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The Forum > General Discussion > The Failing Australian Economy

The Failing Australian Economy

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Why are we even debating it?
Steele Redux,
Because it needs to be told that decades of mismanagement & mindless indoctrination can't be undone in one or two terms by the Govt that inherits the mess. Particularly, when most of the problem-creating bureaucrats are staunch Labor even in a Coalition Govt.
I really thought you could understand that ! Alas !
Posted by individual, Thursday, 28 November 2019 5:22:47 PM
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Fraser left office with the Australian economy ranked 20th in the world, Keating left with it ranked 6th. Howard left with it ranked 10th and Gillard left it ranked 2nd. We are now ranked 10th and falling.

Labour governments can turn it around within their terms, why are you saying it takes decades?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 28 November 2019 5:39:16 PM
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Steele Redux,
Being 10th, 6th or 2nd is mere academic "experts" waffle. These "experts" are always employed by some worthless Govt funded outfit because they're literally unemployable in any field that requires competence.
The figures you show did not reflect the standard of living in the workforce at all. The collapse of the car industry, the failure to pay countless contractors who never got paid, the dumbing down in the education system, the crime rate, the housing dilemma, the influx of the many boat people, many of whom are still on welfare, the list goes on. Those who are deemed fully employed because they work 10 hours a week would also strongly dispute your figures.
So, the figures you listed are in actual fact utterly pointless as they do not reflect the actual & true situation.
The "experts" should cease wasting so much taxpayers funding & judge the living standard by by that of the blue collar workforce, not by hangers-on academic "experts".
Posted by individual, Friday, 29 November 2019 6:30:40 AM
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Labor turned the economy around? what a joke. Who does these rankings a bunch of chimpanzees, the same morons that voted Whine Swan as the best treasurer?
Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 29 November 2019 8:03:37 AM
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Lucky day today steelredux , thought it was scomo standing in front of me at Macas
Lucky it was not, just cleaned my shoes
He at least got the country away from talking about the economy, unfortunately got them talking about his talking to was it Alan Jones? AND CLAIMING THE CONVERSATION WAS WITH A COP!
He while defending a total failure of a minister put his name on the not fit for the job list
Posted by Belly, Friday, 29 November 2019 10:30:38 AM
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Yes Labor can turn the economy around alright, turn it around to catastrophe.

The vicious Gillard left us with a couple of ticking time bombs, designed to make balancing the budget, & getting us out of the huge Labor inured debt, totally impossible.

The NDIS, & Gonski, on top of the huge runaway mess from Krudd of the NBN has locked us into the poor house for decades. Economy destroying at it's very best as practiced by by the left.

Only a bureaucrat, an idiot or both, could approve of such waste.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 29 November 2019 2:41:38 PM
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