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Its not really flooding

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Bazz, it's called greed and avarice.
You can apportion a fair amount of blame, when talking about properties, to developers.
We have the exact case in point here the West.
Many years ago, (approx 40yrs) I purchased a "weekender", on the coast.
Our property backed onto properties facing the water.
We always wondered how the "waterfront" got building permits, being so close to the water.
My wife later answered the question as she had previously worked for a govt dept, The Lands Dept.
She remembered the case as she drew up the plans for the boundaries to those very properties, and said that originally the building line was up to our back fence.
But property developers lobbied the right scum-bags and hey presto, even at the behest of the Lands Dept, the boundary was shifted further towards the shore line, thereby creating "beach front" properties, and a lot of money to boot.
Well a few years ago, my wife was vindicated, when we had a huge storm, which washed away ALL the beach/foreshore, and eroded back to within, in some cases, 5metres from the foundations of those water front properties.
Resulting in the decision to return the building boundary back to the line our back fence is on, OR the original boundary as the Lands Dept had previously and originally set, and recommended.
The result of this developer greed is, that existing blocks that are now between our back fence and the water, cannot be built on, and existing buildings cannot be demolished to build a NEW dwelling.
Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 23 March 2021 12:12:27 PM
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Politicians and developers don't care what happens if they can make money and the fact that the sand that the sea builds up can, at any moment, be taken back doesn't enter into their considerations beyond a hope that it does not happen in their lifetimes.
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 23 March 2021 2:48:36 PM
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Issy, too true.
One of my disappointments is that these scum-bag thieves have made their blood money, then run.
Many years later people, mostly innocent, end up losing everything because of the developers and the politicians greed and avarice.
My wish, on this matter is that, even though these people hide behind "arms length" companies, and also for tax minimisation purposes, we may not be able to touch them legally, so I always hoped that enough focused and determined men, took the lead and sought these scum-bags out, then made sure they never took advantage of another living thing ever again.
And under the threat of death.
In fact in MY version, they are eliminated completely from life itself.
Enough of this kind of action and we just might see a change in attitude towards their fellow humans, as human beings, and not as financial targets/cash cows.
Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 23 March 2021 4:16:38 PM
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You started off asserting that I was straight up lying about what Flannery said.

You're now reduced to admitting that indeed he was less than forthcoming in 'clarifying' what he said. I look forward to your withdrawing the lying claim.

Anyway it comes down to this - you think he was just misinterpreted and was tardy in setting people straight. I think he was deliberately ambiguous and allowed people to think that 'the science' showed the dams would never fill because that suited his propaganda purposes. Tomato, tomato.

We see this all the time in so-called climate science. Remember when the Arctic was going to be ice-free by 2013? Remember when the Obamessiah had 4 years to save the planet? Remember when polar bears were going extinct? Remember when snow was a thing of the past?

If the science was a strong as they claim they wouldn't have to fabricate these scares.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 24 March 2021 11:56:28 AM
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Dear mhaze,

Bloody hell mate are you really still banging on about this little lie of yours and Bolt's.

This is what Flannery said during the 7:30 interview.

“We’re already seeing the initial impacts and they include a decline in the winter rainfall zone across southern Australia, which is clearly an impact of climate change, but also a decrease in run-off. Although we’re getting say a 20 per cent decrease in rainfall in some areas of Australia, that’s translating to a 60 per cent decrease in the run-off into the dams and rivers. That’s because the soil is warmer because of global warming and the plants are under more stress and therefore using more moisture. So even the rain that falls isn’t actually going to fill our dams and our river systems”

How on earth is that interpreted to mean the dams would never fill again by any other than the ideological twisted, like the two of you.

You little 5 second truncated snatch of the conversation was produced with malice and forethought attempts to convey an entirely different meaning.

However this really shouldn't surprise anyone familiar with you tactics and it doesn't. However it is getting tiresome.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 24 March 2021 5:02:20 PM
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The thing I find offensive and misleading about the discussion between SR and mhaze, is that it, (the discussion) completely ignores the value, relevance and effect (if any) that this GW thing is being purported to be the cause/fault of all our woe's.
All I have seen in my 70+ years on this earth and all the while born and living in Australia, for much/most of it, is simply a minor shift in weather patterns.
Shifts that have occurred before and will keep occurring again.
In the West we have NOT had the heat waves of years gone by.
Instead what I have noticed, is that OUR weather has moved East, and the Eastern states have been copping the heat and usual disruptions we normally used to endure.
So completely refuting this BS of a pathetic implied increase in global temp, I suggest just getting on with our lives, as whatever this is, it ain't anything we have done, and consequently, there ain't nothing we can/or should do.
End of!
If you guys haven't tweaked yet to what is ACTUALLY going on, well I'm not saying anything on this PC, truth, speech restricted medium, I'll say it all as soon as my pod-cast is set up.
Won't be long now, then you can get the un-censored, un-vetted, truth about the things I have been able to discover/uncover.
Posted by ALTRAV, Wednesday, 24 March 2021 5:33:12 PM
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