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The Failing Australian Economy

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Is Australian heading for a recession? After 28 years of continuations growth the economy is looking decidedly weak. The Morrison government needs to wake up. It spent the entire election campaign telling us the economy was strong despite clear evidence that was not the case, and now in the light of some of the worst economic growth figures this century it would have us believe all is going to plan. If that is so, what the heck does that say about their plan? The so called gurus of economic management, Morrison and Frydenber, have nothing to offer in the way of stimulus, despite all the experts telling the government, action is need now.

Is the government simply retreating to the old conservative mantra of no action, and letting the free market take its course, a bugger the people attitude.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 21 November 2019 5:51:03 AM
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Today Australia is suffering from the worst annual growth rate since March 1992, when the economy were still in the midst of the 1990s recession. The bigger problem is that this poor performance in the market sector is widespread, with the mining sector the only real strong performer. But the mining sector, with its shift towards exports, no longer has the impact on jobs and wages that it did during the early 2000s mining boom. If we exclude mining, the market sector of the economy is performing even worse, growing at just 0.3%, and worse than occurred during the GFC.

The pathetic government response has been to "fast track" $3.8 billion of infrastructure spending. With none of this spending to take effect for 18 months, is it a case of too little, too late.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 21 November 2019 8:09:56 AM
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It has been said by more than one ecomomist that the government - in particular our cardboard PM, who doesn't show much interest in anything - doesn't have a clue just how bad our economy is. And, it's not good. But, just imagine the horrible mess our economy would be in by now had the Green/ALP gained office at the last election.

Shorten and Bowen actually spelt out their policies for wrecking the joint. That's why Shorten is no longer leader, Bowen is no longer shadow treasurer, and we don't have a Labor government.

But, we still have a goon for treasurer: Frydenberg, who is signalling that he is about to fix things by again attacking the poorest people in the community, Age Pensioners, and those pesky old people who are such a burden on the health system.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 21 November 2019 8:45:49 AM
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ttbn, falling into the Morrison's trap; "Don't look at me...imagine how much worse it would be if the other guy (Labor) was in charge." Imagine how much worse those bushfires would be if instead of dropping water on the fires, those fire bombing planes were dropping petrol. Imaging what is not the case is simply shifting focus from the real here and now problems.

What is needed is a move away from the conservative ideology of paying down debt at all cost, not appropriate with a recession looming. With Australia's AAA credit rating and historically low interest rates, borrow money, stimulate the economy by putting cash into the hands of those low income earners pensioners, unemployed, people who will spend it immediately and stimulate the sluggish economy.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 21 November 2019 9:21:08 AM
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Well what do you know, our ratbag Green thinks K Rudds pink bats school halls & hand outs was just the prescription, not a debt inducing catastrophe all intelligent folk now recognise for the stuff up it was.

Just a quick look at the current bush fires shows you what greenie think about the bush gets you, & their economic thinking is even worse.
Paying ourselves twice what we're worth, & strangling industry, agriculture & mining with thousands of pages of regulation is what is killing our economy.

Just look at what Trump has done for the US economy, It's booming, not by debt inducing hand outs, but by driving a bulldozer through the mountains of unnecessary bureaucratic regulation, & cutting the tax burden so loved by the greens & left alike.

Sit on NSW & Victoria governments & their ratbag regulations preventing harvesting their own gas. Follow Trump & drill baby drill, prosperity lies there in cheap energy, not in restrictions & incredibly expensive alternative energy costs.

A tip for Morrison, to fix the economy, just listen to the left/greens, then do the opposite. And a new rule. Never write a page of regulation/law, without rescinding 3 pages of already existing regulation.
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 21 November 2019 10:31:20 AM
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Paul once again you have it right, ignore hasbeens post he knows no better
And highlight the housing boom has restarted and when that bubble bursts remember it got subsidy from this government
Yes we are headed for recession, and it will be soon
Before [or will it bring it on?] the next federal election
Scomo seems to have left his best at that Macas some time ago, yes he trampled us in the campaign for a short time after I thought him Howard like
He is far from it
We are in debt private household, and unlikely in an ever lower wage economy to get out of it before the coming economic crisis
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 21 November 2019 10:58:07 AM
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Hassy, you are delusional, get Nursy to give you a double dose of your medication before its to late. The in house bingo starts in five minutes. So on your zimmer frame and off you go, you bloody old fool.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 21 November 2019 11:12:52 AM
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G'day HASBEEN...You've said it all, my friend. I agree with everything you've said!
Posted by o sung wu, Thursday, 21 November 2019 11:43:04 AM
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Spare me what you think is snappy repartee. If we didn't have an LNP government you would never have brought up this topic.

" What is needed is a move away from the conservative ideology…..". Yeah. Sure. Let's have some of that old extreme Green socialist ideology. That'll put things right. It's worked so, so well in the past! And it was going to go the same way with Green-backed Labor this time if the electorate hadn't been on the ball.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 21 November 2019 12:29:01 PM
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Yeah lets follow Venezualla like the abc/greens/regressives were so keen on not long back. Just ended up like every other marxist diaster.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 21 November 2019 12:35:15 PM
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Paul while we differ and always will on your party's worth you get kicking after kicking for? holding another opinion!
Rest old mate.
We are about to see this government come a gutser, believe it.
Albo will lead us out of the wreckage and even you may like him
Let us NEVER forget apart from our views about each others parties we swim in the fair go mate end of the pool
Watch our up and coming next Hawke, leave you to name him but it is not Albo [our next PM]
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 21 November 2019 2:33:08 PM
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What are you on about? There were no GDP announcements today. Or any time recently. No question things aren't great but let's stay in the rough vicinity of reality. OK?

" If we exclude mining, the market sector of the economy is performing even worse..." bblah blah.

And if I exclude my left leg, I'm the ideal weight.

Why willy-nilly exclude mining? And did you exclude mining when making your 1992 comparison or any of the other comparisons for that matter.

Again, what the hell are you raving about?
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 21 November 2019 2:39:23 PM
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As expected, like the Morrison government, the forums bunch of conservative experts have nothing to offer when discussing the looming economic crisis facing Australia. In fact they have nothing worthwhile to offer on any subject, past tense dreamers of yesteryear the lot of them. These guys seem to live in a fantasy world populated by old memories of 1965, stuck in the past, they cannot think ahead, they cannot contemplate the future. Like rabbits in the headlights, they sit and wait to get run over. Come on old fellas, out of the easy chairs, and offer something concrete. No wonder they hate me, asking for an effort.

How does Australia head off recession, or at least minimise it effects. Ask the conservatives with their don't look at me for an answer, or should the Government be prepared to take strong fiscal and economic action. Attack is the best defence, "Heading into recession, government should be ready with proposals that provide an effective fiscal boost to aggregate demand growth. Policies should be constructed not only to be effective economically, but also to be effective politically, in order to ensure broad and engaged popular support."

What is this government arming itself with to fight the next recession? Nothing more that denial, and a liberal dose of smoke and mirrors, in my opinion its going to be crash and burn with these fools running the show.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 21 November 2019 2:48:01 PM
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Rather than rubbish other people, tell us what you are going to do. What does a little old anonymous Greenie do except mouthing off like everyone else. We are just given opinions here - opinions that people who could do something are not interested in and will not act on.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 21 November 2019 3:19:12 PM
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we could go 100% renewables and change the climate by stop mining coal. We could give free drugs to druggies (oh that's right we already do), we could pay bludgers to superglue themselves to the road. Then we can spend millions reeducating kids by telling them just because they have a penis they are not necessarily male. They are not old enough to drive a car but old enough to have surgery to 'change' their sex. We could continue to make our workforce dependable on the few who pay taxes and create another million public servant jobs to add to the red, yellow, pink and rainbow tape for anyone wanting to earn an honest living. Oh then we can open our borders again just like Phelps, other feminist and the Greens who allowed an Iranian who injected his penis with oil to take a hosptital bed and skip those waiting to come legally. I mean he only had about 50 offenses including vilionce but nothing to see. Yep the Greens have much to offer.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 21 November 2019 3:34:47 PM
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Yep, that's what Paul and the Greens stand for. The only way to get rid of them is to stop preferential voting. They wouldn't be infesting infesting the system without it.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 21 November 2019 10:13:27 PM
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The Australian economy is well and truly stuck in the mud and nobody knows what to do about it.

What we should be asking ourselves is how this came about.

I put the blame on three bodies: (1) the politicians of all persuasions starting from Bob Hawke (2) the bureaucrats, and (3) the business community.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Friday, 22 November 2019 4:54:14 AM
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Paul you are targeted but in the end by pop guns not facts
The country has great difficulties ahead, we are stagnating and it will hurt
Personal debt has been waiting to harm us and with wage stagnation it soon will
Housing is again on fire people buying at huge prices but low interest, what takes place when those rates rise
China, watch, they only have to use trade as a weapon, and at some time they will
And we enter a very real very bad recession
Posted by Belly, Friday, 22 November 2019 5:13:01 AM
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Today Australia is suffering from the worst annual growth rate since March 1992,
Well, looks like we're gradually heading towards ending that insidious "growth" mentality !
All we need now is less greed & things will fall into place !
Posted by individual, Friday, 22 November 2019 8:05:17 AM
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The Whitlam/Keating policies are finally starting to impact !
Posted by individual, Friday, 22 November 2019 8:07:04 AM
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Decades apart the whitlam/Keating reigns but both, even within the coalition, are known for change that made our country greater
Nice however to see such wrong things said it underpins my view some of our opponents know very little
Posted by Belly, Friday, 22 November 2019 10:30:57 AM
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Investment is needed to drive growth, but investment as a percentage of GDP has plummeted from 18% in 2012, to 11% in 2019: around the same as it was around 1975 before the Keating recession. Private investment is $40 billion below what it was in 2012-2014. A quarter of the Murray Basin water used for agricultural production has been handed over, by federal politicians unconstitutionally sticking their noses in, to so-called environmentalists and foreign investors in water. Subsidies for unreliable, expensive wind and solar energy have stopped investment in energy-intensive products.

Australian politicians, irrespective of party or dogma, continue to be our greatest enemies.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 22 November 2019 12:46:33 PM
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Why the hell would anyone invest in Oz, when it takes 10 expensive years to get past greenie/Labor obstructionism?

The first thing we should do is shut half the universities, & close the arts department in the rest.

Second we should sack 60% of all public servants, at all levels of government, then start getting rid of what would still be excessive bureaucrats.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 22 November 2019 3:28:35 PM
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It takes decades for Govt policies to reach the real impact level, as we can see now ! Labor wrecked this Nation & you're standing up for them. Doesn't say much about your degree of integrity !
ps. don't bother coming back with some silly reply.
Posted by individual, Friday, 22 November 2019 4:05:29 PM
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indy my thanks, your post is all the evidence needed to defeat it have a great day
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 23 November 2019 5:43:51 AM
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Well, I on the other hand have the state of our economy due to past Labor incompetence as prove !
Posted by individual, Saturday, 23 November 2019 5:49:49 AM
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If Labor are so great, why do you think they don't win every election hands down ?
Why do you think the voters inevitably resort to the conservatives after each Labor emptying the coffers administration ?
Labor is pandering to the easy street component of the Electorate.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 23 November 2019 7:13:05 AM
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ttbn, I don't often praise your contributions to the forum. I will say you have hit it with "Investment is needed to drive growth, but investment as a percentage of GDP has plummeted". Why? For a good part of this decade mining was the key to investment, with little else to invest in, and the decline in mining, foreign money is going elsewhere. Regardless of the philosophical arguments, with coal now seen as a bad investment by the money market, Australia is well place to be a leader in renewable energy and its associated technology development, the things the world is now demanding. I don't care if it was investment in yo-yo's to supply the world, Australia has to move quick to take advantage of the changing world market. Sadly, we may be left behind as other countries show greater entrepreneurial skill and leave us for dead.

That of course is a long term objective to recession proof our economy, but that's not going to solve the short term problem we are now facing.

Me thinks ScumO' is getting his fiddle out of its case, as Australia starts to burn in more ways than one.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 23 November 2019 10:01:28 AM
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He's got more lies up his sleeve than Donald Trump and Prince Andrew put together! The most cunning Australian politician I have ever come across. A natural born liar.

One million jobs. As if that's going to happen! More like one million more cashed up Chinese dumped on Sydney and Melbourne.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Saturday, 23 November 2019 10:13:51 AM
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Cone off it Paul, Germany the current "world leader" in the suicidal policies of alternate power generation is closing wind & solar factories even quicker than the fools rushed into them.

A thousand laid off here, 3000 there, a few hundred elsewhere, the whole thing will be shut down very soon, & good riddance to a blind alley pushed by greenies who avoided math even in primary school.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 23 November 2019 11:39:01 AM
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Mr Opinion,
Only a total ignorant moron would expect such a result within only a few months !
Better ask, what did Labor do to our manufacturing industry & has it replaced all these jobs while they were in power all these years ?
See if you can muster an intelligent, relevant reply !
ps. I'm not holding my breath.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 23 November 2019 12:10:45 PM
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Dear individual,

Well since being elected he definitely seems to be good at creating unemployment and underemployment. Maybe we just misunderstood him and it was really a promise to create one million jobs less, which he seems to be doing very well. Or maybe it was a promise to the Chinese to create one million jobs only for them by making one million Aussie jobs redundant.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Saturday, 23 November 2019 1:45:05 PM
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Serious trouble ahead as scomo is pro chow.
Posted by Riely, Saturday, 23 November 2019 2:28:38 PM
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'Or maybe it was a promise to the Chinese to create one million jobs only for them by making one million Aussie jobs redundant.'

agreed Mr Opinion. Certainly giving a billion dollars to appease the totally fraudulent gw and renewables thieves one has to wonder. The Government continues to bang on about energy prices but refuse to do anything about base load power. Morrison is just counting on not being nearly as idiotic as the Greens/Labour. He is probably right but it is still a disgrace to allow China and India to laugh at us for our stupidity. China and India can't wait for a Labour/Greens Govt.
Posted by runner, Saturday, 23 November 2019 2:30:13 PM
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Highly insensitive word in this context !
Posted by individual, Saturday, 23 November 2019 4:54:18 PM
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Mr opinion,
just answering the question would be preferable.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 23 November 2019 5:45:29 PM
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Morrison is simply a Turnbull light, so I certainly won't look to him for much good.

However if he just continues to keep idiots like Shorten & dills like Albanese out of government he will almost be worth his cost.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 23 November 2019 10:09:26 PM
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Mr Opinion,
Looks like you're not at all in favour of a million jobs being created. Do your Green Leftist mates concur ?
Posted by individual, Monday, 25 November 2019 6:24:36 AM
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If you consider me, one of Mr O, "Green Leftist mates". Like Mr O, I am all in favour of creating 1 million, even 2 million. jobs. what we are not in favour off is destroying 20,000 jobs in 6 months like the ScumO government has achieved.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 25 November 2019 7:31:46 AM
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The Failing Australian Economy?

That is an oxymoron considering that Aus is doing better than most of the rest of the world and is still in positive growth.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 25 November 2019 11:34:00 AM
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I am all in favour of creating 1 million, even 2 million.
That's what you say here but at the ballot box you tick Left !
Posted by individual, Monday, 25 November 2019 5:50:35 PM
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Paul it should be a bage of great honor to be branded such by the usual suspects
This American hillbilly type of talk marks those using it as ? uninformed victims of the lost right
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 26 November 2019 5:22:50 AM
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Don't worry everyone, the Chinese will look after us. Scumo and his mates are seeing to that. 'Put another Gladys Liu into Parliament!' is the catchcry in the LNP meeting room.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 26 November 2019 5:31:27 AM
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Mr Opinion,
Wasn't it your incompetent Mate Rudd who prided himself on his Chinese connection ?
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 26 November 2019 5:41:19 AM
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Dear individual,

It started with Bob Hawke and all the politicians are part of the problem. They sold us out so that they can retire rich. When Joe Hockey was in high school he told everyone he was going into politics saying that was where the money is.

But don't worry individual, the Chinese will look after us.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 26 November 2019 5:59:20 AM
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Mr Opinion,
Hawke was probably the last Labor politician with the original Labor Doctrine in mind. The others were & are just incompetent wannabes'.
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 26 November 2019 7:09:47 AM
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If only there was a way to undo the Labor administrations' legacy. Imagine this Nation made up with people who care & practice respect & responsibility. Imagine drug abusers being treated as such. Imagine a judiciary that doesn't persecute victims & reward offenders.
Just imagine having a manufacturing industry. Imagine the coffers brimming with pension funds here instead of having been squandered on people who only spent ten years here & retired back in their old countries ? Imagine land sold to people from countries where Australians can't buy land ? Imagine the young being taught by a system that puts education before Superannuation for teachers. Imagine what it could have been like if it wasn't for those administrations' lack of vision ! Imagine citizens who don't view National Service as theft of a few months of their lives !
Posted by individual, Thursday, 28 November 2019 4:01:48 PM
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Gillard handed over the second best performing economy in the OECD to the Libs with GDP per capita just behind Switzerland. We now sit 10th.

There are only four OECD countries with more household debt and our unemployment levels are now in the upper half of these countries.

The Libs have been in power for 6 years now. They have been terrible economic managers. Why are we even debating it?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 28 November 2019 4:46:51 PM
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Why are we even debating it?
Steele Redux,
Because it needs to be told that decades of mismanagement & mindless indoctrination can't be undone in one or two terms by the Govt that inherits the mess. Particularly, when most of the problem-creating bureaucrats are staunch Labor even in a Coalition Govt.
I really thought you could understand that ! Alas !
Posted by individual, Thursday, 28 November 2019 5:22:47 PM
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Fraser left office with the Australian economy ranked 20th in the world, Keating left with it ranked 6th. Howard left with it ranked 10th and Gillard left it ranked 2nd. We are now ranked 10th and falling.

Labour governments can turn it around within their terms, why are you saying it takes decades?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 28 November 2019 5:39:16 PM
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Steele Redux,
Being 10th, 6th or 2nd is mere academic "experts" waffle. These "experts" are always employed by some worthless Govt funded outfit because they're literally unemployable in any field that requires competence.
The figures you show did not reflect the standard of living in the workforce at all. The collapse of the car industry, the failure to pay countless contractors who never got paid, the dumbing down in the education system, the crime rate, the housing dilemma, the influx of the many boat people, many of whom are still on welfare, the list goes on. Those who are deemed fully employed because they work 10 hours a week would also strongly dispute your figures.
So, the figures you listed are in actual fact utterly pointless as they do not reflect the actual & true situation.
The "experts" should cease wasting so much taxpayers funding & judge the living standard by by that of the blue collar workforce, not by hangers-on academic "experts".
Posted by individual, Friday, 29 November 2019 6:30:40 AM
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Labor turned the economy around? what a joke. Who does these rankings a bunch of chimpanzees, the same morons that voted Whine Swan as the best treasurer?
Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 29 November 2019 8:03:37 AM
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Lucky day today steelredux , thought it was scomo standing in front of me at Macas
Lucky it was not, just cleaned my shoes
He at least got the country away from talking about the economy, unfortunately got them talking about his talking to was it Alan Jones? AND CLAIMING THE CONVERSATION WAS WITH A COP!
He while defending a total failure of a minister put his name on the not fit for the job list
Posted by Belly, Friday, 29 November 2019 10:30:38 AM
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Yes Labor can turn the economy around alright, turn it around to catastrophe.

The vicious Gillard left us with a couple of ticking time bombs, designed to make balancing the budget, & getting us out of the huge Labor inured debt, totally impossible.

The NDIS, & Gonski, on top of the huge runaway mess from Krudd of the NBN has locked us into the poor house for decades. Economy destroying at it's very best as practiced by by the left.

Only a bureaucrat, an idiot or both, could approve of such waste.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 29 November 2019 2:41:38 PM
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took Costello around 15 years to pay off Labour debt. It will take current Govt another 20 to pay off the economic vandals debt (Rudd/Gillard). Australians are slow learners and might need to feel pain before waking up.
Posted by runner, Friday, 29 November 2019 2:47:24 PM
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Few are interested in seeing how much our national debt has increased under Trump's mate Turnbull and the completely lost Tony Abbott
Still chuckle worthy reading the rants
Posted by Belly, Friday, 29 November 2019 3:24:38 PM
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Still chuckle worthy reading the rants
Better seek help because chuckling to yourself due to a fallacy is not healthy !
Posted by individual, Friday, 29 November 2019 3:35:35 PM
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Dear individual,

The data was straight from the OECD mate. If you feel there is a better source then please let me know but GDP figures are generally not challenged at that level.

Dear Shadow Minister,

He was voted the best treasurer because at the time that is exactly what he was. Rudd and Swann have been recognised internationally for having the best governmental response to the GFC. Look at the latest failure of pump priming by the coalition with $1,000 rebates. About 40% of Australians missed out because they were below the threshold. These were the people who were going to do the bulk of committing the funds back into the economy but didn't get anything. The Libs have been woeful at this and continue to be so. The figures do not lie.

Dear Hasbeen,

What rot.

This mob have doubled the debt without the excuse of battling the GFC. We are quickly sliding down the list of OECD countries in terms of economic growth. The NBN was taken from a project which would have set us up for the next 4 decades and the Libs not only wrecked it but paid extra to do so. How in hell are you blaming labour for this?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 29 November 2019 4:17:52 PM
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A true bureaucratic response SR.

Which department!
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 29 November 2019 7:25:54 PM
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Dear Hasbeen,

Bloody typical answer from you old cock.

I have worked for myself for probably more years than you ever did. Certainly no public service time.

How about having a crack at the substance of what I put to you rather than snide little diversions.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 29 November 2019 7:43:41 PM
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Dear SteeleRedux,

Don't worry, it'll be alright, ScuMo and his mates are bringing in a lot more cashed up Chinese to keep the economy afloat. This is ScuMo's economic policy.

He's now going to use this policy in the country by sending the cashed up Chinese migrants to regional centres where they will inject billions into the rural economies buying up real estate and businesses. It's good for Australia, it's good for jobs, and better still it's good for ScuMo's hip pocket.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Friday, 29 November 2019 7:45:29 PM
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This mob have doubled the debt without the excuse of battling the GFC.
SteeleRedux ,
C'mon, they didn't have the billions from the Futures fund that your mates squandered & from which the nation has not yet recovered. Bludgers have done alright but the ordinary blue collar jockey's still battling because of it. I bet that doesn't show up in your OECD pamphlets !
Posted by individual, Saturday, 30 November 2019 7:21:01 AM
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INDIVIDUAL you understand? you do don't you? that every single word in that post is a Teminalocical Inxactatude [LIE, NOT TRUE?]
Here in front of our eyes truth lays, a victim of a bashing by the very type of supporter Morrison should start to fear
Liberalism was built by and for middle Australia
That long trip right has taken it away from its base
And a report from the LNP, set up to look at the last election tells us this
*That victory was narrow, it will leave a narrow path to another victory*
Here now know that blue collar Australia that both Menzies and Howard owned will not buy the lies such as indy sells
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 30 November 2019 11:52:26 AM
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Dear individual,

Are you seriously trotting out this rot again? We dealt with this earlier this year. You were shown to be utterly and spectacularly wrong.

That is the very definition of willful ignorance.


"“SteeleRedux, So, where did that 60 Billion Futures Fund fit in then ?”

Oh good lord mate. Labour not only didn't raid it they created 4 accompanying funds.

“In his 2008 Australian federal budget speech, the Treasurer, Wayne Swan announced three new "Nation-Building Funds", also to be managed by the Future Fund Board. These included a $20 billion Building Australia Fund to invest in roads, rail, ports and broadband; an $11 billion Education Investment Fund, which absorbed the $6 billion Higher Education Endowment Fund set up by the previous government; and a $10 billion Health and Hospital Fund. In that budget and the following 2009 federal budget, the Labor Rudd Government promised A$41 billion to create these new funds.”

The total funds held under management, as at 31 December each year, inclusive of funds held in the Building Australia Fund, the Health and Hospitals Fund, the Education Investment Fund and the DisabilityCare Australia Fund, are:

(31 Dec) Total funds
(billions) Notes

2008 Increase to A$59.62
2009 Increase to A$87.23
2010 Increase to A$90.51
2011 Decrease to A$89.39
2012 Increase to A$94.96
2013 Increase to A$107.36
2014 Increase to A$119.47
2015 Increase to A$128.5
2016 Increase to A$139.5
2017 Decrease to A$138.9
2018 Increase to A$147.0

So you can see the largest additions to the fund have been under Labour governments. It would appear they might be pretty good at this kind of stuff."
Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 30 November 2019 12:49:12 PM
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Steele Redux,
Sounds impressive to the gullible but, where did this money come from in times of record de-industrialisation & record increases in welfare & record spending on matters refugee & record spending on Anti terrorism etc ?
Or, is this as I suspect just another hood-winking waffle gobbledygook ? If Labor was that great in matters economic then please explain how they got voted out because the Coalition certainly didn't get voted in ! They got in because most people wanted Labor out & I for one can't get myself to believe it was on account of sound economic management !
Posted by individual, Saturday, 30 November 2019 1:19:44 PM
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Idy, yes rot, yes again Labor [Rudd /Gillard increased our debt
But it kept us out of recession
You, probably unaware, gave no weight to this Truth, post those leaders YOUR side has? doubled the national debt!
Labor to be honest, has work to do, if it wants to win, it must learn from Bill Shorten, watch and learn from England's Corbyn
Taking a leader we know is going to fail in to an election betrays every member and all those who came before
We Have the right leader, now for the right policies
We must, now and for the future, follow the voters, not try leading them in directions they do not want to go
And too put the best ACHIEVABLE policy in place
But your mob, in their own report, see difficulties ahead
You damn my party, lay the years 1972 till 1975 Whitlams years, as evidence for today's troubles!
KNOW even the very right in your side know the Keating/Hawke reforms rebuilt this nation, opened up banking trade floated the dollar and stopped us becoming the failed western state it was headed for
Right now, months away from a truly bad recession world wide, trade wars, doubts about America's ability or willingness to protect us, we need a government far far better than this redneck one
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 30 November 2019 3:11:35 PM
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Dear individual,

“C'mon, they didn't have the billions from the Futures fund that your mates squandered & from which the nation has not yet recovered.”

Stop being a complete fool. You are running some trumped up Coalition talking point which is completely incorrect and even after you have had the figures presented to you direct from the Future Fund's annual reports, you are still saying they are dubious?

So you show me where 'billions were plucked from the fund and squandered'. They weren't.

When you ran this line the first time and got shown to be full of it we could at least consider you as ignorant of the facts. To to wheel it out again shows a particular determination to remain ignorant which is breath-taking. I'm bloody sure that within a year you will try the same bulldust line again.

But for now it's time to put a sock in it, unless of course you are prepared to retract.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 30 November 2019 3:30:45 PM
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But for now it's time to put a sock in it, unless of course you are prepared to retract.
Steele Redux,
The onus is on you to prove why your buddies lost the elections whilst they were such magnificent fiscal & economic managers in your opinion.
Lovely figures in those future fund ads but where are the figures for the people who lost their jobs ? Didn't we have a fair bit of unemployment over these years ? Where does the foreign debt fit into all this ? Cover-up figures just don't cut it for me, I look at the everyday people around me & that's how I gauge the state of the economy. Not by party-loyal pamphlets.
Since you're so good at digging up pamphlets why don't you provide links to as to how many bureaucrats are Labor, even when a Coalition Govt is in power ? 60 %, 80 % ,more perhaps ?
No wonder your pamphlets show such good figures. Forget about hood-winking statistics, show us good export earnings from our manufacturing if you can find any that is.
Show us the employment figures that are supposedly so good for our economy by those people who have been here for years but are still on welfare.
Start talking reality !
Posted by individual, Saturday, 30 November 2019 4:59:47 PM
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indy you must understand you can not just make it up
Record rise in what part of social security
In the end you calm my world, see some who target Labor actually have an understanding of what they talk about unlike you
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 30 November 2019 6:02:06 PM
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Dear individual,

You explicitly said;

"C'mon, they didn't have the billions from the Futures fund that your mates squandered & from which the nation has not yet recovered.”

That is, as I have shown you, a demonstrable lie. Now you might want to deflect, to muddy the waters, to go off tangent which is fine. But you most certainly haven't dealt with this glaring mistruth. Labour did not squander billions from the furute fund as you asserted did they.

Fess up, acknowledge you got this wrong yet again, learn from it, and try and rescue a modicum of credibility.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 30 November 2019 6:18:41 PM
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I don't know why you're all so worried. The Chinese will look after us.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Saturday, 30 November 2019 7:04:23 PM
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Belly & Steele Redux,
I do understand what you're on about, i just don't fall for it ! I do understand how the system works, I just don't think it's getting us anywhere. The proof is in the state we're in. Just because that's the way things have been done for along time only proves how flawed it all is.
But I don't get the impression you care about it as long as as you can cling to your Labor straw men. Get this into you, Labor has been the spanner in the works for decades, full stop !
They're the ones sabotaging anything that smells of sense & could possibly be good for the Nation. You complain about the Coalition not catching up after Labor after just mere months in Govt, Labor couldn't even manage to clean up its own mess after years ! Get real !
Stop sabotaging this Nation for no other reason than jealousy that you're incapable !
Posted by individual, Saturday, 30 November 2019 10:12:42 PM
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Sometimes when in debate we must face the truth indy my old mate talking to you is not producing results
Like sitting on a bicycle without wheels, paddling like hell but getting no place
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 1 December 2019 3:40:41 AM
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So, you think drawing attention to the system that has failed us so much over the decades is like peddling a cycle without wheels ? What an uncaring & selfish comment.
Typical unionist, only care about those who give you money rather than those who need help. Pretty much the same as the public service union, don't give a crap about the citizens of the Nation as long as their members get more & more totally undeserved benefits whilst others have to slogg it out on minimum pay.
The economy isn't failing us, our bureaucrats & policy developers & unionists are, in a big way !
Posted by individual, Sunday, 1 December 2019 5:53:56 AM
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Dear individual,

What do you think of LNP's plan to populate the country regions with cashed up Chinese to create jobs and growth? It worked in the cities so one assumes it will work in the towns.

The mechanics of it are simple: the Chinese buy up all the real estate, businesses and farms, and then bring in Chinese workers too fill the jobs they themselves create.

All the produce from the farms then goes directly to China plus they then bring in Chinese gas fracking operators to extract the gas under the farms, which of course is shipped to China.

I assume you and your pro-China mates like ttbn, mhaze, Hasbeen, Loudmouth, etc. are all okay with this?
Posted by Mr Opinion, Sunday, 1 December 2019 8:35:47 AM
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Mr Opinion,
How could I possibly know what our politicians are planning, good or bad. What I DO KNOW is what I & many others have ealready experienced i.e. things that already happened for which the proof is in the bag. One of these proofs is that Labor Govts do not manage the economy well. Not that the LNP is all that crap-hot either but better they are. I truly wish that's they way people would observe our politics instead of stupid party loyalty !
Posted by individual, Sunday, 1 December 2019 10:49:15 AM
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The truth is that you are pro-China. Why do you and your mates like Hasbeen, mhaze, Loudmouth, ttbn, etc. want to hide the fact that China is trying to take over the country?

You lot are the same when it comes to doing something about AGW. Why are you trying to destroy what was a great country?

Because of you lot we now have a country being ravaged by destructive climate change and overpopulated by the Chinese who care nothing about protecting the environment and maintaining a sustainable world that we can pass on to our descendents. What is your problem!
Posted by Mr Opinion, Sunday, 1 December 2019 11:10:11 AM
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Mr. O,

Me "pro China". Are you a complete idiot?
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 1 December 2019 11:17:13 AM
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it's all about perception. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it is a duck!
Posted by Mr Opinion, Sunday, 1 December 2019 11:24:56 AM
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Even with your 1-cent, 10-yr-old, brain, I don't know how you could conclude that I and other posters were somehow pro-China: I certainly see it as a potential invader, a predator state verging on fascism, and would suggest that they have only ten or twenty years at most to do their worst before other factors kick in, especially population stasis and perhaps decline, and emigration from China all around the world.

Of course, being a young, naive person, most likely a standard unthinking Anglo, you probably confuse pretty much all Asians, especially East Asians, and perhaps even Latin Americans, with all-being-Chinese. You'll learn more as you progress through your studies.

As well, as you will discover if you do study sociology and social geography later, once you've finished Year 10 and then Year 12, people on the streets are not necessarily a typical sample of the total population: certain groups, students, pensioners, women without access to cars - tend to use public transport, and therefore are more likely to be on the streets. Students in the cities tend to use the streets socially more than others, especially overseas students. And of course, pensioners between 9 am and 3 pm, when public transport is free (at least in Adelaide).

Give yourself time, don't rush it. Hopefully you will learn much in the next twenty years.

Posted by loudmouth2, Sunday, 1 December 2019 11:54:34 AM
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It's interesting how the pro-Chinas on The Forum are now trying to deny things at a time when Chinese agents are coming out of the woodwork and all of a sudden it's looking unfashionable to be seen as someone ready to shore up the position of the Chinese in Australia.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Sunday, 1 December 2019 12:15:13 PM
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If you ever study Sociology (Google can give you a brief definition), you will discover that Chinese have been in Australia for around two hundred years. Certainly Chinese miners were working in South Australia from around 1850, inter-marrying - my kids have just such a gr-gr-gr-grandfather, a Hokkien. My step-dad knew his local Chinese market gardener very well. Chinese have made up most of the vibrant life of Darwin for well over 130 years.

My first lovely girlfriend, my best mates, one who taught me to jive. So I have very great admiration and affection for Australian Chinese.

Of course, back in those days, the 1950s, Australian Chinese couldn't become citizens. But they took that in their stride, they didn't let it get to them.

Go for it. Show us your racist streak :)

Posted by loudmouth2, Sunday, 1 December 2019 12:35:18 PM
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They taught you how to jive in the 1950s! Right on Elvis, you're man!
Posted by Mr Opinion, Sunday, 1 December 2019 12:43:30 PM
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Mr. O,

You clearly have the reading comprehension skills of a duck if you think am pro-China. You must have missed the remedial English classes prior to starting your Mickey Mouse 'degree'.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 1 December 2019 2:36:34 PM
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Yeah, yeah ....... and ScuMo didn't try to influence the outcome of a police investigation into Angus Taylor. He didn't have to say anything, I think just picking up the phone itself was the message.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Sunday, 1 December 2019 2:52:42 PM
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Been a bad week for scomo, the next one will be no better
Not my job to help him but do have some advice if he wants it
Stay away from Macas for a while bloke
The way ahead seems clear, all downhill and run away as fast as he can from the WestMinster system of accountability
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 1 December 2019 2:57:30 PM
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Dear individual,

Bloody hell mate, I get the feeling your head will explode if you concede even the most basic mistake.

You hac]ve still not offered a retraction of this;

"C'mon, they didn't have the billions from the Futures fund that your mates squandered & from which the nation has not yet recovered.”

Why should anyone bother with any of the outlandish crap you are spouting when you won't address even this?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Sunday, 1 December 2019 7:38:13 PM
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Steele Redux,
Well, what DID they do with that futures fund then ? Did they use it to pull us through the GFC or where did it go ? I'm not looking for excuses to Labor incompetence, you are !
Posted by individual, Sunday, 1 December 2019 11:24:26 PM
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Only in your mind individual has the future fund gone
Give us evidence it has been misused/ is gone,thanks
Posted by Belly, Monday, 2 December 2019 5:09:35 AM
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Well, where are the 60 billion as I was led to believe it was then ? I seem to recall Peter Costello mention that figure. Did the Labor Dud use the money to get through the GFC & if so, it wasn't economic management at all, which is my argument. If he didn't then where is that money now ?
Don't waste our time with sarcastic avoidance quips, just tell us !
Posted by individual, Monday, 2 December 2019 6:06:07 AM
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Dear individual,

My goodness mate. So this is what is is like de-indoctrinating people.

You asked; "Did the Labor Dud use the money to get through the GFC"

No. They did not.

The fund's assets actually grew during the GFC.

Why is this so hard for you? Have you held it as a truth for so long you just can't let it go?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 2 December 2019 10:21:47 AM
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Truly, you highlight the dribble that put this mob back in power
Bill Shorten helped but thanks
You know that check you Queenslanders are waiting for?
Sorry it is not coming, you have to own shares to get Franking Credits
Posted by Belly, Monday, 2 December 2019 12:16:02 PM
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The fund's assets actually grew during the GFC.
Steele Redux,
You're evading to disclose where that money is now or what it was used for as it obviously has evaporated !
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 3 December 2019 8:00:26 AM
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IT HAS NOT! live in a real world bloke
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 3 December 2019 10:45:58 AM
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Dear individual,

Bloody hell mate do I really have to hold your hand?

Here is the annual report for 2018-19.

If you go to page 6 you will see a current figure of $162.6 billion as at 30th June 2019. You will also see a figure of $102.1 billion added since inception on the original $60 billion invested.

The $60 billion has gone nowhere mate. It is there in spades.

This is obviously shattering a long term erroneous belief you have held about the Labour party raiding the fund to combat the GFC but it never happened.

Come on, you can do it, jump the shark, accept the facts and shed the indoctrination.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 3 December 2019 11:12:02 AM
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The original $60bn has grown to $162bn under the guidance of the best treasurer Australia has ever had.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 3 December 2019 12:08:53 PM
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Dear Shadow Minister,

Well that got a laugh.

I think you are thinking of this treasurer.

If you wanted to thank a Costello for the success of the Future Fund, particularly through the GFC then this is the bloke you should acknowledge.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 3 December 2019 12:25:59 PM
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You do realise that the RBA is independent from the treasurer? Considering that:
-That most other Reserve Banks were reducing the stocks of gold,
-That in the same period stocks roughly doubled, while gold tripled,

Indicates that the real loss was closer to $2.5bn, which compared Whine Swan's pissing $9bn against the wall in a cash splash combined with a nearly complete waste of $16bn with the school halls debacle is trivial.

Secondly the future fund was primarily Peter Costello's idea, Paul Costello was directly hired by Peter and directly reported to Peter, and while Paul played a major role, the responsibility and Kudos are largely attributed to Peter Costello.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 3 December 2019 1:52:48 PM
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Dear Shadow Minister,

Are you for real? Lol.

Morrison has handed over $1,000 tax rebates costing us 10 billion dollars without a blimp to very subdued retail figures.

As a stimulus it has failed miserably. Why? Because unlike Swann he kept it to those earning $48,000 plus. It went not to spending but to paying of mortgages. Those earning less were not deemed worthy of Liberal party largess and so it had little effect.

Your mob just don't get it. Time and time again they do an incredibly poor job and it is left to Labour to clean the whole lot up.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 3 December 2019 2:48:02 PM
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Question time this day [different figures indy not that fund] will the Prime Minister explain this countrys national debt near doubling after Rudd/Gillard
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 3 December 2019 3:27:12 PM
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I take it that you have accepted that Australia's best treasurer was more responsible for the $120bn gain in the future fund than the $2.5bn loss over an equivalent period by the RBA.

As for the messes that the coalition created and Labor cleaned up please give an example I can't think of one. However the coalition had to clean up labors mess in 1996 and in 2013.

Secondly, while the tax rebate reduced the tax receipts p.a. by roughly $10bn, treasury has modelled that the additional tax revenue generated will be > $7bn p.a. over the long term. Compare this to the $9bn cash splash by Whine Swan according to the auditor general was overwhelmingly spent on imported white goods providing a very short term boost to retailers with little to no long term improvement in GDP or employment. As for the School hall debacle which wasted $16bn building largely unnecessary infrastructure
Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 4 December 2019 9:55:56 AM
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More bad news for the Australian economy, with the September quarters growth figure coming in at a miserable 0.4%, a shocker! With flat retail spending, and rising unemployment, added to minimal wages growth, and poor capital investment. The government looks to be in trouble on the "we are the great economic managers" front. Tax handouts failed to stimulate spending, they were directed at the wrong people! Three interest cuts this year have failed to give the economy a boost, there has been no rise in consumer discretionary spending at all. The 'Fryingpan Plan' for the economy, if he and ScumO actually have one, is simply too little, too late. Those with a job, try and hang on to it, with the governments economic failings, 2020 sure looks a rough year ahead.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 4 December 2019 1:31:38 PM
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Paul yes indeed and the scomo train has lost its wheels
The man has turned out to be a smugmug and it shows
Next year? we and the world will be lucky if Trumps wars on trade does not harm us all , plus record low wages approaching record house prices?
Record personal debt with shrinking spending?
Credit card spending at Christmas can only make it worse
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 4 December 2019 2:37:24 PM
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With virtually the highest growth rate and lowest unemployment rate in the OECD (bar the US), with the housing market bouncing back, a budget surplus on the cards, a trade surplus, the coalition's star is shining bright in spite of the attempts by left whingers to rubbish it.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 5 December 2019 6:54:45 AM
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Dear Shadow Minister,

Oh come on, we both know a dozen meetings a year of any board is not what runs an organisation. Paul Costello as CEO not Peter as chair is where the kudos is directed by most respectable economists.

Peter Costello was an average treasurer at best who rode the Chinese boom.

Next you write;

“Secondly, while the tax rebate reduced the tax receipts p.a. by roughly $10bn, treasury has modelled that the additional tax revenue generated will be > $7bn p.a. over the long term. Compare this to the $9bn cash splash by Whine Swan according to the auditor general was overwhelmingly spent on imported white goods providing a very short term boost to retailers with little to no long term improvement in GDP or employment.”


“From early April, anyone earning $80,000 or less will be paid the full $950; people earning between $80,000 and $90,000 will get $650; and those earning between $90,000 and $100,000 will receive $300.

Families will benefit, too. An additional $950 will be paid to an estimated 1.5 million single-income families where the main breadwinner earns up to $150,000.

Low- and middle-income families will also receive $950 for each child aged between four and 18 to help with education costs.”

Scomo directed his largess at those earning over $48,000 and it went into paying off mortgages not on spending in the economy. It has cost billions and essentially failed.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 5 December 2019 12:51:59 PM
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