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The Kerfuffle over Greer's Transgender Pronouncement
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Posted by Suseonline, Sunday, 1 November 2015 1:13:01 AM
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Aren't you the slow one! I wasn't thinking about penguins. I was referring to your obsession with sex-change. Seriously, what healthy male would be making enquiries about the processes involved in sex change! Who would care, apart from someone wanting the sex change! Who would think that any poster on OLO would know or care about such a daft question. It's no joke, you know. Some people are born with physce and physicality out of kilter, and they are much happier when they have the change. And, it's all their business, not the concern of some of idle nosy-parker with nothing better on his mind. As I said, if you feel the need, consult an appropriate surgeon, but try counselling first. Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 1 November 2015 9:32:58 AM
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Beach, you were going so well, until you said "ardent supporter of the AWU" I am no such thing!
Absolutely correct Suse, that's all we talk about at Greens meetings. Last meeting I attended the main topic of conversation was the 'WestConnx' motorway which will see the M4 and M5 tollways disgorging 1000's of cars etc a day onto already crowded inner city roads, no plan for real public transport improvements in inner Sydney, with both bus and rail stretched to the limit, we want the city light rail being built to service parts of the eastern subs to incorporate a light rail line to Greens Square with an integrated bus rail interchange, servicing the huge numbers of people intended as part of the urban renewal that will see over 100,000 added to the area. This is supported by Clover Moore and the city council, but the Baird government is not listening yet. Forget I posted the above, no the subject quickly turned to transgender men and if the 'WestConnex' was going to include a lane for them, 3 hours later we all packed up and went home! Suse, 'Monty Python' and Stan wants to be called Loretta and have babies, sums up the whole thing. Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 1 November 2015 11:53:29 AM
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The people are real, as is their suffering. There wouldn't be one hundred new referrals to the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne alone if those children weren't requiring specialised help. From the ABC Four Corners - URL provided earlier,
<The Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne has had 100 new referrals this year. Isabelle is one of the children being treated at the hospital and she told Four Corners that without support and access to treatment, she would have been deeply unhappy. "If you don't be yourself, you're going to be miserable for your whole life," she said.> Beyond Blue, This is a circumstance where the Australian public and workers are accepting and would see and accept the person in the workplace. However the cynical politics, political correctness and double standards of feminists (and unions) as exemplified Germaine Greer have been troublemaking for years. "it’s the culmination of a PC culture that may be beginning to implode" Posted by onthebeach, Sunday, 1 November 2015 1:05:00 PM
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This is an interesting argument:
"I am a woman and my gender and femininity is deeply rooted in my body. My femininity is not something that can be colonized, manipulated, or stolen. My femaleness has been given to me and I could not give it to the opposite gender, even if I wanted to. This, perhaps, is the deep suffering at the root of being a transgender person, to desire something that is impossible. To have a thirst that can never truly be quenched. I ache for people who struggle with this. No one deserves to feel this kind of pain, or the abuse and mockery that goes along with it. But I cannot lie and tell people they are what they are not, simply because it is what they desire to be true. Compassion is not compassion without truth." Taken from Posted by Roscop, Sunday, 1 November 2015 1:51:45 PM
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I reckon that Greer, who has declared that a 'hairy, smelly vagina' is the essence of women is just a human headline who wants to get back into the limelight.
Also that she needs to get advice from her doctor on the basics. She does exhibit the double standards and whacky thoughts of the gurus of feminism. She made heaps of dough out of the women she talks down to and secretly despises though. Posted by onthebeach, Sunday, 1 November 2015 2:09:20 PM
Why the pretense?