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Gaza: Hamas humiliates and manipulates world media : Comments

By David Singer, published 18/8/2014

Any journalist is free to report what they see in Gaza as long as it is coloured Hamas.

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David Singer,

No "manipulation" needed...

We saw what Israel was doing to the unarmed civilians of Gaza.

we saw it through the pictures posted on the net.

What is humiliating for the Israeli regime is that these pictures were not able to be censored.

We saw it....
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 18 August 2014 2:15:11 PM
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#The Future

Care to be more specific?


Not when it is reported that a family of eleven were killed when that did not occur.


All the reports referred to by me are sourced as hyperlinkslinks in my article. Just click on the particular words underlined and they will lead you to the reports.


Then the liars have to be exposed. I spend a lot of time on OLO doing that.


Your capacity for deceiving and misleading continues to colour your opinion.

You state:

"As to having the IDF targeting the 11th floor offices of a news agency most critical of Israeli's conduct during this war brushed off as an OOPS moment, it is just too much."

You omit to state:

"The IDF apologised claiming it was in error and said they would investigate the incident."

What else do you expect Israel to do?

Have you heard anything from the Gaza official who falsely claimed a family of eleven were dead ?

# poirot

What you see is not always the truth:

"Over the past week the hashtag #GazaUnderAttack has been used hundreds of thousands of times, often to distribute pictures claiming to show the effects the airstrikes.

Some of the images are of the current situation in Gaza, but a #BBCtrending analysis has found that some date as far back as 2009 and others are from conflicts in Syria and Iraq."
Posted by david singer, Monday, 18 August 2014 3:44:46 PM
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Yes, we were allowed to see Israels reprisals, but none of the rocket fire that precipitated/manufactured it!
For mine, Hamas, who holds its own civilian population hostage, and then like craven cowards, cowers behind it as they continue to attack Israel!
Projects a Hamas story that's is both affected and confected.
The attack on a school apparently was outside the still completely undamaged school, and possibly on a couple of Hamas fighters, just after they'd fired off yet another rocket.
I mean, why fire these things at all and at huge cost to the Gazan aid budget, which are almost completely ineffectual!
Given the knock down numbers, the early warning system, or the shelters, which unlike Hamas, the Jews provide for their civilian population.
I mean, had Hamas concentrated on defense alone, all those "tunnels" could have been civilian shelters, and the death toll significantly less or completely negated?
Which seems mostly the case in Israel!
For mine Hamas are little better than the equally mindless mass murdering Isil!
If they just used any one of a number of negotiated cease fires, to end this madness, they could simply wait out Israel, until Arabs outnumbered Jews at the ballot box!
And even as far less radical, peace loving Jews migrate away, in their hundreds of thousands; that day draws closer and closer!
Meaning, everything Hamas does now, works against them and for a nuclear armed Israel.
Who will use these terrible weapons, if backed into a corner, and or threatened with mass genocide/another holocaust!
No ifs buts or maybes!
And just because I can see the writing writ large on the wall; doesn't mean I agree with it, as proposed by less than honest, verbalizing Hamas lovers!?
And who is paying for all these thousands of quite costly Hamas rockets!?
Aid donors?
And then we wonder why aid and sympathy is drying up!
One notes that those who flew their hijacked airliners into the twin towers, included so called Christians!?
Posted by Rhrosty, Monday, 18 August 2014 4:22:36 PM
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@ David Singer posted Monday, 18 August 2014 3:44:46 PM
I am very relieved to hear that some of the fish managed to dodge the bullets, that is if what you say is true. So where does that leave us - 1900 dead instead of 1911? Lucky few!
I also find it just too twee for words that Israel and her backers - that's you, David - having manipulated the world's media for what seems like ever, now castigate Gazans for turning to social media to display their plight. Did you really think you would always get a free pass?
Of course you will get that pass as long as the nutters are in control in the US. They like shooting fish in a barrel. Witness eastern Ukraine, northern Iraq, Gaza, north-west Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and everywhere else the bombs fall and the drones fly.
Or Ferguson, Missouri, for that matter.
Posted by halduell, Monday, 18 August 2014 4:58:52 PM
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Singer you're a shocker,

You wrote; “A report that a family of 11 were killed in an Israeli air strike in Gaza has turned out to be false”

Then you put to me; “Have you heard anything from the Gaza official who falsely claimed a family of eleven were dead ?”

Clearly you were ascribing the 'falsehood' to Hamas.

Note the New Statesman article you referenced was published on the 13th.

Here is the initial piece done by the Telegraph published on the 9th.


“The eight-year-old boy's question seemed simple enough but was all the more tragically poignant for that.

"Why don't you have the lights on?" Mohammed Badran asked on waking up from reconstructive surgery carried out after an Israeli artillery shell struck the house where he slept and blew away most of his face.

"I couldn't explain it. I said it's just because you are recovering from surgery that we have the lights off," said Ghassan Abu Sitta, a British plastic surgeon who conducted the emergency procedure at Gaza City's Shifa hospital.

In fact, Mohammed's life will be forever in darkness. He lost one eye and was totally blinded in the other in the July 30 strike on his home in the southern Gaza town of Nuseirat that also seriously wounded his 10-year-old sister, Hanan, and his brother, Ebrahim, aged 12.

Now the boy's family are appealing for urgent action to transfer him to a hospital in the UK that will carry out further sophisticated surgery that is beyond the capacity of Gaza's drastically overstretched and impoverished facilities.

End quote.

Note Mohammed Badran is 8 not 10 and his entire family, though some of them seriously wounded, are certainly not totally 'wiped out'.

There certainly is a case to condemn, sloppy, sensationalist journalism but it took very little research to find the Statesman's story was wrong and probably hurriedly plucked and hyped from Tait's piece. You chose yet again to not do any due diligence because you were determined to produce media showing Hamas in a bad light.

You sir are the problem.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 18 August 2014 6:24:38 PM
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David Singer,

"What you see is not always the truth:

"Over the past week the hashtag #GazaUnderAttack has been used hundreds of thousands of times, often to distribute pictures claiming to show the effects the airstrikes.

Some of the images are of the current situation in Gaza, but a #BBCtrending analysis has found that some date as far back as 2009 and others are from conflicts in Syria and Iraq."

No doubt some pictures were from other theatres of war...but I put it to you that the vast majority were from Gaza during the Israeli assault.

As were reports being tweeted by doctors on the ground and UN representatives - not to mention 'respected" journalists.

With at least 70% civilians killed - hundreds of those children - lets not split hairs over a minority of pictures that may not have been from this conflict.

(I also note that the BBC ignored huge protests held in London against the slaughter in Gaza - not reporting them or giving them only minimal coverage)
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 18 August 2014 6:34:18 PM
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