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The Forum > General Discussion > The Virus, Suppression or Elimination?

The Virus, Suppression or Elimination?

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we have had a flu vaccine for decades! That works well doesn't it. And now we in year we are going to have a workable vaccine. You guys line up first.
Posted by runner, Monday, 27 July 2020 4:30:36 PM
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runner, "we have had a flu vaccine for decades! That works well doesn't it" Yes it does work well, often people with the common cold mistakenly confuse it with influenza.

Members of fundo religious cults shun medical intervention, according to these devotees its all down to "gods will", and anything else is sinful. There was the instance of some religious Catholic woman in western Sydney over several days, running from church to church, turning up at funerals of people she didn't know, simply spreading the virus to others. Maybe she seen it as her religious duty to do so.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 28 July 2020 6:13:31 AM
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"Just when many thought Australia had the virus under control with a suppression strategy, "Victoria happened"" Rubbish, the suppression was working well until "bubonic Dan" happened.

While extolling comrade Jacinda, you forget that this show pony had a number of factors heavily on her side:
1 NZ has not eliminated the virus, as there are a number of infected people in quarantine after returning to NZ, and the hotels being used for quarantine are guarded by professionals not the rent a crowd numbskulls with 2 mins of training hired in Victoria.
2 NZ has a far smaller population of 1/5th of Aus which makes it exponentially easier to eradicate.
3 The virus arrived in NZ later giving NZ a head start.

What else is clear is that many Victorians have lost all patience and their willingness to self sacrifice is gone for the labor induced 2nd wave.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 28 July 2020 10:44:09 AM
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'here was the instance of some religious Catholic woman in western Sydney over several days, running from church to church, turning up at funerals of people she didn't know, simply spreading the virus to others. Maybe she seen it as her religious duty to do so.'

and religous people like you Paul who attends marxist tantrums in the name of blm's. Are you going today?
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 28 July 2020 10:46:17 AM
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Shadow Minister,

Daniel Andrews was being pressured by Scott Morrison to get out from under the doona, open up the schools, get everyone back into the workplace, and open the borders.

We can all recall Dan Tehan MP lampooning Andrews on TV for wanting to maintain restrictions to contain the spread of the WuFlu instead of doing what Scott Morrison was telling him to do.

Andrews buckled under pressure from Scott Morrison, did what Morrison wanted, and now look at the mess that's got him into.

It's obvious to me that Morrison is the real source of the problem in Victoria, not Andrews.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 28 July 2020 10:53:17 AM
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O come on Mr O

Morrison is also best mates with Donald so surely you can blame him. I mean Dan's handling of quarantine in hotels was beautiful. Making sure his unions were happy and that workers bonked the inmates in exchange for other favours. I will give you that Morrison was totally foolish to form an alliance with socialist like Andrews.

There is little evidence these lockdowns will do any good. You have been listening to the 'experts' change their mind every second day.

I actually listened to an African American woman doctor who has treated over 360 covid patients many of which were elderly. Not one died and all her staff have also been treated. None have contracted the virus. Surprise, surprise she prescribed hydroxychloroquine. Oh dear we would rather see many more deaths than swallow our pride and save life. NO its all a joke and not ending well as the panic porn and misinformation is pushed by Fauci, Gates and Governments. Conspiracy, conspiracy!
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 28 July 2020 11:12:07 AM
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