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Vegan Protests

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The fan will be hit when one of these clowns is killed.
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 8:20:03 AM
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I reckon INDIVIDUAL is right on the mark. I bet many of these demonstrators receive Social Security Benefits of some kind, therefore most should be out seeking paid work, instead of disrupting commerce and the orderly flow of traffic in Sydney & Melbourne. I heard they completely dislocated peak-hour traffic, outside Flinders Street Station, down in Melbourne. Making many a worker late for work and possibly docked monetarily for being so. Talk about being selfish, these people.

Back in the day, they had the Public Order Act (C.Wealth), {'three or more persons, gathered for a common purpose'} which empowered authorities to take direct action against those who would seek to cause trouble. Unfortunately, there were many of those in the judiciary who treated the matter with some degree of hilarity, cutting many of these disruptive people loose. Whereupon they'd merely go back out and repeat their offending behaviour, thus undermining all efforts of the police.

The only way to deal with them is to lock the ringleaders up, deny them bail, and hold them in custody until all demonstrations cease, or merely fizzle out.
Posted by o sung wu, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 10:35:13 AM
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Where do you find a new Joh Bjelke-Petersen when you desperately need one?
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 11:18:54 AM
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Hasbeen hopefully in prison, the place the first one should have died in
O sung Wo well many are middle income just as is the case with the greens
It seems income has very little to do with very bad manners
Truly what if we gave up meat, milk, eggs, animal products?
Lard heads come in all shapes and sizes my question is are the rights to protest bigger than a farmers right to not have his property invaded
think not
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 12:32:15 PM
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I agree with you BELLY. No one has the right to dislocate the privacy, or to trespass upon the lawful activities of another. Neither are they empowered to take matters into their own hands in a case where those activities are unlawful. That's the role of the police.

Whether they choose to consume meat products, is a personal choice for them alone, and not something the vegans have any right to attempt to obstruct. Food choices are just that; a personal choice. And nobody else's damn business.

Any attempt to harass, threaten, intimidate, menace, bully or pressurize any primary producer, should be met with the full force of the law. After all hasn't life been hard enough for these people, battling the Banks, droughts and now floods in part, without putting up with these dimwitted Vegan demonstrators!

Take 'em on, and charge them - there are sufficient legislative options available, for the police to act! Not in Victoria, I will admit, they don't field a Police Force down there. Their Socialist Labour Government under the bespectacled Mr. Danial ANDREWS is 'everything' from what I gather?
Posted by o sung wu, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 1:35:08 PM
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o sung wo yes agree
two hours ago the government announced it would legislate for 12 month prison terms for farm invaders
Agree pleased to see it
See not every thing one side does is wrong
Without animal products indeed half of humanity would starve to death
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 4:58:44 PM
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