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More imported crime

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Doog,no he didn't just happen to be Muslim he clearly pursued Islam as a zealot and sought martyrdom.
He came from a Hizb Ut Tahrir lecture at the local Mosque to the Police complex, shouted Allahu Akbar as he executed Curtis Cheng and then tried to kill responding officers. The reason Martyrs shout Allahu Akbar! in battle is so that they die with the name of god on their lips, it's a religious ritual.
What we've been told of his personality suggests that he's the typical Jihadist Martyr, like most political soldiers he's young, intelligent, well socialised,idealistic and from a good family.
This is not hard to understand Doog and logically there's no need to obfuscate and make excuses if there's nothing to fear from Muslims, right?
What's clear though is that Malcolm Turnbull's Muslim "Community Leaders" can't do much about the growing radical influence on young people because at one level it's actually a rebellion against those lenient, liberal Imams and scholars, the parents and the older generations.
This is going to get worse, much worse, the Wahabbis and revolutionary groups like Islamic State have been merely dormant for 80 years,they never went away and we are definitely heading into a scenario in the Islamic world reminiscent of the 1820's or the Jihad of 1915-1916.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 5 October 2015 8:43:42 AM
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What's the response from White people when one of our own carries out an act of political violence? An example would be Wade Page and the Sikh Temple shootings or Dylann Storm Roof in Charleston not so long ago.
The reaction is extreme, people talk about the need for change, the need to ban this group or that website, they start asking "What's wrong with White men" and the furore often goes on for weeks or months.
Look at Black Lives Matter, that was started on the basis of complete fabrications of the events surrounding mike Brown's death in Ferguson Missouri and the followers became so hysterical that we even had people blocking StKilda Rd im Melbourne chanting "Hands Up! Don't Shoot!".
Even rusted on White Nationalists disown and disapprove of political terrorism and launch into tirades about the degeneracy of modern White youth every time one of these unfortunate incidents occurs.
Logically it must require considerable restraint on the part of Leftists and Liberals not to blame all Muslims for Friday's shootings since that's the standard approach used in other such cases so don't tell me the Leftist ABC is adopting a wait and see attitude, they're exercising political correctness and you know it.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 5 October 2015 9:04:17 AM
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Yeah we know Doog. Facing the simple fact that the ideology of Islam demands violence would cause you to face the simple facts of the regressives putried ideolgies. That is simply why they remain so wilfully ignorant.
Posted by runner, Monday, 5 October 2015 10:23:45 AM
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doog, "The ABC will wait till they get some facts to go on first, not come to their own conclusion"

Say what?! Right up front, as usual, The ABC declared that there was no evidence it was terrorism. The scum was also a 'boy'. The ABC has already led into its 'blame Oz for anything done by Muslim thugs' spin. Apparently he must be misunderstood.

It was different when the ABC its leftist 'Progressive' comrades had a twelve year old girl minor to vilify and humiliate for calling a large, highly paid professional footballer an 'ape'. Yet that is a common generic term used by girls for footballers and particularly those from the opposing team.
Posted by onthebeach, Monday, 5 October 2015 10:40:40 AM
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I wouldn't call it ignorance Runner, it's a crisis in Anglo Saxon Liberalism, it just doesn't work in multi ethnic societies.
I had the misfortune to catch a bit of the Sunrise program this morning with their panel of dumb blondes opining on the Curtis Cheng murder and it struck me that what we see from liberals is nothing short of mass hysteria brought on by cognitive dissonance.
Think about it for a second, to us older people the Left/Liberal response to Islam is the equivalent of say, Phillip Adams standing up for Bob Santamaria or in another context Alger Hiss defending Joe McCarthy.
It's hysterical actually.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 5 October 2015 10:41:41 AM
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The problem is that "we" don't get a say. "They", who could and should do something about it will not because they are two cowardly, ignorant of Islam, and stupid.


The little monster wasn't born 'that way'. He was indoctrinated by Islam. It always comes back to Islam.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 5 October 2015 12:02:44 PM
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