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More imported crime

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I spent almost 50 years with a gun in my hand; police, military and security so I ask you
Do you really believe what the police tell you?
I don't.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 3:39:04 PM
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Yup, I'm a UPF supporter and I go to their rallies,the mock beheading stunt like most of their videos was an in joke for supporters and it went over the heads of most other people, we were promised a speacial surprise for last Sunday and we weren't disappointed.
The figure being decapitated is significant to us because it represents our sworn enemies the ANTIFA:
The rest of the video is just so silly it had most of us in peals of laughter, go to their Facebook and watch it.
Saturday's rally in Bendigo should be good, we're going to have a whip round for the Police Legacy appeal to help Curtis Cheng's widow so I'd urge everyone who's in the area to come along.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 5:59:47 PM
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Pardon me, but what has your "I spent almost 50 years with a gun in my hand; police, military and security..." have to do with whether or not other people believe the police? You say you don't. Why don't you believe the police?
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 6:48:04 PM
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Because I don't remember too many people (superiors) wanting the general public to
know the truth before they have adjusted it to suit the circumstances.

Why do you think they have such things as the "Oath of Allegiance" and "Commissioner Regulations"
and the "Official Secrets Act" and "Official spokesmen and briefings and "Press Releases"

Why do you think they brought in the "Privacy" Laws?
Do you really think they want to protect the general public?

I've worked in it, been a part of it and a party to it mate.

They used to say only believe half of what you see and nothing of what they say.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 8:51:20 PM
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JOM’s warning (Page 7) saved me in the nick of time from joining Australian Liberty Alliance. I’d downloaded its application form and did wonder in passing why it requires a declaration (#4) that I won’t seek to find out who else is in it

Aidan on filtering out true Moslems (those committed to following the path of the paedophile warlord Mohammed):

"It's not as if that minority [sic] are hard to weed out: all potential immigrants (regardless of religion) should be barred from entry if they don't support freedom of religion (including freedom to change religion) for everyone."
Posted by Aidan, Page 4, Monday, 5 October 2015

Caveat from JOM:
"Aidan, Simple answer, they'll lie."
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Page 4, Monday, 5 October 2015

My response to JOM

Absolutely, lying is part of the Moslems’ religious commitment.

Therefore immigrants’ veracity should be monitored. The first time they display public repudiation of the pledge they made on entry, deport them and blacklist them. Same applies to other theocratic freaks, hobgoblins and monsters such as US evangelists.

Dickybird missed it (not surprising - the thread meanders at times):

"There seems to be (almost) unanimity that something must be done. No suggestions however how to do it.
Posted by Dickybird, Page 7, Tuesday, 6 October 2015
Aidan’s post on Page 4 set out a credible answer.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 11:36:48 PM
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Actually I suggest Aidan's Page 4 post is only a partial answer. Apart from the need for monitoring follow-up the nature of the entry -pledge needs to be more in keeping with the Enlightenment on which every decent society rests. This includes the right to reject, abandon, dispute, slight any religious or other ideology or its revered figures whatsoever.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 11:51:04 PM
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