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Vegan Protests

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How about the normal, meat and dairy eating majority demonstrates against and harasses these vegans? Our society is extremely tolerant toward minorities and nutters. Fat lot of thanks we get for it.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 7:44:38 PM
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No Belly we have to keep some cells free for kiddy fiddling Labor leaders.

Old Joh would sort these out these clowns, as he did with the electricians , probably the reason you hate him as much as you hate Trump
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 9:20:49 PM
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I'm puzzled about a couple of things:

* . tofu - it's made from soya beans, which is grown, like other crops, using irrigation; down with tofu;

* . If a future vegan dictator banned meat, hw many pigs, cows and sheep would there need to be in Australia ? Pigs of course, we need to make silk purses from their ears; some cows, if milk is till allowed and if dairy farmers are allowed to use irrigation; and baby sheep, those cute little baa-lambs. No, maybe not even cute little baa-lambs. So no animals then ?

So maybe we will have to live on natural-grown vegetable matter. But that will support far fewer Australians, so most of us will have to submit to being dropped into the giant Saddam-type mincing machines - in the national interest.

Hmmm, who might they be ? Obviously, anybody over, say, fifty five - and of course all those between forty five and fifty five should have their voting rights withdrawn. Anybody who has expressed 'hate speech', i.e. an opinion at variance with those of vegans and their uncritical allies. Bogans maybe. People in affluent electorates who don't vote Green.

Ain't Utopias great to plan ?

Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 9:34:33 PM
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Hasbeen leave it alone old mate
Sadly your post puts on display a bitter old fella willing to use almost anything
Not the truth, to insult the party that gets the highest primary vote in this country
EG the one most want to lead us
You will, no do not go away, the pro Pell thread
The one that put his conservative views above that of CHILDREN badly treated
You know, oh yes you do! any pedophil is a grub, that I have demanded a few in my party who have been such filth be treated as such
YOU Hasbeen put on display, just why this worn out twisted weak thing we call federal government, must be put on the other side of the house, lies will not change that
Your low shot, and low and weak it is, says more about you than you would wish
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 11 April 2019 6:50:44 AM
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These malnourished Fwits should be treated as eco terrorists both physically and legally.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 11 April 2019 8:05:15 AM
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"These malnourished Fwits should be treated as eco terrorists both physically and legally".

They are most certainly bullies, wanting to force their peculiarities onto the majority. As usual, the government doesn't have the guts to pull them into line. Our weak Prime Minister says that, if farmers, shop keepers etc decide to take civil action against these thugs, the government will support them. Pathetic! There are laws that could support them, seeing these vegan thugs in jail, eating prison grub.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 11 April 2019 10:25:12 AM
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