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The Forum > General Discussion > A thoroughly inglorious day for our nation

A thoroughly inglorious day for our nation

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This is the response by British Labour;

It just shows how piss weak the response from our own Labour party is. The only voice really being heard is from Albo. The rest have essentially gone missing.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 22 May 2018 12:35:01 AM
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A strong and forceful speech by UK Labours Emily Thornberry on the daily atrocities being committed against innocent Palestinian people by the Israelis. It is to the ALP's shame that they have taken a somewhat muted response to what has been happening. The attempts by the Trump administration to justify Israeli actions is deplorable, but for Australia to take a similar stance is reprehensible in the extreme.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 22 May 2018 4:51:01 AM
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As scottish comedian Frankie Boyle put it recently:

'If one side has sniper rifles and the other side has a few catapults and slingshots, you're basically murdering the Ewoks.'

It's a good analogy: a group armed with extremely primitive weapons, trying to protect their tiny little forest moon from the ruthless oppression of the Empire, who come equipped with the might of the Imperial military.

Little wonder that the forum's usual suspects would back the Empire.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Tuesday, 22 May 2018 7:50:04 AM
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"One would think," writes Israeli journalist Daphna
Baram, "that Israel was not a nuclear regional
superpower possessing the fourth most powerful army
in the world, but a shaky sanctuary where Jews are
annihilated by the thousands every day."

The only way to defend an illegal and brutal
occupation is to be constantly on the offensive, and
slamming and threatening opponents often forces them into

However, the Jewish state simply cannot continue to ignore
majority world opinion. It's way past time to focus on
justice for both Israelis and Palestinians.

The Israeli perspective in far better understood in the
West, largely because of the Zionist lobby's activities,
but also even more so since September 11 - as "our"
struggle against Islamic fundamentalism. The Palestinians
are not particularly effective at translating their message
for a Western audience, and most Western journalists based
in Israel spend relatively little time in East Jerusalem and
the occupied territories.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 22 May 2018 3:42:33 PM
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I agree with all you say so there is little point in repeating it.

The fact is that Israel kicked the arse of the Arabs in the 6 day war and then, in a gesture of good will, gave most of the concured land back.(Bad mistake) Since then the Arabs have been raining rockets almost daily on Israel.Their hiding was not bad enough.

There is no doubt, the Israelies are the goodies and the Arabs the badies in this.

Time for Israel to get serious. Remember we did not get the Japs to surrender until we showed we had a bigger stick.
Posted by Banjo, Tuesday, 22 May 2018 4:07:56 PM
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Dear Banjo,

In June 1967, the Six Day War changed the face of the
Middle East. Israel's Arab neighbours, especially Egypt,
decided that Israel had to be removed from the map and
attacked, but the result for them was military devastation.

In less than a week, Israel trebled the land under its
control, gaining territories such as the Gaza Strip,
West Bank, Sinai and East Jerusalem.

Now Israel entered an even more militaristic age, and the
Western world's love affair with the Jewish state intensified.

The US administration of Lyndon Johnson accepted Israel's
conquest with only an occasional dissenting voice.

Despite US acceptance of the war's outcome, there was concern
at the UN and on 22 Nov. 1967 the Security Council approved
Resolution 242 making it clear that Israel should withdraw from
territories conquered. Israel has never complied with this
ruling and the USA's power of veto has always ensured that
the resolution is not enforced.

While the resolution was unanimously passed, it also called for
the establishment of defensible borders for all relevant
parties (Israel, Syria, Egypt, and Jordon).

To this present day, Israel has insisted that a cessation of
Palestinian "terrorism" is a pre-requisite for negotiations.
While the international community demands an end to the
occupation, US support has enabled Israel to avoid taking
concrete steps.

Overnight, Israel became an occupying force with control over
one million Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 22 May 2018 4:50:47 PM
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