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Vegan Protests

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Millions in India live on a strictly vegetarian diet and they are OK, it's the chillies and spices that make the difference!!

I was once forced by circumstances, (there was no meat available), as I was among vegetarians and had, perforce, to adopt a vegetarian diet and I started to put on weight.
These days I eat little meat, usually only old chooks, rabbits, hares and a bit of venison and then only about once a week.

For lunch today I had thinly sliced cucumber, shredded carrot, tomato, slightly sour plumbs (beaut with sufficient salt) and cheese.
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 12 April 2019 9:19:37 PM
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Is Mise I am overweight, always have been, but your diet today brings back memories of failure
Lost 18 kg in 6 weeks, no meat fish once a week, two meals a day fruit only
Settle for the joy of a good steak or today a Bunnings sausage for sure
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 13 April 2019 6:24:37 AM
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I haven't tried a sausage at Bunnings but I did once buy some sausages from Bi-Lo (now Coles), they were terrible so gave the rest to the dog.

He sniffed them and then looked at us with disgust and walked off.

Truly, I've never seen such disdain in a dog's expression!!
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 13 April 2019 7:58:32 AM
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I'm planning our Easter Sunday Lunch for our
family. I want to do a Pork Loin Roast with
all the trimmings. The kids want a barbeque -
so we're still negotiating. Maybe we'll do both.
I love pork and beef snags - available from our
butcher and Coles have very delicious "Pork
and Cider" sausages - that I can highly recommend.

No, I couldn't be entirely a vegan. Not yet anyway.
Although the family loves my Russian salad, my potato
pudding (Kugelis), potato pancakes, Red Cabbage,
Semolina pudding, my various fish dishes.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 13 April 2019 10:56:18 AM
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I wonder if vegans are aware that, without meat in Australian diets, there would be no animals. No little piggies, no moo-cows, no baa-lambs, no chooks. And only wild goats and camels and donkeys and horses. Domesticated animals would become nearly extinct in Australia. Millions and millions of animals would no longer need to exist or reproduce.

Only if we keep eating meat can they survive. Yes, they would have short lives, but most animals would reflect on the juxtaposition and say, "Well, that would be better than no life at all, all things considered."

Apart from the farmers who would keep some of their animals as pets, and a few eccentrics who might like to breed rabbits to shoot, or jervils to power their air-conditioning.

Hmmmmm, we might have to re-visit that vegan diet again ......... Vegans in hot sauce; vegan sausages; vegan and potato pie.

Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 13 April 2019 11:39:44 AM
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From every side of politics we seem to, for the most part, agree
It is not ok to run a website naming, giving full addresses,off farmers so you can invade their property
Not shutting down, insulting those who protest for far more important things, and stop people's movement
And at the heart of that matter a clear minority, want the rest of us to stop eating what we wish
This thread reminds there indeed is a center a place both sides of politics live, on many issues
Not turning red neck but a past copper Bumper Farrell would have stopped this mob in about a week
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 13 April 2019 12:16:54 PM
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