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Failure of the Gun Laws

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The NSW 'Eastern Bloc' Greens must have a container load of that 'gun control' propaganda from foreign currency dealing billionaire Soros.

It was when the Greens were running out of things to protest, particularly now that pink protest is not doing so well, that the opportunist, forever cynical Greens latched onto Billionaire Soros' 'gun control' scam.

But as has already been said, there is no getting away from the fact that 'gun control' is a political scam and is the opposite of effective regulation based on risk analysis and evidence. It is useful to the US billionaires and the also very wealthy presidential hopefuls like Hilary Clinton for talking points and to ensure that the political commentators are always being deflected onto 'what about guns!' and never get to bother themselves about the entrenched social and economic problems that affect blacks, Hispanics and people on low incomes, including low paid workers, often young.

In Australia, the NSW 'Eastern Bloc' Greens are casting about for something to protest. For years they have ridden on the backs of gays to get headlines for 'Boy' Sh**bridge, Lee Rhiannon and ors. Scrabbling for headlines picketing chocolate shop owners. Slagging police with drug dogs trying to deter drug dealers introducing kids to drugs at music concerts and other social gatherings. Such a great game exasperating police who are only trying to save young students' lives from criminal gangs trafficking drugs.

But nothing practical being done to address the social and drug problems of 'Struggle Streets'. Exasperated ex-Labor leader Mark Latham finally challenged Labor's (and Greens') hypocrisy, saying that Labor (Greens too) has an “obsession” with the symbolism of gay marriage and should be focusing instead on the nation’s “Struggle Streets”.
Posted by leoj, Friday, 30 June 2017 11:32:21 AM
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'Gun control' is a fraud, a sham. In the US it is about the very rich elites protecting their turf by fodder, negative hysterical pap, to commentators after the easy headline and column some. That leads interest away from the underlying social disadvantage and poor social planning by governments (with politicians sponsored by the same billionaires).

'Gun control' is not about criminals. It is about bans aimed at the respectable, law-abiding citizens, involving State compulsory confiscation of legally owned property at the point of a gun and bans. As so clearly evidenced in the Sydney terrorism incident (Monis), Howard's 'gun control' is a sham, worthless. All it does is create huge amounts of paperwork and take trained police away from collaring criminals to waste their time bothering the already certified safe licence holding citizen who can be trusted as law-abiding anyhow.
Posted by leoj, Friday, 30 June 2017 11:34:01 AM
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Linked to the routine plea for return to total gun anarchy, the Australian chapter of the Yank NRA writes:

"Exasperated ex-Labor leader Mark Latham finally challenged Labor's (and Greens') hypocrisy, saying that Labor (Greens too) has an “obsession” with the symbolism of gay marriage and should be focusing instead on the nation’s “Struggle Streets"

"as well as", not "instead", is the term that would make that paragraph relevant to Struggle Streets.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Friday, 30 June 2017 11:49:43 AM
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Should be, "In the US it is about the very rich elites protecting their turf by providing press release fodder, negative hysterical pap, to commentators after the easy headline and to fill columns". I could have added, on those slow news days when hack journalists don't find much 'news' at their local drinking hole.

It is interesting that the 'spokespersons' spruiking for SOROS' 'gun control' always hide their identities and refuse to disclose even the very basic details about their claimed 'organisations'. Of course their suspected one person, one-phone and one-fax 'organisations' are misleadingly called 'national, 'Australian' and the like, implying something more substantial. And the 'spokespersons' refer to themselves by their assumed grandiose titles too, 'President', 'CEO', 'Chair' and the like.
Posted by leoj, Friday, 30 June 2017 12:19:26 PM
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Leoj, how is progress with that armed paramilitary 'Citizens Militia' you have previously suggested was necessary for Australia to protect the good folk from leftest and other undesirables when police action failed. It was also suggested by you that such a well armed, and well trained private army could act when authorities went 'soft' on the criminal class. What rank do you hold in the 'Citizens Militia'? Honorary colonel.
As a One Nation supporter, it is clear you also adhere to that parties open door policy on gun ownership.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 30 June 2017 2:15:39 PM
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Your dissembling and ad hominem always come to the fore where you cannot dispel facts or bluff your way out.

The NSW 'EasternBloc' Greens are purveyors of half-truths and outright 'wobblies'.

The national Greens have this one chance to slough them off.

Otherwise, Richard Di Natale has probably had his fill of trying to bring some sense, direction and leadership to the Party. Unfortunately, Di Natale's capitulation and final resignation is what the NSW 'Eastern Bloc' are after. Bob Brown's dim view of Rhiannon et al comes from his own sad experience.
Posted by leoj, Friday, 30 June 2017 3:00:29 PM
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