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Black and white flag : Comments

By Junaid Cheema, published 17/12/2014

Our way of life is under attack there is very little doubt about that, but by whom?

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These are just a few anecdotes. Would you be able to explain this kind of behaviour of these Muslims living in Australia in my last post? Are they normal Muslims?

I understand that Islam is a complete way of life where Islam doctrine dictates every aspect and detail of your life. It also looks to be more tribal than spiritual. Therefore I’m finding that it is much more than just a religion, ie. it also dictates politics and warfare. True or false?

Would ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Qaeda and all the other Islamist groups just be imitating Mohammad?

“Muslims believe in equality of all human beings regardless of colour, creed, or race. “ Are you sure about that? It doesn’t look like it to me and many others, considering what they’re doing to Nigerian Christian girls, Yadzidis, Muslims and Non Muslims. And this violence is occurring in Africa, the Middle East, the Philippines, Aceh, Thailand, Russia, China and the West and other places. And we saw what happened in East Timor by the Moderate Indonesian government. Whether Muslims are a minority in a different culture or about 50% of the population, Nigeria for example there is always Muslim trouble. And when they are in majority in a country, the minorities become Dhimmis imposing special tax and restrictions and live weakened paranoid lives.

And you say we have nothing to be afraid of? Seems more than insidious to me. There is the lying code of Taquia after all.

When I studied Islam and the West in class the instructor said that there is never any real honest dialogue with Muslims as the Koran cannot be questioned. So Muslims just play the game.

Should we be afraid?
Posted by Constance, Sunday, 11 January 2015 8:59:27 AM
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I forgot to mention, you yourself have already downplayed the Islamic terror occurring around the world. “A tad hint of terror” you say? It seems you agree with the Muslim manager’s sentiments in the office.

Could you please explain why you do not consider the current terror in the world not really terror?

I've heard there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. Do you agree?
Posted by Constance, Sunday, 11 January 2015 10:55:26 AM
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Constance, the so-called “moderate” Muslim has no problem with the hate in the Quran and is untroubled by the evil deeds of Mohammad. Murder, plunder, torture, rape, enslavement of men women and children are bad, but only for some. “Moderate” Muslims are unconcerned with the religious oppression that is characteristic of Islamic societies everywhere. These “moderate” Muslims constitute 99% of Muslims, most of them in Islamic societies, and accept norms (including sharia) that restrict freedoms, penalize thought and oppress minorities including women. Should nonMuslims trust ‘moderate’ Muslims?

All Muslims believe that Islam is perfect. If Islam is perfect, it is then true. If Islam is true and this is recognized by faith, then reason is not required to arrive at truth. If there are any facts that might contradict Islam, they must be false. If facts are false, then they might promote unbelief and are evil. This is why anything that disagrees with Islam must be destroyed. If a fact, cartoon, voice, post to OLO, or any opinion contrary to the tenants of Islam is obliterated, physically or intellectually, Islam once again becomes the object of perfection the believer images.

Our Muslim friends here build castles of vapor in the cloud. They quote selected verses and preferred sources but ignore the fundamental writings of Islam because they don’t provide the substance needed; they ignore the horrid situation of Islamic societies because these too don’t provide a convincing argument of Islam’s perfection. What seems to work best are bullets and blood and you know the rest.

So newspaper columnists tell us that European Muslims vehemently condemn the acts of the radicals. Our Leaders tell us that the murderers are not real Muslims. An Imam writes an article saying that Islam supports freedom of speech. Everytime major atrocities happen, we hear this same kumbayah chorus --- and nothing changes. It happens again and again.

Personally, I would consider a good Muslim to be one that admits the violence advocated in the Quran, and apologizes for it, and also condemns the nefarious actions of Islam’s prophet. I am also looking for a unicorn.
Posted by kactuz, Sunday, 11 January 2015 4:10:19 PM
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NC, that 350 word limit, 4 posts per day to a thread, is a real bummer, isn't it!

Any minute now....
Posted by kactuz, Sunday, 11 January 2015 4:13:25 PM
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Mise asks: How does one make a Muslim a zealot?

Here's couple of good starters:
1) A creed that sells them on the idea that they are doing Gods work by killing infidels,and

2) Spokespersons like McAdam and NC who unendly pontificate-on about all the imagined wrongs done to their tribe --and none of the wrongs their tribe does to others.

Have those two ingredients and, you are well on you way to making lots and lots of Monis's
Posted by SPQR, Sunday, 11 January 2015 4:44:11 PM
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Constance and Kactuz,

Constance – Today’s 4th message.

Continuing with the subject of your quotes on Quran (will attend to your other questions later), my last three posts show that your quotes carried:

• Misrepresentation of facts: Example “kill Jews” in a verse not even containing the word “Jew” or killing others;
• Mischief of wrong words in translations: Many; and
• Lack of understanding of the overall context.

On the Context: (Source: Armstrong)

“Because the Koran was revealed in the context of an all-out war, several passages deal with the conduct of armed struggle.”

Quran dealt with a society engaged in all-out war, so it had to address this evitable fact of human life.

The war according to Quran is a self-defence option and must be directed to establish peace ONLY.

“…but as soon as he felt his people were probably safe, he devoted his attention to building up a peaceful coalition of tribes and achieved victory by an ingenious and inspiring campaign of nonviolence”

..”When he died in 632, he had almost single-handedly brought peace to war-torn Arabia…”

This achievement of Muhammad has no parallel in human history – you believe it or not. Countless upright minds independently arrive at this inevitable result.

One of many, I mean MANY examples -Lamartine

“If greatness of purpose, smallness of means, and astounding results are the three criteria of human genius, who could dare to compare any great man in modem history with Muhammad?”

Notice the “greatness of purpose” and the “astounding results”.

Constance, religion apart – yours or mine, this man Muhammad needs to be looked at without bias and with an insight into where the human mind was in his times. Advancement in human knowledge of history makes it possible today, as compared with dark or middle-ages.

A purely secular look at Muhammad is worth the time it takes. Examine how he transforms a society, gives it laws, guides it to use reason and improve social systems in time (IJTEHAD).


On your messages addressed to me, McAdam said what you think I said to you!!
Posted by NC, Sunday, 11 January 2015 7:53:14 PM
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