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A thoroughly inglorious day for our nation

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Yep, it's like that!
Posted by diver dan, Monday, 21 May 2018 6:55:03 PM
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Yep! everybody is tricking everybody else and the Palestinians are so dumb that they keep running into bullets that are minding their own business.
Forget their claim of right to return to that which was taken forceably from them which they are protesting in a metaphoric manner, and I can see where rocks can be as effective as bullets should they reach their targets, but you would need to think that readers are abject retards when you expect them not to question the no of deaths on the Palestinian side as being consequences of a balanced confrontation namely bullets against rocks as is claimed.
Nah!....the Zionists are murdering the Palestinians just as the Nazis murdered the Jews, and no amount of justification will ever exonerate that fact.
The day will come where desperation will result en masse with the Palestinian youth being stripped of their dignity will revolt.
No one deserves to be humiliated as the Zionists know full well and being funded by the Jews world wide will not exonerate their behaviour
Israel knows it is creating a permanent enemy so to keep the US having to continually support it 'till they wake up...and they will wake up.
The Holocaust is still remembered and so too will the theft of Palestinian land and consequential deaths.
Very cunning tactic, you steal a neighbours land and then claim self defence when he tries to reclaim it.
Posted by Special Delivery, Monday, 21 May 2018 10:08:01 PM
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Dear o sung wu,

You say;

“'Bullies' you say STEELEREDUX when tiny Israel is utterly surrounded with vexatious, confrontational, and pugnacious Islamic Nations? They sound more like the victims to me!”

I think we might have a slightly different view of what constitutes a victim. The Israelis are armed with approx 300 nuclear weapons, enhanced by the most powerful and sophisticated military and backed up by the world's most powerful nation and you want to make the case of them being victims?

Good luck.

Next let's step through the so called “ vexatious, confrontational, and pugnacious Islamic Nations” you claim are surrounding Israel. Lebanon and Syria perhaps might in part only qualify but Jordan and Egypt have had quite cordial relations with Israel for a long period.

Israel is alone in the world in keeping a brutal siege on nearly 2 million people, alone in the world flouting UN resolution against moving hundreds of thousands of its population into areas it militarily occupies, it certainly qualifies as a bully in my book according to the values I was raised with. You might need to better explain why it doesn't for you.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 21 May 2018 10:40:59 PM
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The Palestinians and their mates lost the war.
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 21 May 2018 10:53:33 PM
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Dear Paul MurrayCbr,

You wrote;

“Yeah, people felt that way before Muslims started ramming trucks into bus queues and raping thousands (literally raping, literally thousands) of British children.”

In your thinking why are the actions of a small group predominately originating from a small area of Pakistan deemed sufficient to tar the whole religion while the Christian clergy who had been found to have been “raping thousands (literally raping, literally thousands) of British children.” attract not such censure from you?

There have been no Palestinians ramming into bus queues in Europe nor raping thousands of children so what else do you have against them that you see the actions of Israel as justifiable?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 21 May 2018 11:07:16 PM
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You wrote;

“I have never seen any news report for decades, where the Israelies have initiated any attacks. Time and time again, the Palestinians attack in some way, and then Israel defends itself, and then all the anti-western nations in the United Nations condem Israel.”

and then;

“The 2 state solution was rejected by the Arabs after the 6 day war, in 1967, where Egypt Jordan and the Palestinians massed tanks and a 200,000 strong army on the Isrealie borders, Israel being well armed and well trained, beat these forces in 6 days.”

Who do you think initiated attacks both in the air and on the ground in the Six day War?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 21 May 2018 11:12:55 PM
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