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More imported crime

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Oh yeah Bazz if Wilders gets into Australia maybe he can meet up with Dr Jamal Rifi and the other collaborators and explain what it's like for a critic of radical Islam to live with 24 hour a day close Police protection, to not be able to leave your house without an armed escort.
Dr Rifi may be a good man, in fact I'm sure he is but as much disdain as Islamists profess for the Kuffar the hatred they have for apostates and turncoats is bottomless and medieval in it's manifestation.
Put it on the bill for hosting a Muslim minority, what, 4 bodyguards per community spokesman at $90,000 a year per head for twenty or thirty years?
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 10:56:21 AM
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My assertion that there is only one Islam is NOT "blatantly false". There is only one Islam, just as there is only one Christian creed. E.g - I believe in the Christian way of life, but I, like many others do not worship, do not 'witness' as I am called on to do. I have not been to a church service since I was 16 years old. I am not much good at 'turning the other cheek' and a few other things I'm supposed to do. I do not deny that there could be Muslims who have no wish to commit the barbarous acts that the Koran REQUIRES them to carry out. I do not hate Muslims any more than I like all Christians, some of whom are bloody awful people.

I am against Islam because, unlike Christianity which actually teaches peace and love in the New Testament, The unchanging Koran teaches hate and violence. It discriminates. Muslims are exhorted to lie in the furtherance of Islam. If you don't know about this last point because you have not studied Islam, of course you will be fooled, like you have. The not-so-vicious Muslims that people keep harping on (they are also the same Muslims who never speak out against the excesses of their religion, note) when appologising for for Islam are totally irrelevant to the threat to us by the Islamic religious/politico organization.

As for your claim that you find my opinions of your ecomomic rambling insulting, I'm sorry, but I fiind your absurd theories, which merely repeat mistakes of the past, an insult to common sense. Like conservative politicians, I usually too polite, and that doesn't seem to work against you lefties who take advantage of it.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 10:58:29 AM
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Jay of Melbourne

It is very sad that you attack Australian Liberty Alliance without apparently bothering to read their objectives. You apparently support the group in Bendigo who seem to be only trying to prevent a Mosque being built and so far they have my support too, but have they any further plans.

There are so few groups trying to deal with the problem sensibly that it doesn't make sense to make the sort of comments you have earlier. Read the literature before you run them down
Posted by Dickybird, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 12:57:41 PM
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Ttb you are Conservative and you are to polite. Is that to polite like Abbott, or do you mean you are to naïve.

Bazz you can’t have your old country back, Abbott stuffed the last of it. Now we have a great achiever Turnbull, so be happy.

Diky I think there is something sinister about it, UPF is some Yank disruptive group. Like hire a crowd. Best left to the systems that are already in place.
Posted by doog, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 1:11:10 PM
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I don't know why you insist on questioning everyone. You don't take any notice of the answers.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 3:03:41 PM
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doog, I think you are confusing ALA with UPF was it ?
No, different organisation, mainly Perth & Melbourne based.

As far as I know there is no connection with Bendigo.
I can understand Bendigo not wanting a mosque, to repeat a well known quote;
"Leave the Meat Uncovered and the cats will come"

Bendigo probably thinks they have enough cats.

I heard today that someone has suggested we need more mosques in Sydney
to control the wild cats.

Jay, the kid arrested today threatened police when stopped because
of what he put on the internet in the last few days. At least thats
what the reports today indicate.
In the current circumstances surely to threaten police with death
(burn in hell) to be exact, must lead to dire results.

Anyway he will get his day in court and he can make his excuses there
and he will not be subject to Sharia law and be beheaded.
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 3:06:33 PM
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