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The Forum > General Discussion > A thoroughly inglorious day for our nation

A thoroughly inglorious day for our nation

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The current attack on Israel was orchestrated by Hamas, the terrorist organisation controlling Gaza, via social media. The objective: penetrate the border fence, capturing or killing IDF personnel and Israeli citizens.

Hamas has tricked everyone into thinking that the protest (that's what they are calling murder now) is in response to America’s shifting of their embassy to Jerusalem. However, the real plan is to beach the border and commit mass murder. Yet, some sections of the global community have criticised Israelis for protecting themselves! Iran donates $106 million a year to the terrorists to help them out.

There are 669 references to Jerusalem in the Old Testament. In the Koran - NOT A SINGLE MENTION.

I would like to thank Steelredux for providing the opportunity to share this information.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 21 May 2018 3:51:29 PM
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yep the marxist are so close to Hamas ideology. Strangely all their supporters (many who promote homosexuality) would be the first stoned if Hamas had their way. The lefist outrage is putried hypocrisy at its worst level. Trump certainly has more courage than the previous half dozen US Presidents.
Posted by runner, Monday, 21 May 2018 4:23:36 PM
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I have never seen any news report for decades, where the Israelies have initiated any attacks. Time and time again, the Palestinians attack in some way, and then Israel defends itself, and then all the anti-western nations in the United Nations condem Israel.

Why do the silly Palestinian, rag tag violent groups, attack a force like Israel and then complain when they get hurt. Or when they really go too far as they did with their rocket attacks and 15tunnels, the last time Israel got stirred up and killed 1,000 of them, do they then run to the United Nations to call off Israel
The Palestinians are using the United Nations as an ally that lets them attack Israel with impunity. The Arabs have proved themselves, liars again and again, around the world and it is always someone elses fault, when they attack.
Its exactly the same with Israel. They attack, forcing Israel to build a wall, then blame Israel for the wall
Posted by CHERFUL, Monday, 21 May 2018 4:40:49 PM
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Yes, runner. The Left/Muslim alliance seems to be anethama, but as far as the homosexual (seeming) differences go, the Left has no interest in homosexuals. The recent SSM affair, orchestrated by the Left had nothing to do with homosexuality; it was all about wrecking marriage, the family and therefore society - our society, which is an extension of the family. The Left duped people who are not homosexual or communistic into doing their job for them. The old revolutionary Marxists of 200 years ago, who would not have believed in same sex relationships, would be full of admiration for their descendants who used something they would never have dreamed of to achieve something they could not achieve in their day.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 21 May 2018 4:58:53 PM
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Opinionated2. I question your knowledge of the history of that area.

The 2 state solution was rejected by the Arabs after the 6 day war, in 1967, where Egypt Jordan and the Palestinians massed tanks and a 200,000 strong army on the Isrealie borders, Israel being well armed and well trained, beat these forces in 6 days.

This is when Israel took the so-called occupied land. But they gave back 90% of the land in the hope of a peace deal with the Arabs, who still would nt agree to a 2 state solution. Terrorists groups contunued to attack Israelie citizens in buses and in cafes killing 700 of them in one particular series of brutal attacks.
Israel was forced to build a wAr so they could better screen potential terrorist threats coming in and out of Israel. Since they have taken these defensive measures, most the the terror attacks from within Israel have stopped, but the attacks continue from rockets launched from the outside. Recently there were the spate of knife attacks being pulled from under black robes to kill Israelie soldiers.
Is it any wonder, Israelie soldiers would fire at people wearing these black robes who were running towards them.

No doubt they wanted to get hime safely to their wives and children. And yes if a sizeable rock happens to hit you in the head from a distance it can kill you alright or leave you braindamagedl, anither reason to fire at the rock throwers before they could get close enough to kill someone with those rocks.

And really, how silly are the palestinians to run towards well armed Israelie citizen protecting soldiers like that, then seem surprised that they got hurt.
Epreally these people seem to lack intelligence.
Posted by CHERFUL, Monday, 21 May 2018 5:31:21 PM
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sorry for the above typing errors. It should be wall, not wAr, but the dam thing posted as I was editing this . I usually type it up in a word document and paste it to avoid this, but this time I didnt.
Posted by CHERFUL, Monday, 21 May 2018 5:36:29 PM
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