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The Forum > General Discussion > A thoroughly inglorious day for our nation

A thoroughly inglorious day for our nation

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US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley slammed the council’s decision, saying: ‘At a time when Venezuela lurches toward dictatorship, Iran imprisons thousands of political opponents, and ethnic cleansing has taken place in Burma, the UN’s so-called Human Rights Council has decided to launch an investigation into a democratic country’s legitimate defence of its own border against terrorist attacks.’
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 26 May 2018 11:03:48 PM
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Julie Bishop largely concurred: ( with the above) - ‘The protesters should not seek to enter the Israeli territories by force. Hamas should not be instigating this kind of protest which they must know could lead to violence…’.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 26 May 2018 11:08:30 PM
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Do those deriding Israel really expect it not to maintain the integrity of the security fence and protect its citizens, at all costs, just like any other state would if faced with similar circumstances?
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 26 May 2018 11:28:53 PM
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Unfortuneately, there does seem to be a mindset by people around the globe that they can just cross the borders of other countries at will, and that they are entitled to do it.

That's why we and every country in the world have armies( male territorial defenders)
Because historically, people and countries have always defended their borders, Understanding that control must be kept of territories or countrys to protect, ones biological bloodline, because other tribes can and do threaten control of territories and as can be observed quite clearly in history, except by our esteemed academics,
most if not all of those dispossesed entirely of land and territory, quickly find themselves
in danger of annihalition or extinction. Today, we still see this in action by people driven into refugee camps. The only reason they survive being dispiossed of their lands, is United Nations Aid. This aid didnt exist in past centuries, only the last 80years or so perhaps. So even in todays world, being disposses of territory is still fraught with extreme survival problems
Posted by CHERFUL, Monday, 28 May 2018 8:45:07 PM
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