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More imported crime

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Doog, you really do have a problem.
It seems that you do not understand the different meanings of these
two words.
Race & Religion.

You are making the same mistake that many on the left have made.
Is it due to the propaganda of the left or something else ?
Is it the Goebbels effect ?

However, it is possible to attach the race tag if moslems from the
Middle East are under discussion because they have been
marrying their cousins for some 1000 years plus.
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 8 October 2015 12:55:26 PM
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So what is wrong with marrying your cousin, that is not uncommon anywhere. It has to be at least your second cousin. It’s good enough for Kings and Queens. Toni would know all about that.

Race and religion. The race is Muslim and the religion is Islam. I do not have a problem with that interpretation. They are not even spelt the same.

It sounds like you bazz are in favor of creating disturbance over nothing they can do about, anti Muslum protesters have a welcoming committee waiting for them. No hailers allowed. Best behave themselves.
Bendigo has 150 Muslim residents and protesters come from miles away for an act of racism.

Anyone is entitled to protest, but business disruption and this mob go together. For what advantage do they get for making fools out of themselves. Just a Racist act to incite violence. Jay has gone quiet since the cat got out of the bag.

We do not have Terrorist activity here and there should not be any acts of stupidity to cause any either.
Posted by doog, Thursday, 8 October 2015 1:21:30 PM
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Doog said;
Race and religion. The race is Muslim and the religion is Islam.

That explains your misunderstanding.
Moslems are the name given followers of the religion Islam.

It has nothing to do with race. Indonesians are moslems but their race is Malay.
The moslems that are Arabs are the race group semites.

Regarding cousin marriage it was only intermittant in Royal circles
but what has happened since Mohammad checked with Allah and approved
cousin marriage it has been common practice in the Middle east.

This has had disastrous effects on the people of the Middle East.
It has affected their average IQ and has given them a 13% greater
chance of having children with genetic faults than other peoples.
If you want to check on this there are plenty of sources.
Start with Hansard of the NSW State Parliament Dept of Health Report.
Next the UK Midlands health Service report to House of Commons.

I have not seen more recent government reports. They would probably be
politically incorrect these days.
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 8 October 2015 1:44:09 PM
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Your problem doog is that we already do have "acts of terrorism in Aus so you are totally wrong.
Is it time to return to the main thread. We have a small group of extreme fundamentalist religious nuts breaking all the norms of human interaction, apparently just because their religion either permits or even sometimes encourages it. This is the cause of the current crime wave. What should be done about it ? There is, and has never been, any scientific proof of the existence of any “supreme being”. It is therefore an act of total irresponsibility to break both the natural law of human behavior and the laws of Australia.

Surely the answer has to be in taking away all the privileges currently offered to and expected by the particular religious organization involved. All religions should be responsible for any of their members who break the law of the country in the name of that religion. They cannot just avoid the issue and pretend that social or financial or international problems are the cause.

In Australia we have this wonderful tradition of accepting multicultural immigrants and absorbing them painlessly. However none of those different cultures made any attempt to demand we all changed our attitudes to follow their rites And customs. If you come to Australia you must also accept the customs of your chosen country and obey Australian law. If you insist on worshipping your chosen God, you will discover it is perfectly acceptable as long as you do it quietly and do not try and convert anyone. But there are limits to tolerance and they are currently being exceeded. The present Govt is still struggling to maintain its position on tolerance. I just hope it can succeed but I doubt it
Posted by Dickybird, Thursday, 8 October 2015 1:49:36 PM
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Hard to disagree with you comment Dickbird.
I heard comment by a man who had a moslem neighbour.
In discussing this subject he was told that it is not possible to be
both a moslem and an Australian.

If that is a theological correct understanding then all professing
moslems should be asked to reject their oath of allegiance and their
nationality or their religion.

I know that the taking of an oath of allegiance can be excused because
there is a para in the Koran that permits to lying to infidels if it
advantages Islam or moslems.
I often wonder why this is not challenged in court when moslems are
giving evidence.
I know I would if I were involved and it was evidence against myself.
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 8 October 2015 2:12:49 PM
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Quote: "Race and religion. The race is Muslim and the religion is Islam. I do not have a problem with that interpretation. They are not even spelt the same."

The writer does indeed have a problem with interpretation. Muslim is the Moslem-preferred name for Moslem - meaning adherent of the cult of Islam.

Like "Christian" is the name for an adherent of the religion of Christianity.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Thursday, 8 October 2015 2:53:18 PM
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