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Vegan Protests

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Morrison has belatedly admitted that he could do something.

Vegan protesters who target farmers’ homes could face a year in jail under new laws, if the Coalition is re-elected.

He promised to introduce laws banning people from inciting criminal activity against farmers, with jail terms up to 12 months.

Unfortunately, he seems to have left it too late if he is expecting to be re-elected.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 11 April 2019 11:18:34 AM
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Dear Belly,

The protesters had not discussed their plans with
police and they put community safety at risk with
people being unable to access vital services.

There are 5 major trauma hospitals in the CBD.
Ambulances need to be rerouted because of these
intersections being closed.

Police have ended up charging 39 people after
their illegal protest shut down one of Melbourne's
busiest inter-sections during peak hour disrupting tram
routes and forcing ambulances to be rerouted.

Inexcusable behaviour!
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 11 April 2019 11:28:35 AM
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Dearest Foxy,

Please be careful, that can be interpreted as 'hate speech', since, after all, you seem to be disagreeing with the protesters.

Perhaps, after all, there is instead a legitimate place for ridicule and derision ?

Bill Leak would have had a great time with this sort of stupidity.


Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 11 April 2019 12:17:29 PM
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Foxy yes, amused to find posters think how much they eat, or that they are all dole bludgers,makes them behave like this
A truth,vegans have every right to be vegans
And B%gge all chance of forcening the rest of us to become one
Secondly until they convince me my Tomatoes do not scream when I eat them I will continue to eat what I want to
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 11 April 2019 1:18:27 PM
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Hi Belly,

Yes, vegans have the right to be vegans. Homosexuals have the right to be homosexual. Religious people have the right to their beliefs, as long as their practices don't conflict with Australian law, as Foxy rightly points out. People have the right to be Left, and the right to be Right. In fact, we all also have the right to be bigots, bearing in mind that what is to one person, simple and self-evident truth, to another person can be bigotry. I suppose the cast-iron definition of a bigot is someone who disagrees with me.

But none of them have the right to force their views on anybody else, not even on the people who support the same ideas as I do.

Surely one mark of a democratic society is that we expect, and tolerate, different viewpoints ? And that people with different viewpoints can argue their case civilly, having enough empathy with those who disagree to try to understand where they're coming from ?

Perhaps they should be teaching that at universities ? Certainly one learns that at the University of Hard Knocks which both of us attended for many years :)


Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 11 April 2019 1:39:37 PM
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These protesters should have done things correctly
according to the law. They should have contacted the
police. They should have held their protest in an
are that did not disrupt things - or do potential
harm to other people - like putting community
safety at risk, people unable to access vital services,
ambulances being rerouted, people and students late for
work/lectures, causing traffic conjection and so on.

They certainly had the right to protest, but not at the
expense of everybody else.

Not planned properly.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 11 April 2019 1:49:18 PM
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