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The Failing Australian Economy

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Dear SteeleRedux,

Don't worry, it'll be alright, ScuMo and his mates are bringing in a lot more cashed up Chinese to keep the economy afloat. This is ScuMo's economic policy.

He's now going to use this policy in the country by sending the cashed up Chinese migrants to regional centres where they will inject billions into the rural economies buying up real estate and businesses. It's good for Australia, it's good for jobs, and better still it's good for ScuMo's hip pocket.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Friday, 29 November 2019 7:45:29 PM
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This mob have doubled the debt without the excuse of battling the GFC.
SteeleRedux ,
C'mon, they didn't have the billions from the Futures fund that your mates squandered & from which the nation has not yet recovered. Bludgers have done alright but the ordinary blue collar jockey's still battling because of it. I bet that doesn't show up in your OECD pamphlets !
Posted by individual, Saturday, 30 November 2019 7:21:01 AM
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INDIVIDUAL you understand? you do don't you? that every single word in that post is a Teminalocical Inxactatude [LIE, NOT TRUE?]
Here in front of our eyes truth lays, a victim of a bashing by the very type of supporter Morrison should start to fear
Liberalism was built by and for middle Australia
That long trip right has taken it away from its base
And a report from the LNP, set up to look at the last election tells us this
*That victory was narrow, it will leave a narrow path to another victory*
Here now know that blue collar Australia that both Menzies and Howard owned will not buy the lies such as indy sells
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 30 November 2019 11:52:26 AM
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Dear individual,

Are you seriously trotting out this rot again? We dealt with this earlier this year. You were shown to be utterly and spectacularly wrong.

That is the very definition of willful ignorance.


"“SteeleRedux, So, where did that 60 Billion Futures Fund fit in then ?”

Oh good lord mate. Labour not only didn't raid it they created 4 accompanying funds.

“In his 2008 Australian federal budget speech, the Treasurer, Wayne Swan announced three new "Nation-Building Funds", also to be managed by the Future Fund Board. These included a $20 billion Building Australia Fund to invest in roads, rail, ports and broadband; an $11 billion Education Investment Fund, which absorbed the $6 billion Higher Education Endowment Fund set up by the previous government; and a $10 billion Health and Hospital Fund. In that budget and the following 2009 federal budget, the Labor Rudd Government promised A$41 billion to create these new funds.”

The total funds held under management, as at 31 December each year, inclusive of funds held in the Building Australia Fund, the Health and Hospitals Fund, the Education Investment Fund and the DisabilityCare Australia Fund, are:

(31 Dec) Total funds
(billions) Notes

2008 Increase to A$59.62
2009 Increase to A$87.23
2010 Increase to A$90.51
2011 Decrease to A$89.39
2012 Increase to A$94.96
2013 Increase to A$107.36
2014 Increase to A$119.47
2015 Increase to A$128.5
2016 Increase to A$139.5
2017 Decrease to A$138.9
2018 Increase to A$147.0

So you can see the largest additions to the fund have been under Labour governments. It would appear they might be pretty good at this kind of stuff."
Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 30 November 2019 12:49:12 PM
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Steele Redux,
Sounds impressive to the gullible but, where did this money come from in times of record de-industrialisation & record increases in welfare & record spending on matters refugee & record spending on Anti terrorism etc ?
Or, is this as I suspect just another hood-winking waffle gobbledygook ? If Labor was that great in matters economic then please explain how they got voted out because the Coalition certainly didn't get voted in ! They got in because most people wanted Labor out & I for one can't get myself to believe it was on account of sound economic management !
Posted by individual, Saturday, 30 November 2019 1:19:44 PM
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Idy, yes rot, yes again Labor [Rudd /Gillard increased our debt
But it kept us out of recession
You, probably unaware, gave no weight to this Truth, post those leaders YOUR side has? doubled the national debt!
Labor to be honest, has work to do, if it wants to win, it must learn from Bill Shorten, watch and learn from England's Corbyn
Taking a leader we know is going to fail in to an election betrays every member and all those who came before
We Have the right leader, now for the right policies
We must, now and for the future, follow the voters, not try leading them in directions they do not want to go
And too put the best ACHIEVABLE policy in place
But your mob, in their own report, see difficulties ahead
You damn my party, lay the years 1972 till 1975 Whitlams years, as evidence for today's troubles!
KNOW even the very right in your side know the Keating/Hawke reforms rebuilt this nation, opened up banking trade floated the dollar and stopped us becoming the failed western state it was headed for
Right now, months away from a truly bad recession world wide, trade wars, doubts about America's ability or willingness to protect us, we need a government far far better than this redneck one
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 30 November 2019 3:11:35 PM
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