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More imported crime

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The secretive Q society

THEY are a group of “concerned citizens”, but are very hesitant to say who they really are. If you want to go to one of their meetings, you have to sign a nondisclosure agreement.

Their only address is a PO Box in suburban Melbourne. They won’t say exactly where their money comes from and say they never will.
And they are very opposed to Islam in Australia.

The secretive organisation known as the Q Society has this week been linked to a noisy campaign to stop the construction of a mosque in Bendigo, Victoria.

Over the past few weeks, some of the town’s businesses and residents have awoken to find black balloons tied up outside their premises as a way of protesting the proposed place of worship.

The $3 million development was approved last week at a raucous council meeting. There were reports indicating the Q Society was a “key force” behind the Bendigo campaign (the organisation says it only held a public meeting and was “not a protest organisation”).
So who exactly are they and what are they doing?

The Q Society — named because the group was founded at a 2010 meeting in the upper class Melbourne suburb of Kew — claims to have members across the country.
Its mission is about “educating” people about Islam, spokesman Andrew Horwood said, rather than leading the protests.

They describe themselves as “Islam-critical”, are avowed opponents of sharia law and have published a book Getting Through: How To Talk To Non Muslims About The Disturbing Nature of Islam and produced YouTube videos including “How to stop a mosque”.
Posted by doog, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 10:34:03 AM
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Tks ttbn, I am waiting for J I Melb to reply.
If he belongs to UPF perhaps his comment about ALA is just interorganisation

Anyway if it is Jewish initiated, or has members who are Jews, I really
can't see the problem. I suppose it could also have members who are
Catholics or a variety of other Christian religions or horror it might
even have atheists as members !
It might even have lapsed ex moslems as members.

I would need must more detail than J of Melb assertions.
Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 10:51:32 AM
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A couple of years ago I went to a public meeting the Q Society held
in Liverpool. The location was kept secret until the day before when
I received an email giving the place.
When we got there the Riot Squad or whatever they call them had
isolated the meeting area and after showing the ticket there was a
security body scan and then we went in and upstairs there was a frame
similar to an airport air side scanner.

Some of this I suspect was because Geert Wilders was the main speaker.
He is leader of the second largest party, the PVV, in the Dutch parliament.
He is tipped to be Prime Minister after the next election as his party
has been getting increased voting percentage.
He goes nowhere without Dutch police escort even in Australia.
He gave a very interesting talk on the situation in Holland.
I bought his book there and it is an interesting read. Very level
headed, no ranting or any of that silly stuff some protesters often
go on with such as beheadings.

It appears Geert Wilders has not yet got his visa.
Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 11:09:15 AM
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Be careful there bazz That Jay bloke is tied up with that beheading mob. A mob of radical anti muslim protesters that don’t like taking notice of the law as well. A protest is one thing, disruption of public life is another. So be careful what you get yourself involved in.

The mob that jay is in is just as bad as the muslim terrorists.
Posted by doog, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 11:37:33 AM
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Not to worry doog, I had no intention of getting involved with his mob
I wanted to know more detail about what he said about ALA.

I have read the Q Societies info for a few years now and they seem
very level headed and some Q Soc members were involved in setting
up a political party, the Australian Liberty Alliance.
The party's info seems pretty straight forward and they have been
approved as a political party and will have candidates in next years elections.

It will be interesting to read their policies.
Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 12:41:54 PM
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"The mob that jay is in is just as bad as the muslim terrorists"

Is that a fact?

Whom did they last murder? (Reference, please).
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 2:00:19 PM
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