slaves not be Muslims - although someone may deny this, pointing out that in some Muslim countries, some slaves are after all Muslims. Go for it. .

Does all that await us ?

Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 20 January 2015 8:03:43 AM
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The bell goes for the next round and McAdam staggers toward centre ring, bloodied and unaware that he's got no hope....
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 20 January 2015 8:51:37 AM
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