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The Forum > General Discussion > Failure of the Gun Laws

Failure of the Gun Laws

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Each gunfire killing has a shooter and a victim. 36000 victims means 36000 shooters. Source not FBI because FBI is about murders. Source
Posted by EmperorJulian, Thursday, 29 June 2017 12:42:28 PM
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What is needed is evidence-based regulation of persons who are allowed to own firearms. That licensing exists and has worked well in Australia since the year dot. The type of firearm is easily controlled through import regulations, which again were always in existence and working.

What has been well established and in similar threads before, is that 'gun control' is a political sham. It is the creature of very wealthy United States interests who have a vested interest in concealing persistent social problems, some largely endemic to blacks, in the United States.

It is just another of those rabbits invented for the chattering commentariat to occupy themselves chasing and to shock/horror/dismay their dumbed-down, unthinking audiences.

The numbers of blacks from low socio-economic status being involved in drugs and criminal gangs is a bellwether of serious social problems that beg study (that has been done) and political action. The latter is being frustrated by the pressure on politicians by vested interests, billionaires and those who receive their patronage. The great hope, Obama was just another self-promoting BS artist. You really have to feel sorry for blacks who are at the mercy of suave politicians saying they will care for them, but blaming others to eventually shelve responsibility themselves.

The overwhelming causes of death are: in children, accidents (which should indicate education for parents and safer design of appliances and homes) and for the mainstream, cardiovascular is top and climbing fast. That is a bellwether for government action on health, especially food (sugar, grease and salt in foods for example).

For curiosity, suicide is the 10th ranking cause of death and again, another bellwether of social problems.

But to work on these issues is to disturb such giants as the food and drug industries and billionaire currency and share manipulators like Soros. Even though the solutions are simple, such as get that damned salt, fat, sugar and chemical additives out of foods, particularly out of tuckshops, those wealthy share owners and traders are not going to allow that to happen. So one of their strategies is diversions and outright lies.
Posted by leoj, Thursday, 29 June 2017 1:48:33 PM
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In Australia, the notorious and nasty NSW 'Eastern Bloc' faction of the Greens, the same serial troublemakers who picketed an innocent small chocolate shop owner (the Eastern Bloc's partition against Israel!) has seized upon the lie of 'gun control' (lies have an attraction for the 'Watermelon' faction) as a way of getting headlines. The main figure is an ineffectual politician, Sh**bridge, who has pretensions of following the awful Lee Rhiannon (Brown) and is the boy who has been swinging from her coat tails for years, mimicking her. The problem for Sh**bridge is that he has no ideas and gay marriage is running out of puff.

Of course, Sh**bridge and the NSW 'Eastern Bloc' Greens faction are not interested in anything as mundane as drugs&kids, 'Struggle Towns' or aged care problems. They figure themselves as big-time players on the stage of international politics and getting paid by the taxpayer for being disruptive in parliament.
Posted by leoj, Thursday, 29 June 2017 1:51:11 PM
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The Australian chapter of the Yank NRA writes:
"What is needed is evidence-based regulation of persons who are allowed to own firearms. That licensing exists and has worked well in Australia since the year dot. The type of firearm is easily controlled through import regulations, which again were always in existence and working."

Didn't work too well at Port Arthur, did it?
Posted by EmperorJulian, Thursday, 29 June 2017 2:08:14 PM
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You found a reference, congratulations.

But the 63,000 figure that you tout contains 21,175 suicides, which, though firearm related, were the deliberate choice of the person concerned and had a firearm not been available then they would probably have killed themselves in another way.

"New preliminary 2016 data shared Wednesday from the National Safety Council estimates that as many as 40,000 people died in motor vehicles crashes last year, a 6% rise from 2015. If those numbers bear out, it would be a 14% increase in deaths since 2014, the biggest two-year jump in more than five decades."

In 2015 there were 257.9 million registered cars and trucks in the USA.

"According to the Congressional Research Service, [there are]: more than 300 million guns in all.Jan 5, 2016"

Clearly motor vehicles kill more people than do guns in the US, this is true of Australia as well, in fact more people died from vehicles
in NSW than died from firearms in the whole of the country.
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 29 June 2017 2:18:52 PM
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The Australian chapter of the Yank NRA is back to the old bleat that people die of other things than gunshots. Tell that to the 36 thousand Yanks shot dead by other Yanks every year. And to the relatives of those shot dead at Port Arthur and in earlier gun massacres before John Howard introduced a (minimalist) counter-attack against the gun freaks.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Thursday, 29 June 2017 3:03:22 PM
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