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The Forum > General Discussion > Failure of the Gun Laws

Failure of the Gun Laws

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EmperorJulian, "Didn't work too well at Port Arthur, did it?"

You were challenged to demonstrate how the imported political sham that is 'gun control' would have prevented it. But you are silent on that. What about Monis and the Sydney siege? Illegal everything and he could easily have used common household cooking vessels, hardwares items and so on for a catastrophic consequence. Mercy!

Authorities are painfully aware that it is only intel from the public that might allow them to intervene in time. These people set out to break laws, you should be aware.

As well, if the media and scurrilous ambulance-chasing, headline-hunting outfits like the Greens NSW 'Eastern Bloc' faction could stop giving the mongrels the international personal infamy through the sensationalist coverage they sought and are still getting.

Australia had and still has - admittedly underneath that faked up paper-chase faux 'gun control' - a world class personal licensing system and a separate control on types of weapons imported.

Regarding that grub who murdered so many souls in Tasmania and brought suffering to hundreds more (millions, since we all suffered a loss), there were opportunities lost because BOTH sides of government for differing IDEALISM, had sold off the perfectly good Commonwealth mental and rehabilitation facilities that had catered for low IQ and mental patients. Authorities knew about him, but obviously there was nothing available to help since mental health sufferers (low IQ in his case) had been thrown back onto their families who could not cope and onto the general community.

Now, what about you come to grips with the issues in lieu of your pages of parroting a mantra? A lot of work has gone into drafting replies to give you information that slack politicians would prefer was not said.
Posted by leoj, Thursday, 29 June 2017 3:04:49 PM
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From the Yank NRA re the Port Arthur massacre:
"You were challenged to demonstrate how the imported political sham that is 'gun control' would have prevented it. But you are silent on that."

The animal wouldn't have had a gun to shoot people with, would he?

Posted by EmperorJulian, Thursday, 29 June 2017 3:41:21 PM
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Emulating Homer Simpson is your 'out'?

Come on, don't be holding all of that wisdom to yourself, the world is waiting to hear.
Posted by leoj, Thursday, 29 June 2017 3:50:38 PM
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"The animal wouldn't have had a gun to shoot people with, would he?"

Now there's logic for you all, from Julian.

Tell me, Julian, how did Monis get a gun, a gun moreove that was prohibited to most people and was illegally shortened as well?

Further to Julian,

Don't be such a dill,
"36 thousand Yanks shot dead by other Yanks every year"

If 21,000 odd were suicides how could they be shot dead by others?
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 29 June 2017 4:42:01 PM
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The wriggling Issy, trying to wriggle out of your nonsense claim are you;

FACT: there are more guns than people in the United States 1.12 guns per person, that is for every man, woman, and child.

What you were trying to claim by the following was, typically in ever 100 Americans 88 own a gun, obviously from the fact that 100 typical Americans own 112 guns, its obvious some own more than one gun. For your following statement to be true, as I pointed out, in 100 typical Americans 74 only can be classed as adults (over 18) therefore 24 must be children (under 18). If all 74 adults own one gun or more, to get to your magical figure of 88 owning at least one gun, 12 children would have to own one gun or more. Given the US population of children is 80,000,000 half the gun owning ones is 40,000,000! What a laugh!

<<The US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world - an average of 88 per 100 people. That puts it first in the world for gun ownership>> RUBBISH!

One American could own all 360 million guns in the country, that would make them most likely the lowest gun ownership country in the world. only a country with no guns at all would be lower. Is this to complected for you to comprehend Issy?

wriggle, wriggle, here we go with the wriggle;

<<the 88% figure is obviously arrived at by comparing the number of gun in the US to the population, we all know that some people have more guns than do other>>

OBVIOUSLY nothing of the sort, you are making it up as you go along!
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 29 June 2017 9:31:03 PM
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The Yank NRA is correct in stating that suicides using ready-to-hand guns are Yanks shot dead not Yanks shot dead by other Yanks.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Friday, 30 June 2017 11:16:05 AM
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