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The Forum > General Discussion > The Failing Australian Economy

The Failing Australian Economy

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Dear individual,

“C'mon, they didn't have the billions from the Futures fund that your mates squandered & from which the nation has not yet recovered.”

Stop being a complete fool. You are running some trumped up Coalition talking point which is completely incorrect and even after you have had the figures presented to you direct from the Future Fund's annual reports, you are still saying they are dubious?

So you show me where 'billions were plucked from the fund and squandered'. They weren't.

When you ran this line the first time and got shown to be full of it we could at least consider you as ignorant of the facts. To to wheel it out again shows a particular determination to remain ignorant which is breath-taking. I'm bloody sure that within a year you will try the same bulldust line again.

But for now it's time to put a sock in it, unless of course you are prepared to retract.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 30 November 2019 3:30:45 PM
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But for now it's time to put a sock in it, unless of course you are prepared to retract.
Steele Redux,
The onus is on you to prove why your buddies lost the elections whilst they were such magnificent fiscal & economic managers in your opinion.
Lovely figures in those future fund ads but where are the figures for the people who lost their jobs ? Didn't we have a fair bit of unemployment over these years ? Where does the foreign debt fit into all this ? Cover-up figures just don't cut it for me, I look at the everyday people around me & that's how I gauge the state of the economy. Not by party-loyal pamphlets.
Since you're so good at digging up pamphlets why don't you provide links to as to how many bureaucrats are Labor, even when a Coalition Govt is in power ? 60 %, 80 % ,more perhaps ?
No wonder your pamphlets show such good figures. Forget about hood-winking statistics, show us good export earnings from our manufacturing if you can find any that is.
Show us the employment figures that are supposedly so good for our economy by those people who have been here for years but are still on welfare.
Start talking reality !
Posted by individual, Saturday, 30 November 2019 4:59:47 PM
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indy you must understand you can not just make it up
Record rise in what part of social security
In the end you calm my world, see some who target Labor actually have an understanding of what they talk about unlike you
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 30 November 2019 6:02:06 PM
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Dear individual,

You explicitly said;

"C'mon, they didn't have the billions from the Futures fund that your mates squandered & from which the nation has not yet recovered.”

That is, as I have shown you, a demonstrable lie. Now you might want to deflect, to muddy the waters, to go off tangent which is fine. But you most certainly haven't dealt with this glaring mistruth. Labour did not squander billions from the furute fund as you asserted did they.

Fess up, acknowledge you got this wrong yet again, learn from it, and try and rescue a modicum of credibility.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 30 November 2019 6:18:41 PM
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I don't know why you're all so worried. The Chinese will look after us.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Saturday, 30 November 2019 7:04:23 PM
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Belly & Steele Redux,
I do understand what you're on about, i just don't fall for it ! I do understand how the system works, I just don't think it's getting us anywhere. The proof is in the state we're in. Just because that's the way things have been done for along time only proves how flawed it all is.
But I don't get the impression you care about it as long as as you can cling to your Labor straw men. Get this into you, Labor has been the spanner in the works for decades, full stop !
They're the ones sabotaging anything that smells of sense & could possibly be good for the Nation. You complain about the Coalition not catching up after Labor after just mere months in Govt, Labor couldn't even manage to clean up its own mess after years ! Get real !
Stop sabotaging this Nation for no other reason than jealousy that you're incapable !
Posted by individual, Saturday, 30 November 2019 10:12:42 PM
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