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Beautiful Tears

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Robert Said
PALE, so choosing to move and taking the kids away from a parent who has been involved in their lives is in your view is fair?
PALE replies

For goodness sake get over it.
This may come as a big big surprise to you but people who are ALREADY seperated tend to move on with their lives.

In many cases they re marry and relocate for better oportunitys for familys future and work based reasons.

Most times[ Not always] it is the Mum who has the full time care and Dad visits to suite him.

Its looney to sugest a law be made that if a woman and Mother re marries she cant move into another area or state with her new husband without handing her kids over and giving them up to a Dad who probably works full time and cant keep them on his own anyway.
Also its a fact young children need Mum.
Control? I said you sound like you want to control everybody because you suggested a law be enforced that would be TOTALLY unfair.
Nobody should forget how important it is that marriages are taken seriously.
The best thing for kids is to know Dad loves us so much he travels @@@ to see us as much as possible.
Of course thats if the other parent has had to move for one of a million reasons!
Perhaps they moved to be closer toHIS children.
See what I mean Robert.
Second marriages have four others to consider- Not just ONE.
For example if your x wife re married and her husband was transfered inta state do you really think it would be fair to tell her she could not see her son?
What about her second husbands children- Should they not be entiled to see him too?
Your policy idea is really unworkable
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Wednesday, 22 August 2007 11:29:11 PM
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Everyone is entitled to their opinion, there is no right or wrong because every situation is unique. If my X were to move away from us...that would be HIS CHOICE. I have custody of our children so I believe it would be WRONG to purposely move away from their father.
As far as making nice with the new girlfriend or wife, I don't believe a friendship needs to evolve but in the best interest of the children, I think it’s important to be able to get along and care for the children as a team. The kids would only benefit from it. AGAIN, EVERY SITUATION IS DIFFERENT but communication between everyone involved in caring for the children is important
Posted by V.Amberlee, Friday, 24 August 2007 10:28:12 AM
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V.Amberlee, good point. I still continue to be astounded at the inability of some to see the other side of the fence and the corresponding ability to embrace double standards.

PALE does not seem to have realised yet that I'm the single parent with prime care so the measures I'm talking about are ones that would restrict me rather than my ex if I wanted to act that way.

I sent you an email via the address on the page you linked to in your first post to touch base. Did you get it?

Posted by R0bert, Friday, 24 August 2007 10:37:49 AM
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My X took the boys on Sunday! Yahooooo! They went to his bosses house who has triplets, 2 boys and a girl, who are the same age as our boys. They live on a lake. They all had a great time, even my X was in good spirits when he brought the boys home. He said he wants to see the boys every weekend! I think he plans on spending a lot of time at his bosses house which is great. Our boys will have kids to play with and be outdoors instead of in front of the t.v. I am excited so I hope he holds true to this. Our boys were very happy.
:) I was lost on what I should do with my kid-free day! WOW, how strange! I needed to clean and grocery shop but I was so tired, I just slept all day. Kind of a waste but how often do I get to do that?!
Posted by V.Amberlee, Friday, 24 August 2007 10:44:04 AM
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VAmberlee said

They went to his bosses house who has triplets, 2 boys and a girl, who are the same age as our boys.

Clearly you are very young and Naive doing the best you can as a single mother.
I will attempt once again dear to point out to you where you seem to fail to see where perhaps [ without] knowing it X wives can bit unfair to another family.
If you read your words above you will see you have absolutly zero concern for his bosses wife.
She has triplets. However you see no problem with expecting her to have yours there every weekend.
Dont you think the poor woman has enough?
I am sure there must be a park near by surley your children dont have to be stuck in front of a TV just because yourX isnt there.?
Anyway here are some words of advise from somebody a few years older.
Contact the bosses wife yourself direct.
Ask her does she mind? the children coming every weekend and tell her you know how difficult it is with young ones.
Maybe even offer to mind hers oncea month to give her a break.
Just please for your own sake and the sake of your children who clearly love going near the lake take this poor lady for granted.
She just might like some time alone with her husband and her children.
Your X sounds totally irresposible by the way.
Robert. All I said was you cant run other peoples lives.
If that offends you then it does.
It wasnt my intention but you sub linking with other threads to draw me back here does tend to make me think i was right.
Good luck to both of you.
Robert you should vist V next your that way.
You have a lot in common- Your dislike of me
Funny As!
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Monday, 3 September 2007 9:26:21 AM
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Oh PALE, how very schoolyardish of you.

You are upset with me and V.Amberlee appears to be my friend so you attack her. Very grown up, I'm sure that you have a lot of mature advice to offer V.Amberlee.

If I do get back to V.Amberlee's part of the world I'd look forward to catching up with her. She seems like a decent person seeking to act responsibly in regard to her kids well being and her interactions with the world.

In regard to your comments on this topic your unwillingness to make any attempt to deal fairly with what I'm actually saying leaves me with no interest in discussing the matter with you.

Posted by R0bert, Monday, 3 September 2007 7:55:10 PM
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