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The Forum > General Discussion > Failure of the Gun Laws

Failure of the Gun Laws

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Why do you also use the USA as the bad example when they are way down on gun deaths compared to many other countries?
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 27 June 2017 10:19:08 PM
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The incidence of gun crime in the US is very largely due to social problems - lower socio-economic blacks and involved in gangs and drugs.

The 'Open Door' immigration policy of the idiotic Greens who think Australia should be relieving the population problems of Third World countries would create a similar stratification, with similar unemployment, welfare dependence and city ghettos in Australian society.

But then the Greens are also soft on those criminal gangs dealing in drugs. They are not so keen on rights for victims of crime or on protecting the ordinary citizen against thugs.

In Queensland the Greens and Labor vowed to destroy the successful VLAD law that was passed by the High Court and was working well. Labor's Annastacia Palaszczuk became Premier and proceeded to undermine and trash the law.

Of course Paul1405, who claims to be bosom buddies with the infamous, totalitarian, NSW Greens 'Eastern Bloc' faction, who in turn are alleged to be in cahoots with the Soros-sponsored leftist 'gun control' activists, could be expected to be trash-talking the many thousands of honest, respectable citizens who qualified for and treasure their firearms licence.

The strange thing is (well, maybe not so strange given their union connections), the Greens are not interested at all in the deterrence and apprehension of criminal elements, especially those drug-dealing bikie gangs. And there is no way they are ever going to stop using illicit drugs themselves. 'Their' dealers need those illegal gangsta guns.

The Greens aren't interested in protecting the environment either.

Any wonder Richard Di Natale is desperate to shake the Greens faction tree to dislodge some of the mischievous monkeys hiding there. Interesting times to come.
Posted by leoj, Tuesday, 27 June 2017 10:53:06 PM
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Issy, "way down" you say, humm... lets take a look at firearm homicides per 100,000 at some comparable countries: As supplied by the THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE:

USA 3.6, Canada 0.5, Ireland 0.4, Belgium 0.3, Finland 0.3, Italy 0.3, AUSTRALIA 0.2, New Zealand 0.2, Denmark 0.2, France 0.2, Germany 0.1, UK 0.0, Japan 0.0.

I have not include countries like South Sudan, Somalia, Colombia, Syria, Iraq, etc. Not because they might have a high number, rather because I like to compare apples to apples. That is countries similar in nature to Australia, like the US. The US on my list is "way up" and not "way down" as you claim. Anything from 7 to 30 greater rate of firearm homicides than comparable countries.
Issy, that "way down" claim of yours was shot to bits long ago. Besides the extremest National Rifle Association of US, what other foreign pro gun organizations have seen fit to interfere in Australian domestic politics, and to financially support the Australian pro gun lobby. The $30,000 donated by 'The Federation of Hunting Clubs Inc' to the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party in 2015/16. What was the original source of that finance?
What is the link between the Sporting Shooters Association and the CFMEU? Answer, they both made sizable donations to Bob Katter at the last federal election. Issy are you a member of both organizations? If not, why not?

Leoj, you do a great job of turning codswallop, into something that appears meaningful, and then presenting it as fact. But unfortunately its still codswallop. WHERE IS YOUR EVIDENCE!

There you are, a new ready made nick for you; CODSWALLOP, its not taken, you can have it. Suit you to a tee!
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 28 June 2017 5:56:05 AM
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Everyone knows your form where denialism is involved. You could be standing in a tub of water and be denying the fact that your feet are wet. In spite of video evidence and reported police statements, you claimed that a victim of a street attack, Andrew Bolt, actually arranged it all himself for publicity. On that subject you remain more extremist than the claimed perpetrators, Melbourne Antifa.

Your claimed links with the political fringe-dwelling NSW 'Eastern Bloc' Greens are made rather likely by your half-truths and more usually, utter disregard for truth and established facts in the public domain.

From the outset you use the Big Lie technique of the foul propagandist, deceitfully blame-shifting the violence and illegal imported firearms of drug-trafficking criminal gangs that the Greens protect (see earlier post) onto the many thousands of police-checked, duly licensed and law-abiding, respectable, ordinary, Australian citizens who have proven lives of acting lawfully. You abuse these fine, upstanding citizens as 'gunnies', but you have never been inclined to provide any evidence that you or those opportunist 'Eastern Bloc' politicians you idolise, could ever satisfy the tests of character that they met and continue to uphold.

Honestly is there any wonder that the previous and present Greens leaders want to be freed of the rogue NSW 'Eastern Bloc' Greens outfit? -Can't trust them inside the Greens either, that is their form,
Posted by leoj, Wednesday, 28 June 2017 10:15:01 AM
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The USA is not comparable to any of your comparisons none of those countries has a land border with a largely unruly neighbour Mexico which had 15,000 firearm murders in 2016 and has a population of 127 million, which is less than half that of the US.

Why does the US have a low murder rate, in comparison to countries with much tougher gun laws?

"• The US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world - an average of 88 per 100 people. That puts it first in the world for gun ownership - and even the number two country, Yemen, has significantly fewer - 54.8 per 100 people
• But the US does not have the worst firearm murder rate - that prize belongs to Honduras, El Salvador and Jamaica. In fact, the US is number 28, with a rate of 2.97 per 100,000 people
• Puerto Rico tops the world’s table for firearms murders as a percentage of all homicides - 94.8%. It’s followed by Sierra Leone in Africa and Saint Kitts and Nevis in the Caribbean"
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 28 June 2017 10:50:03 AM
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Leo, "Everyone knows" Oh! how it must make you feel all warm and fuzzy, knowing you are included in the tribe, and little old me is unloved, unwanted, on the outer, persona non grata. Oh! how I long to sit by the warmth of your camp fire, where everyone else sits and not be cast away in some cold and damp friendless corner of this world. That really upsets me!

"You could be standing in a tub of water and be denying the fact that your feet are wet. In spite of video evidence and reported police statements,"

MY FEET ARE NOT WET! You failed to notice I am wearing gum boots!

"you claimed that a victim of a street attack, Andrew Bolt, actually arranged it all himself for publicity."

No, I claimed that was a POSSIBILITY" and still do, until evidence to the contrary is provided. Leo look up the meaning of the word possibility.

The rest of your post is CODSWALLOP and not worth responding to.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 28 June 2017 11:23:24 AM
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