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The Forum > General Discussion > The Kerfuffle over Greer's Transgender Pronouncement

The Kerfuffle over Greer's Transgender Pronouncement

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So Paul it is symbolic that a man can marry other man and have symbolic babies. So their sex is symbolic.
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 5 November 2015 10:58:25 AM
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"The jury is out on a biological basis for transgenderism." And who is the jury, Beach, 12 good men.

"as most would agree" evoking the majority, without substance. I think the majority don't give a rats for transgenderism as you call it. Pose the question:

What is YOUR opinion of transgenderism? I doubt the majority would reply;

I don't want those progressive social engineers and activists to set the policy agenda on transgenderism. and browbeat doctors and psychiatrists.

They are more likely to reply, WHAT!

I think this whole thing is a beat up to attack progressive thinking, and does not rate in the top 100 issues of the day.

As for Greer, I don't have much time for her, anyway.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 5 November 2015 11:00:39 AM
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Fr Joe,

My line on all the issue is rather simple to understand. Sex between consenting adults is none of my business, why do you make it your business?

You like to throw questions at me, here is on for you. What is your attitude towards masturbation? A common sexual practice of heterosexuals, including Christians, both male and female. Its my understanding that it is condemned by the Catholic Church. Catholic doctrine on the subject.

"Both the Magisterium of the Church, in the course of a constant tradition, and the moral sense of the faithful have been in no doubt and have firmly maintained that masturbation is an intrinsically and gravely disordered action" (CCC# 2352). Whatever the motive, solitary sex in itself contradicts the meaning of human sexuality, which is meant by God to be shared between a man and a woman in marriage."
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 5 November 2015 6:43:06 PM
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Hi Paul,

You put your finger on a crucial issue, that should be stressed on any person, male, female, male/female or female/male or anything in between - if one loses one's sexual organs, does one lose forever the ability to achieve any sort of orgasm ?

Sounds like one hell of a sacrifice :(

Such a drastic action would probably make masturbation moot. If you are contemplating such an operation, Paul, I would strongly advise you to get in as much of it as you can now. As you are probably aware, it doesn't make you go blind (although I do seem to be losing some vision over the years, but that might be just ageing) and it is a form of sex with the one you love most. There are no life-changing consequences like pregnancy either, and nobody gets hurt.

Why do religions so often seek to stop us seeking pleasure ? On the other hand, there seems to be no mention of prohibiting it in the Koran, although there are plenty of mentions of other pleasurable activities such as amputations, stonings, enslavements and burnings, so it may not be all boring gloom on those long, pitch-black Muslim nights :)

Good luck !

Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 5 November 2015 7:20:29 PM
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Throw the masturbation question at the religious and they duck for cover. I would think it a common practice among the celibate clergy in particular, from the Pope down to the local kiddy fiddler!
Again, another sexual practice I see as none of my business, and does not harm others, so I'm not in favor of any laws to ban it, as if you could.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 7 November 2015 4:59:08 PM
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In case you didn't get it, when I said 'A man becomes a woman when he gives birth' I was being ridiculous to point out the complete stupidity of the question.

You took it seriously.
Does a woman have to give birth to prove her femininity?
A woman who never gives birth is (s)he a man?


I think you've all been brainwashed into believing this pc crap and that you all must have the same stuff between your ears just for asking.

A person IS whatever the hell they are born as unless they are a hermaphrodite in which case they are both.

A person may identify with the opposite sex and prefer to be known as a member of the opposite sex and get bits chopped off and added and take drugs to try to be more like the opposite sex but they are always going to be whatever the hell they were born as and what their DNA says they are.

Even considering an alternative explanation is a surrender to logic and entertaining absurdity and madness.

And by the way are you also ignorant of the Vatican sex scandals?
How they trawl around outside the Vatican looking for young boys to take back and molest?
Haven't you seen the young children jumping out of past Popes birthday cakes?
The Pope just may be the local kiddy fiddler.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 11 November 2015 10:30:38 AM
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