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Gaza: Hamas humiliates and manipulates world media : Comments

By David Singer, published 18/8/2014

Any journalist is free to report what they see in Gaza as long as it is coloured Hamas.

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Obviously Lego you prefer the dark age vengeful god of your Jewish mates.

The western god abhors retribution and tells westerners to love their enemies and to judge no one.

That is what we do.

You'd take us all back a few thousand years. Just like Singer and all the other pigheaded subscribers to the violent and hate filled passages of their unreformed book of rules.

You Lego are a Muslim Hater.
Posted by imajulianutter, Wednesday, 20 August 2014 8:02:43 PM
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'And I hope that you suffer because of it, because you deserve it.'
What you condone me being ethnically cleansed or merely re-educated or liquidated or gassed because I don't adhere to the religion that promulgates the criminal actions you support?

I see.

Or do you hate me and wish me ill because I see things differently to you.

Aren't these the current fate of the Gazans.

Those attitudes and behaviours don't fit in with our western tolerance. So why do you want us to change? Why don't you just go where you can share your attitudes with those of a similar mind instead of trying to pollute our world with institutionalised evil.

Yep Tel Aviv and forced conscription into the Israeli Defence Force for you. You'd do well with all those precision munitions. You'd fit in killing innocent kids.

And my god still loves you Lego and so do I but we both abhor your attitudes and behaviours.
Posted by imajulianutter, Wednesday, 20 August 2014 8:16:04 PM
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You state - in relation to Nabil Badran:

"Singer, what part of your lobotomised soul do I have to reach to let you know that there is not another perspective here. It doesn't depend on the extent of this man's involvement if any in the resistance as to whether there is justification for bombing the family home and killing and maiming his children, it is evil, a war crime, and should disgust any normal human being."

Have you had a lobotomy that has caused you to forget that none of Badran's children was killed?

Thanks for this further information as to where terrorist Badran met his death:

"03:30 an Israeli drone fired a missile at al-Qassam Mosque in al-Nussairat refugee camp. A few minutes later, an Israeli warplane launched a missile at the mosque and destroyed it. Three members of a Palestinian armed group were killed."

Yes - Badran was one of those "three members of a Palestinian armed group" who were killed.

Thank you for pointing out the number of mosques that were damaged or destroyed that night.

Your following conclusions are unsupported by any evidence whatsoever:

"The truth is the IDF weren't targeting him that night instead they were systematically performing scorched earth on Gaza's mosques. These are acts of pure retribution on these hapless people by destroying their places of worship."

Perhaps the following article and video might help you to understand why you are so wrong - if your Jew hatred has not completely blinded you.:

Of course getting back to your lobotomy - none of this would have happened and a lot of Gazans would still be alive and uninjured today had Hamas agreed to the original cease fire proposed on 16 July or had Hamas not broken any of the 10 cease fires agreed since that date.

Seems as though Hamas - with the backing and sympathetic support of yourself and the other Jew haters posting to my article - wants to continue putting Gazans through this horrific ordeal.

You are a bunch of pathetic hypocrites.
Posted by david singer, Wednesday, 20 August 2014 9:07:18 PM
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I read a book by a Jewish woman from Austria called "The Nazi Officers Wife". In that book, she recounts how astonished she was by the fact that the Nazi's in Austria had made it entirely clear that they intended to get rid of the Jews, one way or the other, and that most Jews laughed it off. Like yourself, they were totally in denial about the fact that a large group of people had an ideology which clearly stated it's intention to exterminate them.

I hate any ideology which clearly proclaims it's intention to exterminate me unless I conform to it's ideology. The Islamic ideology quite clearly states that it is on a mission for world domination and it is a religion with a scripture that justifies the killing anybody who opposes that mission. The authority to kill people who oppose it, or even criticise it, is right there in black and white in the Koran, the Suras and the Hadiths. Even Islam's creator Mohammad was doing 1400 years ago what Boko Haram , Al Shabbab, Al Qaida, and ISIS is doing right now.

I admire the Christian religion for it's pacifist and humanitarian ideology because it is a force which has moderated violence in the western world in the last 400 years. The same can not be said of Islam. Islam intends to exterminate you and you are stupid enough to defend it because some non existent God has told you that people should not be judged. Human beings, my dear nutter, judge each other every day. We judge whether people are trustworthy, devious, greedy, altruistic, selfish, immature, responsible, or dangerous, because it is essential that we do so to interact with them.

But like a Muslim, you ascribe to an ideology which puts a mental boundary on your thinking. And when a group of people who really are dangerous, and who really do wish to exterminate you or force you to live under their dysfunctional ideology, you switch off your brain and stop thinking because your non existent God commands it.
Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 21 August 2014 4:20:02 AM
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You know all you blokes who sing the praises of the Israeli violence have attracted to your ranks a bloke who supports ethnic cleansing.

Now if you care to read the circumstances where this bloke thinks ethnic cleansing is OK you will quickly realize he would naturally think the ethnic cleansing undertaken by Hitler in Europe would be OK.

Does that make you somewhat want to question what attracts someone with that attitude to side with you. If he supported my view I would quickly bring him to account.

Are you all so stupidly dumbed down by the propaganda that you cannot think for youselves and castigate him for his attitudes?

You've attracted people who are apparently Holocaust supporters to your ranks. Why?
Posted by imajulianutter, Thursday, 21 August 2014 5:26:12 AM
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Hey all you Israeli propagandists your efforts are being undermind by your support office in Tel Aviv.

Lately your mates hacked into my Facebook account and posted their latest propaganda. It is causing me much mirth as I re label and pass on their efforts.

Here are three examples.
1. A video of an Israeli jet in graphic detail using guided munitions to destroy a home in Gaza.
I relabel it killing women and kids in Gaza.

2. A video of Obama telling lies, claimed the Israeli voice.
I added text: this is the leader of the country who supports Israel more than anyone else. It takes real intelligence to abuse those who support you.

3. Scenes of a Muslim mass funeral where a headline says how funny it is.
It had been doctored to include one of the 20 bodies moving.
I added the Israelis show as much respect for the dead as they do for the living.

With stupidities like this you blokes wonder why you not only lost the war but are also wondering why you are losing support in the west and are being held up for ridicule. Which Singer labels that as Jew Hating. We call it idiot exposure by the intelligent.

Don't you blokes understand the sophistication of western users of the web. Nobody with any brains is going to be persuaded by the puerile scripts and videos the Tel Aviv propaganda office present.

Good on you blokes. My god and I still love you despite all your repulsive behaviour and hate mongering.
Posted by imajulianutter, Thursday, 21 August 2014 10:45:03 AM
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