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The Forum > Article Comments > Palestine: Jew haters - like Koran burners - cannot be condoned > Comments

Palestine: Jew haters - like Koran burners - cannot be condoned : Comments

By David Singer, published 17/9/2010

The inability of the Arabs to accept a Jewish State in the midst of 21 Islamic Arab states is at the heart of resolving the Arab-Jewish conflict.

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See it is already happening. Anyone who can see the Palestinian side is now associated with Hamas.

And we wonder why the Israelis cannot come to a fair and equitable understanding or pull in the heads of some of the more radical settler and religous zealots.

Zealotry is not limited to one side in this debate and slinging insults to people who don't see the world from your view merely is evidence that 'right' is always on shaky ground and 'right' is not exclusively owned by Jews or Muslims.
Posted by pelican, Monday, 20 September 2010 9:25:08 AM
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Amicus, your defense of 'Might is Right' is pathetic. That's how the Israeli-Jews think. That's how the Americans think. That's how Hitler thought.

It's immoral people like you who have allowed the Israelis and the Americans to advance their imperial ambitions and brutalize many nations.

Stand up and take a bow!
Posted by David G, Monday, 20 September 2010 9:54:55 AM
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David G. and his "imperial ambitions",

So if they come and tell you, "your grandfather this, your great-grandfather that, now you have no right to exist", would you not fight back? would you just leave your home and live in the gutters?

How imperial an ambition and how pervert is the desire to stay living where you were born and raised, in the home you built, together with your family, friends and community?

It is so sad that in the middle-east, in the vicinity of militant Islamists, such "pervert ambitions" cannot be realized without being armed to the teeth. It has nothing to do with Zionism. It can happen anywhere in the world, including Australia, wherever those Jihadists perceive a weakness, an opening of an opportunity for them to fulfil their imperial ambitions.

P.S. What makes it right for Israelis be punished for the imperialism of Americans?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 20 September 2010 10:19:29 AM
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To mikk

You state:

"If this idea(Jordan taking over Palestine)was coming from the Palestinians then I would be all for it. Since the Palestinian people reject the idea and its only promoters are people like you David, who have done most to cause the problems in the first place, I dont give it much credence beyond wishful thinking and self serving wishful thinking at that."

The following evidence shows that the idea is supported - not rejected - by the Palestinian Arabs.

1. The decision of the Jordanian Parliament comprised of equal numbers of Arab representatives from both sides of the Jordan River to unify the West Bank with Transjordan on the East Bank in 1950 and to change the name of the expanded country to "Jordan"

2. The continued unity of the West Bank and East Bank of the Jordan River until 1967 during which time the West Bank Arabs were Jordanian citizens - and continued to enjoy that status until 1988.

3. Article 2 of the 1964 PLO Covenant

4.Yasser Arafat in the New York Review of Books - 25 June 1987

"Jordan and Palestine until 1945 were one State actually...Before that Jordan was an emirate completely part of Palestine."

5.Abu Iyad - KUNA 19 December 1989

"You cannot make distinctions between a Jordanian and a Palestinian.

6. Palestinian Arab journalist Khalid Amayreh - Desertpeace - 18 May 2010

"the Jordanian and Palestinian peoples are the two most homogeneous and closest Arab peoples, given their ethnic, cultural and religious commonality. We are actually one people, as Arab clans on both sides of the River Jordan have one common ancestry.

This indisputable fact should debunk all the myths about any proclaimed intrinsic distinctiveness, let alone contradictions, between Jordanians and Palestinians.

It should also demolish all parochial ideologies such as territorial nationalism, namely exaggerated Palestinian and Jordanian nationalisms, ideologies that grow out of fanatical tribalism which Islam condemns as acts of Jahilyya or ignorance."

If you want any more such statements there are plenty to be found on the internet.

So mikk - are you now all for it?
Posted by david singer, Monday, 20 September 2010 11:25:57 AM
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david g, you might want to think about staying away from online forums, you don't seem to be able to cope with other people's opinions.

You can maintain the rage about Israel forever, it's not realistic and not helping anyone, except to remain angry.

If you apply the same hate to anyone who has taken over someone else's land at some stage, how far back do you go?

1,000 years?

Someone mentioned the Brits being invaded by the Normans, are they still going on about it?

As long as you want to pursue these land claims, you don't evolve in other areas, oh maybe except for gun skills, smuggling and media management .. great.

Drop the claims and either get on with the new owners, or move on.
Posted by Amicus, Monday, 20 September 2010 11:41:25 AM
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If Jordanians and Palestinians are one and the same as you claim, and given that Israel is at peace with Jordan, than the natural conclusion is that now, the war being over, Israel should return to Jordan (or Palestine, what does it matter then) ALL the territories it took in 1967, not just 90% of them. Actually, you don't even need negotiations - just leave!

There is one problem left, though: if Palestinians are truly Jordanian, then they should abide by the peace agreement between Israel and Jordan, they should respect their king, they should abandon terrorism, but apparently they don't - their CLAIM to be one and the same is simply not supported by ACTIONS.

I personally don't mind whether Palestinians are Jordanians or not: once they lay down their terrorism, they should get back their territories, in full. Whether they subsequently share it with Jordan or not is none of Israel's business.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 20 September 2010 11:49:38 AM
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