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The Forum > General Discussion > Failure of the Gun Laws

Failure of the Gun Laws

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The most illogical line of argument the pro gun mob put forward to justify lax gun laws is the "murderer would have used another weapon nonsense". In the case of Martin Bryant according to the Leo line if he didn't have a gun to murder people with he would have simply used an axe, or a sledge hammer, or even a rock. The fact is he used a gun, and that gun was available to him because of those lax gun laws at the time.
The Leo line is simply to deflect attention away from one of the major problems with gun availability, that being the probability of mass murder taking place from time to time using guns.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 29 June 2017 4:50:51 AM
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What do you suggest reference the probability of mass murder using petrol, kerosene or diesel fuels?

Thirty -six people were murdered by arson, in three incidents, since 2000, that is three massacres by fire since the introduction of the Howard Gun Laws.

What to do about the easy availability of fuels and igniters?
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 29 June 2017 8:25:30 AM
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Your statement that

".... 36 thousand Yanks shoot 36 thousand other Yanks dead every year?" is fatuous (synonyms: silly, foolish, stupid, inane, nonsensical, childish, puerile, infantile, idiotic, brainless, mindless, vacuous, imbecilic, asinine, witless, empty-headed, hare-brained)

FBI: US Homicide Rate at 51-Year Low

"The US homicide rate in 2014, the most recent year available, was 4.5 per 100,000. The 2014 total follows a long downward trend and is the lowest homicide rate recorded since 1963 when the rate was 4.6 per 100,000. To find a lower homicide rate, we must travel back to 1957 when the total homicide rate hit 4.0 per 100,000."

In 2013, the estimated number of murders in the nation was 14,196. This was a 4.4 percent decrease from the 2012 estimate, a 7.8 percent decrease from the 2009 figure, and a 12.1 percent drop from the number in 2004.
There were 4.5 murders per 100,000 people. The murder rate fell 5.1 percent in 2013 compared with the 2012 rate. The murder rate was down from the rates in 2009 (10.5 percent) and 2004 (18.3 percent). (See Tables 1 and 1A.)

and that's all murders, the murder rate by firearms is much less.

So the more guns the safer the society, this holds good for Australia also as our murder rate continues to fall, and the number of guns in the hands of civilians continues to rise.
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 29 June 2017 10:12:50 AM
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Anther erroneous line of argument from the gunnies is, well gun murders are okay, because 36 people were murdered by arson. What is the relevance between the two? None what so ever.

Issy, you are ridiculous, from your own statistics provided, 88% of Americans own a gun. From the US population number, and age, at least 40,000,000 of those gun owners must be children. That makes you look stupid, and willing to put up any old nonsense to support your argument. I think you spend too much time in the gun happy joint of 'Bullets and Burgers'!

How about you answer those question I asked.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 29 June 2017 10:48:07 AM
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Just to make it really so simple that the Yank NRA's Australian chapter can't wriggle out by pretending not to comprehend it:

Gunshot deaths are people getting shot dead. That's what the 36 thousand a year in America stands for.

It includes murders but is not confined to them.

It is not about day by day or month by month or year by year trends or fluctuations in the killing rate.

It is a product of the gun anarchy promoted by the Yank NRA and sought by its Australian chapter.

It is the enemy that John Howard took on and the Australian community has to be warned and empowered to squelch wherever it is active.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Thursday, 29 June 2017 11:20:51 AM
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You really are fatuous (plus derivations)

To say that 36,000 people killed 36,000 doesn't allow for multiple killings'

From where did you get your figures?

I got mine from the FBI site.


There is no need for you to be as silly as Julian, the 88% figure is obviously arrived at by comparing the number of gun in the US to the population, we all know that some people have more guns than do others
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 29 June 2017 12:25:31 PM
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