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The Forum > General Discussion > The Kerfuffle over Greer's Transgender Pronouncement

The Kerfuffle over Greer's Transgender Pronouncement

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Suseonline, "Why would you worry about such a thing Roscop?"

Doesn't worry me one little bit at my stage in life though I had been amused at why a former head of the Australian Army thinks a member of his force, because the member describes ones-self as transsexual, is now a woman since he referred to that person as a she.

It might however worry some people say if the person was to enter communal toilets/or shower facilities of one sex or the other. It might also worry some people if they were, say, if advances were made by such a person in a bar or in some other social setting.

I remember in my much much younger days when I walking along Lexington Ave in NY I got approached by what appeared to be a very attractive woman. I thought hello what's going on here? But when I heard the person speak and noticed the obvious Adam's apple I was out of there quick-smart.
Posted by Roscop, Friday, 30 October 2015 7:51:02 PM
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"As for your first question, you should put it to an appropriate surgeon if you are thinking of have the operation."

What do you mean "appropriate surgeon? The type of surgeon who if I thought I was a penguin could turn me into a real penguin?
Posted by Roscop, Friday, 30 October 2015 8:24:11 PM
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"What Greer pronouncement?... Not interested!"

Please explain contradiction.
Posted by Roscop, Friday, 30 October 2015 8:35:01 PM
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I suggest you listen to Eric Idle's litle piece in "The Life of Brian". Wants to be a woman called Loretta. Reg pointed out all the short comings of his idea but they agreed he could consider himself a woman.
This put the whole thing in perspective. Now in saying that we do not want to oppress these people they have to understand our derision and our right to show it.
Personally I think it is sad but consider people's feelings so do not want to hurt them.
Doctors who make a nice little earner on mutilating people is a horse of a completely different colour. Media who use them for titillation are not as bad but seriously this is a problem in some people's heads only.
Now we have people saying they are foxes, wolves, seriously. If they are able to support themselves good luck to them but I am stifling a laugh right now.
Bruce Jenner is a castrated man in my opinion.
Posted by JBowyer, Saturday, 31 October 2015 9:18:54 AM
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If medical science advances to the point where, God knows why, it can transplant a fox's tail on some bloke, I suppose that would him a fox. If he was docked, then clearly he would be a female fox.

Simple really.

And I don't give a flying toss one way or the other. A bloke might feel a bit effeminate, grow his hair long, lose his crown jewels, take hormones, but he's still going to be a bloke.

No, I tried but I still can't give a toss one way or the other - I wish I cared about the Self-Only Generation but ....

No, I still don't.

Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 31 October 2015 2:41:34 PM
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Feminists sure hate transgenderism.

The tediously boring, reactionary, human headline Greer is representative of the awful, self-obsessed, entitled, educated white middle class feminist dinosaurs left over from the previous Millenium and over half a Century back. Some still ride the gravy train courtesy of the tight 'networking', cronyism and favouritism, of leftist crews like Emily's List.

The international company I worked for some years ago had some contracts with government and it was noticeable that it was only in the government bureaucracies that transgenders became 'issues'. The feminist controlled unions were absolute mongrels in their treatment of the men to women transgenders and so much so that it was pitiful to witness. Still, it delivered more disabled toilets. The implied categorisation of the affected transgenders as 'disabled' was not lost on the feminists' victims.

However women to male (add the many lesbians dressed and acted male in the bureaucracy anyhow) was quite alright. The feminists could frame a narrative around that, apparently.

It is all about defending that B.S. feminist 'Patriarchy' paradigm. -Always with that overarching goal of protecting the entitlements and 'positive' discrimination enjoyed and being increased by the educated middle class white women who are feminism.

BTW, how is Greer's English country bungalow going? To think, after all of those years of beating up on the British, our inherited system of government and all they stood for. Whose forebears does she thank for that pleasant English acreage? Never you mind, eh what? The nagging feminists have such compartmentalised minds.
Posted by onthebeach, Saturday, 31 October 2015 2:59:55 PM
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