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Vegan Protests
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I'm sure that most people who eat meat and dairy products and eggs will continue to do so. If protesters knew that they would be met by high pressure water hoses and gas whenever they interfered with people going about their legitimate business they might think twice about acting so arrogantly. There is no such thing as a 'peaceful' protest.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 9 April 2019 7:14:02 PM
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I read somewhere that they were having a peaceful protest. I had no idea that disrupting traffic was peaceful especially to those trying to get to work whilst the protesters are just having another bludge ?
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 9 April 2019 9:01:48 PM
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Speaking of Vegans... “ … Bringing the baby up as a vegan simply won’t be tolerated by the monarch.” Wow, what great standards of leadership we have these days... QE2 lets England be taken over by the EU; allows the country to be overrun with Pakistanis, Muslims and Africans... Queens main concern regarding Englands current peril: - Great Grand Bubba's diet. Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 9 April 2019 9:23:17 PM
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It took police two hours to clear these creeps out, and NOT ONE CHARGE HAS BEEN LAID.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 9 April 2019 10:53:34 PM
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Social media, and for that matter print media, is full of its wrong but they are right storeys
How are they right If, and it never ever is going to happen, we stoped eating animal protein we would starve in the millions To what end? some one is sure to prove lettuce suffer when harvested Cabbages may cry, do we then die so we harm nothing Back to the protesters, they seem aggressive, self assured, convinced they are totally right the rest of us wrong Even those mentioned from the media seem unaware we will continue to want our sausage at Bunnings on Saturday , it has become our national meal And the Democracy sausage on election day, even if for some it will be hard to swallow Cucumber sanger anyone? Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 6:09:02 AM
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Hey Belly,
- You see what I mean about people being tribal and there's no centre where there's no compromise? I support meat. They oppose meat. Is there any compromise or middle ground here? Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 8:12:39 AM