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A thoroughly inglorious day for our nation

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Honestly, what would you personally do?

Assume you are living in a village where you were born.

Your great-grandparents procured the land of your village some 70+ years ago: how they did so is disputed - some say that it was by right means, others say that it was by wrong means and the truth is probably somewhere in between, though you may never know because you were not yet born at the time and your great-grandparents have long left this world so you cannot ask them.

Now your neighbours are unhappy about your presence in your village: not just unhappy, but so extremely unhappy that they vowed to kill you and your family and demonstrated it not only with words, that they would do whatever it takes, even at the cost of their own lives.

You therefore built a long fence to stop them, complete with expensive electronic sensors to tell you when your neighbours come close. Your neighbours are also digging beneath the fence to get to you, so you also invest in sophisticated equipment to detect and destroy their tunnels.

Now your neighbours are marching, most of them unarmed, to get to the fence, destroy it, then walk through to get you. They significantly outnumber you and if able, they would strangle your throat with their own bare hands, even your babies. Also, the harvest season is near and your fields of wheat that you worked hard to grow are nearly ready. Even while your neighbours are on the other side of the fence, they fly flamed-kites across the fence that set fire and destroy your crops - just imagine what they would do to you and your home if they were on your own side of the fence.

So what would you personally do?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 20 May 2018 9:23:11 PM
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Dear Foxy,

I lost any respect I had for Bishop when she labelled anyone who supported the BDS movement as anti-Semitic.

“It’s anti-Semitic. It identifies Israel out of all other nations as being worthy of a boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign? Hypocritical beyond belief.”

For our foreign minister to label Australians as anti-Semitic because they support a peaceful means of putting pressure on a country flouting international law was shocking and reprehensible.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Sunday, 20 May 2018 9:26:42 PM
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"All the armies should go back to sling shots and stones because Issy thinks they are as lethal as guns...lmao"

Slingshots in Australia are as lethal as guns because they are firearms under the Howard Gun Laws, or do you think that that is a bit stupid?

What other weapons were being used under cover of all that smoke?

Israel was under attack, the only wonder is that more Palestinians were not shot dead, the majority of bullet wounds were apparently to the legs which proves that the overly tolerant Israelis were not shooting to kill; under the circumstances the wonder is that more were not killed, a fact that probably made the Hamas planners unhappy.
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 20 May 2018 9:36:53 PM
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Is Mise,

Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 20 May 2018 10:11:24 PM
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An interesting analogy. I don't think it will touch the ideologues, unfortunately.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 20 May 2018 10:17:53 PM
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Yuyu...The first thing I would do if I was you would be to actually learn the history of the conflict...

Then I would think about it for a couple of years so that it sank in.

Then I wouldn't come online telling half the story. I'd know the actual story.

You forgot to mention the settlements that continually steal the Palestinian land. You forgot to mention how the lands were forceably taken from the Palestinians.

You forgot to mention how sticks and stones don't match rifles and bombs.

Then if I were you once I actually knew something about the issue I would take the middle position and work on a solution that works for both sides.

Watch a few independent videos on the conflicts history and then comment. '

ttbn is very rarely correct on anything so you really are starting on the wrong side of the fence...lmao

How would you feel if someone one day walked onto your property and just took it? I suspect you'd be very angry.

What would you do?...lmao
Posted by Opinionated2, Sunday, 20 May 2018 10:27:44 PM
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