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More imported crime

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Obviously this guy was programmed.
He left the mosque after being promised a direct path to heaven,
a stack of virgins and a seat at his God's right hand,
given the gun (a 15 year old has neither the cash nor the contacts
to get it himself)told there were plenty of easy police targets coming in and out of the building
(who better to hate than white, christian police)
Pop the first one you see and you'll get popped and thus martyred and straight to heaven.
Wow what a buzz for these kids.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 10:11:56 AM
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Yes Bazz, WWIII has started.

Doog, it's your type of 'everyone is afforded innocence until proven guilty crap' that has led to our peace loving nation to become very worried about our future well being.

Once the descision was made to allow this garbage into our country it was only ever going to be a matter of time. Our past leaders should be utterly ashamed of themselves.

While multiculturalism has it's definite advantaged, Muslimisum has none.

As for creating the jobs you speak of, ten years and two labor governments, well three actually, too late.
Posted by rehctub, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 10:20:31 AM
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I find it all very depressing. I find the attitude that we should do
nothing about it, the most depressing part.

It is a matter of survival, it is a political attack, backed up by
hostile attacks on our whole societies basic structure.
At some time in the future we will need more than the police force to
suppress this active insurgent organisation. Make no mistake some time
soon no go areas for police and fire brigades will appear as they have
in Sweden, France and Holland.
Oh yes speaking of Holland, the Dutch MP Geert Wilders is having his
visa to speak in Perth delayed, not yet refused.
For those who do not know who he is. he heads the second largest
political party and it opposes Islam and wants to deport as many
moslems as possible. He has a Fatwa of death on him and is under
police guard wherever he goes, including Australia.

No doubt if Tony Abbott had gone further he would probably have had a fatwa on himself soon enough.
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 10:27:41 AM
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Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 10:31:46 AM
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Oh it gets better Bazz, my foot is getting sore from all the free kicks we've received this week.

So this little so and so seems to have picked up equal parts radical Islam and fused it with Leftist, #blacklivesmatter dogma, it's too funny for words.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 10:47:45 AM
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Did the police say he donned the robe in a mosque, or did he change into the robe and put other cloths into a rubbish bin on his way to the crime scene, as was seen on CCTV camera and shown on TV.

So you are against everything including our govt; That is up to you. Some of us are interested in getting to the bottom of what made this kid do what he did. This morning the police arrested another young kid on his way to the same school as the other kid attended.

We are after facts not assumptions. This should be an uncomplicated case, and probably the first such case in which the police can trace to the end. This is a clear case of terrorism and we need to know how this kid got into this situation.

If you can’t wait for the police to come up with the answers, you are as bad as they are, in assuming your version of events.

We have a liberal govt; and has nothing to do with the left.

Were you engaged with that mob yesterday staging a mock beheading in Bendigo.

Bazz Abbott was the idiot letting another 15,000 of your favorites into this country. What do you think of that.

Butch Sorry but the jobs expansion has already started with a mass of investment in wind and solar. This will create thousands of new jobs. All investment stopped while Abbott was PM. But now you have a progressive Pm in charge and that makes a gigantic difference.

The mob that radicalized that kid, is in the process of being found, so you just have to wait on the police to sort it out.

Why is it the Far right Abbott worshipers that can’t wait for the due process of investigation before making assumptions that all Muslims are tarred with the same brush. You could be right or you could be wrong.
Posted by doog, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 10:50:25 AM
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