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Vegan Protests

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Well folks the web sight first made me aware they use terrorist tactics
In fact promote them
Farmers do not need these fools invading their farms
Few know chicken farms are under lock down, to protect from infections
Yes they have rights as do I and they are in my view, well out of line
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 11 April 2019 4:11:41 PM
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Dear Joe,

«Yes, vegans have the right to be vegans. Homosexuals have the right to be homosexual.»

This is not good enough!

Why do people want rights? To have a right means that someone else did you the favour of allowing you to do what you do, that you live how live only by their generosity and grace.

Rather, the correct approach is that vegans should never be denied their natural freedom to be vegan and homosexuals should never be denied their natural freedom to be homosexual. How dare anybody even conceive of such a sick idea as if they may interfere with other people's lifestyle?

«Religious people have the right to their beliefs, as long as their practices don't conflict with Australian law, as Foxy rightly points out.»

Yes, I told Foxy many times that this statement amounts to a disgraceful wholesale denial of freedom of religion. She never seemed to understand what I said though. The "practices don't conflict with Australian law" clause means no religious freedom at all, because the Australian law-makers can legislate whatever they like. Nothing stops them from banning each and every religious practice at their pleasure. Oh, should I thank them for still "allowing" me to believe what I want (so long as I do not act on it)?


As for this thread, as a vegetarian I am ashamed and disgusted by the violence of vegans. I see being a vegetarian or a vegan as a privilege and blessing. Those who eat meat are missing out as they are not yet spiritually mature enough to abstain from this particular form of violence. It is, however, their loss alone and none of my own business. What do these foolish vegans gain by replacing one form of violence by another?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 11 April 2019 5:22:12 PM
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Yuyutsu just [finally] beginning to understand you, yes it is not the fact they are vegans that stirred me to start this thread
While never a chance of being a vegan, I did try to be a vegetarian
Almost made it
And believe it or not a lay Preacher helped me
It however is wrong to act in the way they have
No doubt not all but too many
As is always the case extremists seem to have infiltrated what should be a group concerned about their own diet not trying to head butt a brick wall
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 11 April 2019 6:19:28 PM
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I care more about the meat on my plate than I do those vegans...
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 12 April 2019 1:14:57 PM
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AC like any group, if they had the power it would not be meat on your plate
Roast spuds with lettuce? carrot pie with beans?
My snags with eggs are on the way, no vergys this time
How would we live without any animal products?
Truly how many would die, all over the world
Posted by Belly, Friday, 12 April 2019 4:35:34 PM
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Hi AC,

I wonder what a vegan would taste like ? Perhaps deficient in protein, and of course in carbohydrates (since carbon is a poison), but all that tofu and kale and avocado and foreign-sounding stuff like chia and quenoa and acie or whatever - surely that must add something weird to the taste. They might be a bit bony, like chicken legs, but one might go down well with a strong Shiraz.

Or vegan carbonara ? Or vegan and potato pie ? No, a bit bland. Vegan vindaloo - now you're talking !

Mmmmmm, let me at one of those vegans !


Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 12 April 2019 5:12:12 PM
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