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The Forum > General Discussion > Greens Say China No Threat To Australia

Greens Say China No Threat To Australia

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Dear Ttbn,

«We DO know that the Greens are a danger to the economy, freedom of speech and our national security and economy. They have now CONFIRMED their attitude towards totalitarian Communist China. Only a person who never watches TV, never listens to radio or reads a newspaper would not know these things.»

Fortunately that describes myself, which probably places me in the best position as an impartial judge who does not know anything in advance yet seeks to find the truth of the matter.

I heard your accusations, thank you - now I like to hear the other side in defense of their position of denying those accusations. Rest assured that I will then listen in turn to your counter-arguments as well.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 19 April 2022 9:47:26 PM
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You can listen to whoever you like here, but all you will get are opinions. You say that you are a person who never watches TV, never listens to radio or reads a newspaper: so I don't see how you could judge anything at all if you don't know about it.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 19 April 2022 11:15:01 PM
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This comes from a person that belongs to the greens that Andrew Forrest claims is a “party of paedophiles”
Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 20 April 2022 3:56:50 AM
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Hi Yuyutsu,

In an ideal world, your descriptive "healthy family" would be there to love, care for and support others within the family as you say, but we know we don't live in an ideal world. Many within our society for various reasons don't have that support, and without help they simply would not survive, many barely surviving now, with the support available. Greens policy attempts to address reality to a degree, is it ideal, not always, but it is an attempt to bring social justice to the world.

I had to laugh when ttbn attacked you for not being "informed". Before the last election he was singing the praises of the hastily conceived and quickly knocked together Australian Conservative Party, he even joined, it must have been the name that done it. When I asked about policy, as it was severely lacking on their website, ttbn couldn't answer, and cut and run from the discussion very quickly. The party had a basic platform of; "Vote for us first, then we'll come up with policy", they achieved less than half a percent of the popular vote. The party quickly disappeared up Cory Bernardi arse, leaving ttbn with no party, no policy and no dosh (the old chap had given generously). Oh they did have one policy CB and the other party insiders (ttbn was not one) were wizzing around the country, staying in five star accommodation, and living the high life. Good onya Old Fart!

SM, now a disciple of Andrew 'Twiggy' Forrest, the messiah ah. Do you also agree with Forrest that Australia should go easy on China, its jeopardizing his fortune. So jerking off on desks is now Liberal Party Policy? Do they give practical demonstrations at branch meetings, having attended one, I think they do. You should go to Canberra, the Liberals might invite you into the "Prayer Room" for a bit of slap and tickle.

Poor Big Business and Multi-Nationals, someone has the hide to demand they pay their fair share of tax, terrible, 'Iron Balls' Thatcher never did that!
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 20 April 2022 6:06:39 AM
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And young impressionable women who firmly believe the sky is falling: And of course, their Consorts who must follow for a slim chance of getting their end in.
And a vast array of the gay rights crowd waving rainbow flags. Then of course, the Paul 14.05 Kim from Nimbum , (however, I’m beginning to suspect his contamination of Byron Bay, with its incurable diseases, and permanent riot squad, as a consequence of Green-Think). Mmmm.

Now Yuyutsu:
Something has happened in your life that has turned your gaze from the imperative of spiritualism towards the horrors of world Politics.
I don’t think the latter agrees with you.
And when you less than subtly deride those like myself who don’t have a TV set, let alone search for opportunities to watch one: And don’t read newspapers; and doesn’t listen to radios, you describe me to a tee.
I simply stick to reading tea leaves in the bottom of a cup, which keeps me occupied sifting through supermarket shelves among the tea bags sanctioned by Greens, for tea leaves.

it’s been a very long tradition over many years, being flung around the globe on an endless hate campaign, clipped to the shirt tail of our favourite Uncle, Sam.
Just as Multiculturalism has simmered all in the great big melting pot to produce an A-Typical Australian identity, (I admit I’m confused by the outcome of the resulting broth),
And just as the long tail of the verb is confusing this paragraph, China is on our doorstep as the new tradition.
Do we act in panic and shoot madly in every direction, or follow the greens policies of denial, forged by young immature women and homosexuals waving rainbow flags, cheered-on by dikes in high places, (and of course Paul 14.95klm from Nimbum), and deny the fact?

Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 20 April 2022 6:50:40 AM
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Dear Paul,

Yes, I understand that the world (as seen from human eyes) is less than ideal. But what kind of policy is it to punish and further undermine those who still do the right thing and support their families down the generations?

That particular policy of the Greens would encourage people to "spend it quickly now" before government takes away their earnings, leaving many more poor and destitute in the long run.

Getting back to Ttbn's original claims about the Greens forming a fifth-column in support of China, I would appreciate more specific details about the Greens' China/defense policies beyond merely stating that Ttbn's claims are "unsubstantiated" and leaving it there.


Dear Dan,

«Something has happened in your life that has turned your gaze from the imperative of spiritualism towards the horrors of world Politics.»

Yes, it is called "elections": if I don't vote I will be fined, so I need to conduct a little study of the parties to make sure that I rank the very worst last, the least-evil first and all between in the right order.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 20 April 2022 8:47:12 AM
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