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The Forum > General Discussion > The Virus, Suppression or Elimination?

The Virus, Suppression or Elimination?

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Loudie, you said, "Week 26: Twenty five million Australians - we don't have 32 million to spare.

And July's not yet over.

So doing nothing, as your Dystopian agenda would have demanded, would have hit pretty much all of us by now. Maybe a million might have died by now."

Them's your words. I'm calling them hysterical nonsense and invite you to explain the graph I provided and ttbn's observation now saying the same thing as the graph.
Posted by Luciferase, Wednesday, 5 August 2020 2:57:21 PM
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I'll stick by my hypothetical: that if nothing whatever had been done, let her rip, bring on herd immunity,


if the number of cases or deaths had doubled at a regular rate each week,

then quite possibly, yes, our entire population could have been affected by now. There are many, many factors which confound this hypothesis, one way or the other, but that's still how things could have been, without strong co-ordination amongst our state and federal governments.

I realise that's it's easy to sit around with your thumb up your arse but do you have a better hypothesis ?

Posted by loudmouth2, Wednesday, 5 August 2020 3:18:04 PM
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ttbn picked it in one. Not a chance facts can have any impact on hysteria. Just have to let it peter out and wait for the penny to drop, and drop it will, but sadly not before we've completely screwed the lives and prospects of a generation or two of Australians.

I'm helplessly watching a train-wreck.
Posted by Luciferase, Wednesday, 5 August 2020 8:16:57 PM
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One of the singers of the sixties, one of our teen idols, Trini Lopez, died of the Covid-19 virus on Tuesday, August 11.

Posted by loudmouth2, Friday, 14 August 2020 1:28:24 PM
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I have heard that NZ's efforts came unstuck when members of a certain family took delivery of goods sent to them from China.

Which tells me that the WuFlu is alive and well and still thriving at its source.

Without the vaccine to fight the virus people need to accept they will have to isolate their country totally because the outbreaks are being caused by infected people coming into the country, not by internal factors.

So Australia will need to shut itself off from the outside world if it wants any chance of eliminating future outbreaks. I doubt if that will happen so people better get used to an endless series of waves that will gradually decimate the entire population irrespective of age and fitness.

PS I have also heard that the WuFlu virus thrives in any temperature and environment but the colder it gets the more resilient the WuFlu virus is to being eradicated.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Friday, 14 August 2020 2:52:51 PM
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So you're asserting that the virus can remain viable after days of international travel, perhaps at sub-freezing temperatures ?

And are you also asserting that it was deliberately sent from China to somebody in south Auckland, in order to infect people in New Zealand ?

Perhaps you need to elucidate on how you believe - or, in your case, 'know' - how it happened.

Posted by loudmouth2, Friday, 14 August 2020 2:59:35 PM
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