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The Forum > General Discussion > The Failing Australian Economy

The Failing Australian Economy

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Is Australian heading for a recession? After 28 years of continuations growth the economy is looking decidedly weak. The Morrison government needs to wake up. It spent the entire election campaign telling us the economy was strong despite clear evidence that was not the case, and now in the light of some of the worst economic growth figures this century it would have us believe all is going to plan. If that is so, what the heck does that say about their plan? The so called gurus of economic management, Morrison and Frydenber, have nothing to offer in the way of stimulus, despite all the experts telling the government, action is need now.

Is the government simply retreating to the old conservative mantra of no action, and letting the free market take its course, a bugger the people attitude.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 21 November 2019 5:51:03 AM
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Today Australia is suffering from the worst annual growth rate since March 1992, when the economy were still in the midst of the 1990s recession. The bigger problem is that this poor performance in the market sector is widespread, with the mining sector the only real strong performer. But the mining sector, with its shift towards exports, no longer has the impact on jobs and wages that it did during the early 2000s mining boom. If we exclude mining, the market sector of the economy is performing even worse, growing at just 0.3%, and worse than occurred during the GFC.

The pathetic government response has been to "fast track" $3.8 billion of infrastructure spending. With none of this spending to take effect for 18 months, is it a case of too little, too late.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 21 November 2019 8:09:56 AM
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It has been said by more than one ecomomist that the government - in particular our cardboard PM, who doesn't show much interest in anything - doesn't have a clue just how bad our economy is. And, it's not good. But, just imagine the horrible mess our economy would be in by now had the Green/ALP gained office at the last election.

Shorten and Bowen actually spelt out their policies for wrecking the joint. That's why Shorten is no longer leader, Bowen is no longer shadow treasurer, and we don't have a Labor government.

But, we still have a goon for treasurer: Frydenberg, who is signalling that he is about to fix things by again attacking the poorest people in the community, Age Pensioners, and those pesky old people who are such a burden on the health system.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 21 November 2019 8:45:49 AM
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ttbn, falling into the Morrison's trap; "Don't look at me...imagine how much worse it would be if the other guy (Labor) was in charge." Imagine how much worse those bushfires would be if instead of dropping water on the fires, those fire bombing planes were dropping petrol. Imaging what is not the case is simply shifting focus from the real here and now problems.

What is needed is a move away from the conservative ideology of paying down debt at all cost, not appropriate with a recession looming. With Australia's AAA credit rating and historically low interest rates, borrow money, stimulate the economy by putting cash into the hands of those low income earners pensioners, unemployed, people who will spend it immediately and stimulate the sluggish economy.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 21 November 2019 9:21:08 AM
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Well what do you know, our ratbag Green thinks K Rudds pink bats school halls & hand outs was just the prescription, not a debt inducing catastrophe all intelligent folk now recognise for the stuff up it was.

Just a quick look at the current bush fires shows you what greenie think about the bush gets you, & their economic thinking is even worse.
Paying ourselves twice what we're worth, & strangling industry, agriculture & mining with thousands of pages of regulation is what is killing our economy.

Just look at what Trump has done for the US economy, It's booming, not by debt inducing hand outs, but by driving a bulldozer through the mountains of unnecessary bureaucratic regulation, & cutting the tax burden so loved by the greens & left alike.

Sit on NSW & Victoria governments & their ratbag regulations preventing harvesting their own gas. Follow Trump & drill baby drill, prosperity lies there in cheap energy, not in restrictions & incredibly expensive alternative energy costs.

A tip for Morrison, to fix the economy, just listen to the left/greens, then do the opposite. And a new rule. Never write a page of regulation/law, without rescinding 3 pages of already existing regulation.
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 21 November 2019 10:31:20 AM
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Paul once again you have it right, ignore hasbeens post he knows no better
And highlight the housing boom has restarted and when that bubble bursts remember it got subsidy from this government
Yes we are headed for recession, and it will be soon
Before [or will it bring it on?] the next federal election
Scomo seems to have left his best at that Macas some time ago, yes he trampled us in the campaign for a short time after I thought him Howard like
He is far from it
We are in debt private household, and unlikely in an ever lower wage economy to get out of it before the coming economic crisis
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 21 November 2019 10:58:07 AM
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