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More imported crime
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With the tragic shooting of a Sydney police worker, by a young extremist, I ask, when are we going to do something to stop this imported crime.
Posted by rehctub, Sunday, 4 October 2015 7:00:02 AM
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Don't hold your breath!!
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 4 October 2015 7:20:57 PM
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Some sections of the media are already down-playing this cold blooded murder and the perpetrator.
References are to "a fifteen year old boy" whereas they should be to " a callous killer" "a cowardly murderer" "a terrorist wanton killer of the innocent" etc. Just remember now folks, the same thing can happen again at any time, but don't worry John Howard made Australia a safer place and if you are attacked there will always be an armed police person nearby who will save you. Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 4 October 2015 9:42:27 PM
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The leftists are already turning it into a 'gun control problem'.
Simply amazing how the leftists and lame President Obummer (sic) are always citing Australia's 'gun control' as the ideal, but just as Obummer is holding forth, in Australia there is a shooting by unlicensed feral with an illegally held, unregistered pistol. -Possibly one brought in illegally by some relative, but if he didn't have that weapon he would have illegally obtained another, or used a knife or a car or petrol. The inconvenient truth is that it is the person that needs to be 'controlled', not the simple tool. There is another inconvenient truth for immigration policy regarding the victim, a civil, peaceable gentleman who only wanted to make the best out of his Australian citizenship and the offender, who killed him. Not something the 'fact-checking'(sic) politically correct ABC would like to talk about though. Posted by onthebeach, Sunday, 4 October 2015 10:53:10 PM
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Another 'lone' wolf attack from a follower of Mohammed. Nothing to do with Islam of course. Just ask Malcolm. Deport peace loving people who point out the truth on abortion and let thousands more in who hate us. The rational left are just so clever.
Posted by runner, Sunday, 4 October 2015 11:17:58 PM
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You lot think these people are born that way, that is the Conservative view. Rational people would say , where did this kid get his idea that it would be a good idea to shoot a police man. [ That is what he thought he was doing ]
Weather this was a planned suicide or a killing is yet to be determined. He just happened to be muslim. It would be far better to find out if this kid had extremist teachings or not, rather than incite hatred because he was muslim. Shut down any cause of why he was incited to be a terrorist is the first port of call. 15 year olds are not born terrorists. The ABC will wait till they get some facts to go on first, not come to their own conclusion, as we have here. Blame everyone for the act of one. Posted by doog, Monday, 5 October 2015 7:12:04 AM
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Doog,no he didn't just happen to be Muslim he clearly pursued Islam as a zealot and sought martyrdom.
He came from a Hizb Ut Tahrir lecture at the local Mosque to the Police complex, shouted Allahu Akbar as he executed Curtis Cheng and then tried to kill responding officers. The reason Martyrs shout Allahu Akbar! in battle is so that they die with the name of god on their lips, it's a religious ritual. What we've been told of his personality suggests that he's the typical Jihadist Martyr, like most political soldiers he's young, intelligent, well socialised,idealistic and from a good family. This is not hard to understand Doog and logically there's no need to obfuscate and make excuses if there's nothing to fear from Muslims, right? What's clear though is that Malcolm Turnbull's Muslim "Community Leaders" can't do much about the growing radical influence on young people because at one level it's actually a rebellion against those lenient, liberal Imams and scholars, the parents and the older generations. This is going to get worse, much worse, the Wahabbis and revolutionary groups like Islamic State have been merely dormant for 80 years,they never went away and we are definitely heading into a scenario in the Islamic world reminiscent of the 1820's or the Jihad of 1915-1916. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 5 October 2015 8:43:42 AM
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What's the response from White people when one of our own carries out an act of political violence? An example would be Wade Page and the Sikh Temple shootings or Dylann Storm Roof in Charleston not so long ago. The reaction is extreme, people talk about the need for change, the need to ban this group or that website, they start asking "What's wrong with White men" and the furore often goes on for weeks or months. Look at Black Lives Matter, that was started on the basis of complete fabrications of the events surrounding mike Brown's death in Ferguson Missouri and the followers became so hysterical that we even had people blocking StKilda Rd im Melbourne chanting "Hands Up! Don't Shoot!". Even rusted on White Nationalists disown and disapprove of political terrorism and launch into tirades about the degeneracy of modern White youth every time one of these unfortunate incidents occurs. Logically it must require considerable restraint on the part of Leftists and Liberals not to blame all Muslims for Friday's shootings since that's the standard approach used in other such cases so don't tell me the Leftist ABC is adopting a wait and see attitude, they're exercising political correctness and you know it. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 5 October 2015 9:04:17 AM
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Yeah we know Doog. Facing the simple fact that the ideology of Islam demands violence would cause you to face the simple facts of the regressives putried ideolgies. That is simply why they remain so wilfully ignorant.
Posted by runner, Monday, 5 October 2015 10:23:45 AM
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doog, "The ABC will wait till they get some facts to go on first, not come to their own conclusion"
Say what?! Right up front, as usual, The ABC declared that there was no evidence it was terrorism. The scum was also a 'boy'. The ABC has already led into its 'blame Oz for anything done by Muslim thugs' spin. Apparently he must be misunderstood. It was different when the ABC its leftist 'Progressive' comrades had a twelve year old girl minor to vilify and humiliate for calling a large, highly paid professional footballer an 'ape'. Yet that is a common generic term used by girls for footballers and particularly those from the opposing team. Posted by onthebeach, Monday, 5 October 2015 10:40:40 AM
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I wouldn't call it ignorance Runner, it's a crisis in Anglo Saxon Liberalism, it just doesn't work in multi ethnic societies.
I had the misfortune to catch a bit of the Sunrise program this morning with their panel of dumb blondes opining on the Curtis Cheng murder and it struck me that what we see from liberals is nothing short of mass hysteria brought on by cognitive dissonance. Think about it for a second, to us older people the Left/Liberal response to Islam is the equivalent of say, Phillip Adams standing up for Bob Santamaria or in another context Alger Hiss defending Joe McCarthy. It's hysterical actually. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 5 October 2015 10:41:41 AM
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The problem is that "we" don't get a say. "They", who could and should do something about it will not because they are two cowardly, ignorant of Islam, and stupid.
doog, The little monster wasn't born 'that way'. He was indoctrinated by Islam. It always comes back to Islam. Posted by ttbn, Monday, 5 October 2015 12:02:44 PM
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'I wouldn't call it ignorance Runner, it's a crisis in Anglo Saxon Liberalism,
Jay There is much you write which I agree however when all over the world young men and women yell out to Allah before murdering innocent people it its blatant ignorance that regressives display in response. Posted by runner, Monday, 5 October 2015 12:17:11 PM
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Still nothing to say where that kid got his bad ideas from, except those jumping to conclusions. The idea is to eradicate the person that put those sort of ideas into a 15 year olds head.
This will never stop by blaming the perpetrator. We need to know who radicalized the kid. Then take action. By blaming a whole community for this action is not helpful. Turnbull has been on the job. But first we need answers as to where he got his radicalized intentions from. We need to know where he got the gun from. Then and only then is it time to pass judgment, not go off half cocked and blame a whole community. So get a grip of yourself and wait for some answers first Posted by doog, Monday, 5 October 2015 12:26:32 PM
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Are you sure this is an imported crime. These kids have been reared here. Could there be something in the environment here, that make them so vulnerable?
Posted by Flo, Monday, 5 October 2015 1:47:22 PM
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"The ABC will wait till they get some facts to go on first, not come to their own conclusion, as we have here. Blame everyone for the act of one" Good point, reminds me of the reaction to Martin Bryant, when all gun owners were tarred with the same brush; at least they didn't belong to a so called religion that preaches hate and vilification. Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 5 October 2015 2:02:28 PM
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Gee, how naive are you? The kid shouts Allah! and, bang, an innocent man of Chinese origin, quietly enjoying the peace of his adopted culture - a family man - is dead. What, in our culture, encourages someone to pointlessly murder another in the name of the god of Muslims, Flo? Nothing. The bad culture is Islam. How dare you to try to blame Australian culture for the lunacy of Islam! Posted by ttbn, Monday, 5 October 2015 2:19:17 PM
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The immediate responsibility lies with the piece of garbage that fired the shots.
The ultimate reponsibility lies with whoever decided to import a Moslem Fifth Column. Now THAT would be worth setting up a Royal Commissiom to explore exhaustively. My money is on the securocrat sector as it is they who benefit most. Posted by EmperorJulian, Monday, 5 October 2015 2:36:43 PM
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The internet makes the issue of import/export definitions redundant,
I can link to a blog where readers post questions to an ISIS fighter in Raqqa and receive a reply almost in real time. They're on Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Kik and Youtube. The IS magazine Dabiq comes out in most languages including English and is easily accessible via Google. Jamal Rifi, the Grand Mufti Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammed and all the other "community leaders" are irrelevant since the government is not in a position to support them or move against what are effectively now the Muslim mainstream and the idols of young Muslims all over the world. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 5 October 2015 2:48:46 PM
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Emperor Julian,
Well said, your Highness. The problem can only worsen with Turnbull mismanageing of the country. Not only did he chastise Abbott for not 'speaking nicely' about the problem, he has also bowed down to a self-apointed Muslim PR man, and dropped Abbott's idea of including only persecuted minorities like Christians in the 12,000 "Syrian" country shoppers to be foolishly let in here. As it has been reported from Europe that 75% of these are not even Syrians, we are in for a real barrel of laughs after they arrive Posted by ttbn, Monday, 5 October 2015 3:14:50 PM
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I think its fair to say there was at least some Islamic extremist influence in this event.
Other than that I wouldn't jump to any conclusions until we find out whether or not he was on any prescription drugs at the time. Then I want to know where he got the gun. And does anyone know : Did he single this guy out? Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 5 October 2015 3:35:11 PM
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If the government was genuine in their concern for the welfare of Aus citizens, they would stop further entry of muslims immediately, whether they be immigrants or refugees. The experts tell us that 15-25% of muslims have extremist views which is far too high for security reasons. They are taught radical views from the cradle, for example take that well publicized picture of the little boy holding up a severed head. Then the pic of a mother with a baby in a pram holding a sign saying 'Behead those that insult Islam'. Today there is a facebook page praising the Parramatta murderer. Posted by Banjo, Monday, 5 October 2015 5:03:37 PM
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Banjo, why discriminate against all muslims because of the attitudes of a minority of them?
It's not as if that minority are hard to weed out: all potential immigrants (regardless of religion) should be barred from entry if they don't support freedom of religion (including freedom to change religion) for everyone. Posted by Aidan, Monday, 5 October 2015 5:28:23 PM
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Simple answer, they'll lie. The very nature of reality differs between people from the West and people from the East. ISIS and similar groups call their adherents "reverts", not converts, that is to say the view is that being a Muslim is an essential personal quality which people can either choose to ignore or embrace. See this is why we say "Yes all Muslims" because this is the way Asian people think, they themselves say "All Muslims" and people from the West can either ignore the fact that Islam was built from the ground up to suit the Eastern Psyche or accept that even after three generations of co existence their way of life and their way of thinking is still totally and irredeemably different to ours. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 5 October 2015 7:30:15 PM
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There is only one Islam. We don't have a clue about the majority of Muslims: what they get up to in their enclaves, their closed society, nor what they will do in the future as more of them are allowed to arrive by politiians totally ignorant of the clear aims of Islam. The easy going nature of Australians is no match for the danger of Islam. We simply cannot offer a 'fair go' to these people and expect things to turn as they have done with other migrants. Immigration is vital to the eventual introduction of the global Caliphate. Posted by ttbn, Monday, 5 October 2015 7:30:41 PM
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We have to stop[ the entry of all new muslim arrivals because the risk of allowing in radicals is too high. At present, on the basis of 20% radicals, there is about 100,000 radical muslims in our community. All those we have now in jails for terrorist crimes are muslims. No other religious groups are involved in terrorism. All the gang rapists in Sydney were muslim. Anti social conduct is rife in muslim youth. They hold our society and laws in contempt. I say the risk to us is far too high for us not to take action by way of stopping muslim immigration. Have you noticed that we accept non muslims from the Middle East and that we have little problems with them integrating and accepting our laws and social standards. Our governments have made a grave error in accepting muslim immigrants.I also think muslims would be far happier in a more suitable society. Posted by Banjo, Monday, 5 October 2015 8:11:32 PM
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Memo to John Howard:
What happened John? Why didn't the Gun Laws stop this murderer? Did you not say that the Gun Laws would make Australia a safer place? Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 5 October 2015 8:41:31 PM
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I believe we need Govt Arabic speaking monitors attending every lecture in Mosques and prayer rooms throughout Australia and close all not teaching respect and allegiance to our laws and culture. Publicly identify terror cells and monitor their adherents. They wont like it but it must be done. Tony Abbott would have acted, unfortunately Malcolm want to pander to their leaders. They will only grow stronger as we fund their schools and Mosques by buying Halell certified food.
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 5 October 2015 8:43:03 PM
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....Are you sure this is an imported crime. These kids have been reared here. Could there be something in the environment here, that make them so vulnerable?
Flo, according to the news he was born in Iran. Doog.....Still nothing to say where that kid got his bad ideas from, except those jumping to conclusions. The idea is to eradicate the person that put those sort of ideas into a 15 year olds head. We need to rid our nation of any religion/faith that encourages harm to others as well as shut all their mosques down as there is no place here for these types of teachings. If you think this kid is some sought of innocent victim then more fool you my friend. Posted by rehctub, Monday, 5 October 2015 8:46:02 PM
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If you think there's only one Islam then you clearly don't know much about it! There are enormous sectarian divisions. And most muslims don't live in enclaves or a closed socoety; they live in the same society as the rest of us. EVERYONE deserves a fair go. And there will never be a global caliphate — not only are muslims a minority, but most of them oppose it. And even most supporters of theocracy change their opinion once they actually experience it. Posted by Aidan, Monday, 5 October 2015 8:49:32 PM
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It is reported that Malcolm has appeased the Muslim community but not spoke to the victims family. No doubt the regressives are so proud of their man's approach.
Emperor Julian you sum it up very well. Posted by runner, Monday, 5 October 2015 11:08:46 PM
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I know a lot about Islam, and I am begining to think that you are one of the "useful (to Islam) idiots who help them because of your own ignorance of the Islamic disease. That or you are one of the Left sickos who would like help to bring down Australian society. Your economic waffle suggests that you would like to see our society wiped out no matter what came next. An Islamic takeover would certainly achieve that. Posted by ttbn, Monday, 5 October 2015 11:22:01 PM
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Witness the New Crusades in the making right here on OLO.
Posted by mikk, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 12:23:51 AM
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ttbn, if you know a lot about Islam then why did you make the blatantly false claim that "There is only one Islam"?
You want to discriminate against Muslims, making it much much much much easier for jihadi scumbags to convince gullible teenagers that Australia's the enemy, and *YOU* think *I* am one of the useful idiots? I notice you couldn't find an objective fault with my "economic waffle" so you just had to settle for insulting it. If instead you'd seriously considered it (including checking the validity of your own assumptions) you'd find that, far from wanting to see our society wiped out, I want to see it succeed in a way that benefits everyone. Posted by Aidan, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 1:53:40 AM
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Aidan there's never been an attack by Jihadis against an anti Islam or so called "Far right" group anywhere in the Western world even though people like me are soft targets and easily identified, what does that tell you?
Anti Islam rhetoric and racial discrimination by outsiders has no bearing on the actions of Jihadis, they are following the battle plan set out in the Koran and Hadith and are guided by religious scholars and military commanders who mostly live abroad. Jihadis live in a bubble, they deliberately cut themselves off from society weeks or months prior to the attacks and spend their last days praying constantly and mentally preparing for their martyrdom. Mikk, don't laugh, Islamic eschatology prophesies an army of Rome in the second series of battles following the present wars of "greed". The social problems found in Muslim dominated suburbs are partly due to their own innate slovenliness and stupidity but there's another aspect to it as well. Traditionally the extension of Anglo Saxon Liberal values to non Anglo groups has come at a terrible cost to the recipient, words like "Genocide" are often used in that context. Liberal values destroy non Liberal cultures, it's just a fact, even the European and Asian migrants are largely de-racinated by the second generation. The Muslims have been given a free pass, they've never been asked to pay the price of admission to the club, never been asked to give as well as take and now they are encouraged and assisted in their segregation by the government and the middle class Social Justice Warrior. History has shown that when you give something for free and don't impose any obligations on the recipients they tend to just sit around with their hand out and make no efforts to change the way they operate in the world. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 6:33:38 AM
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Police Chief: Delinquent Muslim Migrants Don’t Integrate, Generally Disrespect Western Cultures A German police commissioner has told an audience of how “delinquent”, mainly Muslim migrants refuse to accommodate to their host nations, adding: “We have an increasing number of migrants in Germany, and many have not learned to have respect for women and the state. They live in parallel societies, where different rules apply.” Tania Kambouri, who has written of her experiences in her role as a police chief in a new book, said that there is a “taboo” around multiculturalism and those coming from Islamic countries, though she was keen to stress that her comments were not racially motivated, according to Die Welt. She writes in her book: “It’s not a blanket condemnation, and certainly not racially prejudiced, on grounds of origin or of faith, but it is simply a fact that some populations are over-represented in certain behavioural characteristics and crimes” and says there is a “general disrespect” and “disrespect of fundamental law and human rights” as well as “autonomous parallel structures”. Her comments have been confirmed by other officers. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 6:38:27 AM
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There seems to be (almost) unanimity that something must be done. No suggestions however how to do it. May I bring to everyone's attention that there is a new initiative, maybe a new political party in the air. Their manifest ticks all the right boxes and it is possible they MAY be a solution. You can read their manifesto in full here: It will be very interesting to read comments. There is also an article of interest which arrived in my inbox yesterda Posted by Dickybird, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 6:47:52 AM
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No, no and no. Sorry but Liberty Alliance is a project of fanatical Zionists to gather support for Israel, it's satellite politics at it's worst, it's backed by American Jewish groups and answers to them, not to Australians. If you want to support an Australian group then support the U.P.F, they're holding another rally in Bendigo on Saturday the 10th, I've been to the last two and I can assure you that their events are well run, safe and the speakers thought provoking. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 7:27:48 AM
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Butch Far as I know there is nothing conclusive yet about where that kid got his ideas from or the gun. Police are working on it and until they get answers that are yet unanswered, then everything is chatter.
In this country we have proven justice, not a lynching by unproven circumstances. There could be something far bigger behind this, so it is best to get to the root cause before there are any more shootings. Until then it best we don’t hang anybody, we could be destroying evidence. Police are still trying to locate his parents, and find where he got the priest robe from. Six Hundred detainees on Nuaru are going to be processed all of a sudden. Now that there is a court case about to begin over it. Minister Dexter Dutton says it has got nothing to do with the court case. Must be coincidence. Or is he getting soft to look after his job. Australia is gearing up for a wind and solar explosion, the last two years seen no expansion of renewable at all. 1,100 Army jeeps to be made in Bendigo Vic at a cost of 1.3 Billion $ Local made is the only way to go. And get those Subs made here also. That Bendigo plant is where the Bushmasters are made, they are capable of Tanks or Navy equipment or ballistics. There has not been a bomb made there since the Vietnam war. Only mining equipment. We are on the path for a positive outlook, and job creation. After 2 years of stagnation it is looking real good. Posted by doog, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 8:03:02 AM
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Doog just give up already!
"Priest robes". Seriously? He donned priestly vestments in a Mosque? When a person shouts "Allahu Akbar" and fires a pistol at Police it's a clear statement of intent and and their motivation is perfectly understood since shouting "Allah Is Greatest! is the most efficient way of getting your point across when you expect to be martyred in the next few seconds. Doog, can you find me an example of a person firing a weapon at another human being and shouting "Allahu Akbar" which can be interpeted in a way that exonerates Islam or disproves a link from the shooter to Jihadist groups? This is why we laugh, this is why we mock and this is why we workers have no confidence in the chattering classes nor in our ridiculous politicians. Real victims forgotten in Parramatta shooting as left moves to protect muslims Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 9:23:31 AM
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Aiden said;
It's not as if that minority are hard to weed out: all potential immigrants (regardless of religion) should be barred from entry if they don't support freedom of religion (including freedom to change religion) for everyone. Aiden, I did not think you would be so naive. There is a chapter in the Koran that tells the faithful that it is ok to lie to infidels if it is to the benefit of Islam or moslems. I notice that already in Europe the invading crowd is already raping and looting their way across Europe. Seems like I have read something like this in History books. Latest videos shows, Hungarian police and civil people bringing water bottles and food onto a railway station and it being refused and thrown onto the tracks. Also on latest videos are riots in reception centres and attacks on on non moslem immigrants. Germany has given itself a really big problem. Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 10:04:51 AM
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As I said before Bazz even the left can't be that dumb. They are willfully ignorant.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 10:10:19 AM
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Obviously this guy was programmed.
He left the mosque after being promised a direct path to heaven, a stack of virgins and a seat at his God's right hand, given the gun (a 15 year old has neither the cash nor the contacts to get it himself)told there were plenty of easy police targets coming in and out of the building (who better to hate than white, christian police) Pop the first one you see and you'll get popped and thus martyred and straight to heaven. Wow what a buzz for these kids. Posted by chrisgaff1000, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 10:11:56 AM
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Yes Bazz, WWIII has started.
Doog, it's your type of 'everyone is afforded innocence until proven guilty crap' that has led to our peace loving nation to become very worried about our future well being. Once the descision was made to allow this garbage into our country it was only ever going to be a matter of time. Our past leaders should be utterly ashamed of themselves. While multiculturalism has it's definite advantaged, Muslimisum has none. As for creating the jobs you speak of, ten years and two labor governments, well three actually, too late. Posted by rehctub, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 10:20:31 AM
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I find it all very depressing. I find the attitude that we should do
nothing about it, the most depressing part. It is a matter of survival, it is a political attack, backed up by hostile attacks on our whole societies basic structure. At some time in the future we will need more than the police force to suppress this active insurgent organisation. Make no mistake some time soon no go areas for police and fire brigades will appear as they have in Sweden, France and Holland. Oh yes speaking of Holland, the Dutch MP Geert Wilders is having his visa to speak in Perth delayed, not yet refused. For those who do not know who he is. he heads the second largest political party and it opposes Islam and wants to deport as many moslems as possible. He has a Fatwa of death on him and is under police guard wherever he goes, including Australia. No doubt if Tony Abbott had gone further he would probably have had a fatwa on himself soon enough. Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 10:27:41 AM
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Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 10:31:46 AM
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Oh it gets better Bazz, my foot is getting sore from all the free kicks we've received this week. So this little so and so seems to have picked up equal parts radical Islam and fused it with Leftist, #blacklivesmatter dogma, it's too funny for words. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 10:47:45 AM
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Did the police say he donned the robe in a mosque, or did he change into the robe and put other cloths into a rubbish bin on his way to the crime scene, as was seen on CCTV camera and shown on TV. So you are against everything including our govt; That is up to you. Some of us are interested in getting to the bottom of what made this kid do what he did. This morning the police arrested another young kid on his way to the same school as the other kid attended. We are after facts not assumptions. This should be an uncomplicated case, and probably the first such case in which the police can trace to the end. This is a clear case of terrorism and we need to know how this kid got into this situation. If you can’t wait for the police to come up with the answers, you are as bad as they are, in assuming your version of events. We have a liberal govt; and has nothing to do with the left. Were you engaged with that mob yesterday staging a mock beheading in Bendigo. Bazz Abbott was the idiot letting another 15,000 of your favorites into this country. What do you think of that. Butch Sorry but the jobs expansion has already started with a mass of investment in wind and solar. This will create thousands of new jobs. All investment stopped while Abbott was PM. But now you have a progressive Pm in charge and that makes a gigantic difference. The mob that radicalized that kid, is in the process of being found, so you just have to wait on the police to sort it out. Why is it the Far right Abbott worshipers that can’t wait for the due process of investigation before making assumptions that all Muslims are tarred with the same brush. You could be right or you could be wrong. Posted by doog, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 10:50:25 AM
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Oh yeah Bazz if Wilders gets into Australia maybe he can meet up with Dr Jamal Rifi and the other collaborators and explain what it's like for a critic of radical Islam to live with 24 hour a day close Police protection, to not be able to leave your house without an armed escort.
Dr Rifi may be a good man, in fact I'm sure he is but as much disdain as Islamists profess for the Kuffar the hatred they have for apostates and turncoats is bottomless and medieval in it's manifestation. Put it on the bill for hosting a Muslim minority, what, 4 bodyguards per community spokesman at $90,000 a year per head for twenty or thirty years? Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 10:56:21 AM
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My assertion that there is only one Islam is NOT "blatantly false". There is only one Islam, just as there is only one Christian creed. E.g - I believe in the Christian way of life, but I, like many others do not worship, do not 'witness' as I am called on to do. I have not been to a church service since I was 16 years old. I am not much good at 'turning the other cheek' and a few other things I'm supposed to do. I do not deny that there could be Muslims who have no wish to commit the barbarous acts that the Koran REQUIRES them to carry out. I do not hate Muslims any more than I like all Christians, some of whom are bloody awful people. I am against Islam because, unlike Christianity which actually teaches peace and love in the New Testament, The unchanging Koran teaches hate and violence. It discriminates. Muslims are exhorted to lie in the furtherance of Islam. If you don't know about this last point because you have not studied Islam, of course you will be fooled, like you have. The not-so-vicious Muslims that people keep harping on (they are also the same Muslims who never speak out against the excesses of their religion, note) when appologising for for Islam are totally irrelevant to the threat to us by the Islamic religious/politico organization. As for your claim that you find my opinions of your ecomomic rambling insulting, I'm sorry, but I fiind your absurd theories, which merely repeat mistakes of the past, an insult to common sense. Like conservative politicians, I usually too polite, and that doesn't seem to work against you lefties who take advantage of it. Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 10:58:29 AM
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Jay of Melbourne
It is very sad that you attack Australian Liberty Alliance without apparently bothering to read their objectives. You apparently support the group in Bendigo who seem to be only trying to prevent a Mosque being built and so far they have my support too, but have they any further plans. There are so few groups trying to deal with the problem sensibly that it doesn't make sense to make the sort of comments you have earlier. Read the literature before you run them down Posted by Dickybird, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 12:57:41 PM
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Ttb you are Conservative and you are to polite. Is that to polite like Abbott, or do you mean you are to naïve.
Bazz you can’t have your old country back, Abbott stuffed the last of it. Now we have a great achiever Turnbull, so be happy. Diky I think there is something sinister about it, UPF is some Yank disruptive group. Like hire a crowd. Best left to the systems that are already in place. Posted by doog, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 1:11:10 PM
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I don't know why you insist on questioning everyone. You don't take any notice of the answers. Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 3:03:41 PM
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doog, I think you are confusing ALA with UPF was it ?
No, different organisation, mainly Perth & Melbourne based. As far as I know there is no connection with Bendigo. I can understand Bendigo not wanting a mosque, to repeat a well known quote; "Leave the Meat Uncovered and the cats will come" Bendigo probably thinks they have enough cats. I heard today that someone has suggested we need more mosques in Sydney to control the wild cats. Jay, the kid arrested today threatened police when stopped because of what he put on the internet in the last few days. At least thats what the reports today indicate. In the current circumstances surely to threaten police with death (burn in hell) to be exact, must lead to dire results. Anyway he will get his day in court and he can make his excuses there and he will not be subject to Sharia law and be beheaded. Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 3:06:33 PM
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I spent almost 50 years with a gun in my hand; police, military and security so I ask you
Do you really believe what the police tell you? I don't. Posted by chrisgaff1000, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 3:39:04 PM
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Yup, I'm a UPF supporter and I go to their rallies,the mock beheading stunt like most of their videos was an in joke for supporters and it went over the heads of most other people, we were promised a speacial surprise for last Sunday and we weren't disappointed. The figure being decapitated is significant to us because it represents our sworn enemies the ANTIFA: The rest of the video is just so silly it had most of us in peals of laughter, go to their Facebook and watch it. Saturday's rally in Bendigo should be good, we're going to have a whip round for the Police Legacy appeal to help Curtis Cheng's widow so I'd urge everyone who's in the area to come along. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 5:59:47 PM
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Pardon me, but what has your "I spent almost 50 years with a gun in my hand; police, military and security..." have to do with whether or not other people believe the police? You say you don't. Why don't you believe the police? Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 6:48:04 PM
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Because I don't remember too many people (superiors) wanting the general public to know the truth before they have adjusted it to suit the circumstances. Why do you think they have such things as the "Oath of Allegiance" and "Commissioner Regulations" and the "Official Secrets Act" and "Official spokesmen and briefings and "Press Releases" Why do you think they brought in the "Privacy" Laws? Do you really think they want to protect the general public? I've worked in it, been a part of it and a party to it mate. They used to say only believe half of what you see and nothing of what they say. Posted by chrisgaff1000, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 8:51:20 PM
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JOM’s warning (Page 7) saved me in the nick of time from joining Australian Liberty Alliance. I’d downloaded its application form and did wonder in passing why it requires a declaration (#4) that I won’t seek to find out who else is in it
Aidan on filtering out true Moslems (those committed to following the path of the paedophile warlord Mohammed): "It's not as if that minority [sic] are hard to weed out: all potential immigrants (regardless of religion) should be barred from entry if they don't support freedom of religion (including freedom to change religion) for everyone." Posted by Aidan, Page 4, Monday, 5 October 2015 Caveat from JOM: "Aidan, Simple answer, they'll lie." Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Page 4, Monday, 5 October 2015 My response to JOM Absolutely, lying is part of the Moslems’ religious commitment. Therefore immigrants’ veracity should be monitored. The first time they display public repudiation of the pledge they made on entry, deport them and blacklist them. Same applies to other theocratic freaks, hobgoblins and monsters such as US evangelists. Dickybird missed it (not surprising - the thread meanders at times): "There seems to be (almost) unanimity that something must be done. No suggestions however how to do it. [snip]" Posted by Dickybird, Page 7, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 Aidan’s post on Page 4 set out a credible answer. Posted by EmperorJulian, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 11:36:48 PM
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Actually I suggest Aidan's Page 4 post is only a partial answer. Apart from the need for monitoring follow-up the nature of the entry -pledge needs to be more in keeping with the Enlightenment on which every decent society rests. This includes the right to reject, abandon, dispute, slight any religious or other ideology or its revered figures whatsoever.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 11:51:04 PM
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Jay of Melb, what source do you have that Aust Liberty Alliance has
been set up as a Jewish front ? My info is that it was setup with the assistance of Geet Wilders the Dutch MP. The information that I have is that it was setup by people who were connected with the Q Society an internet group whose mailing list I have been on for a couple of years. I went and had a look at their membership application form. Here is the para 4 on which you commented; 4. Except when relating to my own personal details, I irrevocably waive any right I may have to review the member register of the party and shall not make any such request in the future. 5. I consent to my membership details being sent to the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) to support the party’s application for registration and to being contacted by the AEC about my membership. I have not seen such a clause in an organisation membership application previously. Perhaps considering the Dutch experience and the source of its advisors it could be understandable. Recent events may perhaps put it in bold text ! Having read its manifesto it looks like the organisation to which I could belong. The place where that police employee was shot is very close to an organisation where I used to do volunteer work. I used to walk past every day I was there on the way to/from the station. It sort of gets your attention. Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 7:59:28 AM
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jay Do you think it is ok to have a mock beheading on the steps of council and leave fake blood all over the steps.
Even if you see the funny side of it, the people of Bendigo are not amused. And do not require such actions to be in local and world press with the name of bendigo involved. Posted by doog, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 8:14:41 AM
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BTW what does UPF stand for ?
Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 8:47:01 AM
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One dead citizen and one dead terrorist.
Early morning police raids. Five more arrested in relation to this episode. Wonderful how multiculturalism works in uniting the community! What better ways could we find to utilize our resources? Will the next terrorist attack be a bigun? Like Spain, India or London? Posted by Banjo, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 9:07:45 AM
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Thankyou. I can believe that, particularly after the seeing the NSW DC waffling on last night.The higher they go, the more politician-like and gutless they become, while the lower orders still have to take the crap from both ends. I've experienced similar in other government departments, but my life has never been on the line, while the jerks are sympathising with the bad guys. Who would want to be a cop on the street these days? Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 10:08:27 AM
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The lady-leader of ALA is a member of the Q Society. Sounds quite nice and reasonable. She is currently fighting another example of Turnbull's campaign against free speech - another refusal of a visa for Geert Wilders to address a meeting in WA. The pendulum always swings back, and this might be it. Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 10:15:10 AM
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The secretive Q society
THEY are a group of “concerned citizens”, but are very hesitant to say who they really are. If you want to go to one of their meetings, you have to sign a nondisclosure agreement. Their only address is a PO Box in suburban Melbourne. They won’t say exactly where their money comes from and say they never will. And they are very opposed to Islam in Australia. The secretive organisation known as the Q Society has this week been linked to a noisy campaign to stop the construction of a mosque in Bendigo, Victoria. Over the past few weeks, some of the town’s businesses and residents have awoken to find black balloons tied up outside their premises as a way of protesting the proposed place of worship. The $3 million development was approved last week at a raucous council meeting. There were reports indicating the Q Society was a “key force” behind the Bendigo campaign (the organisation says it only held a public meeting and was “not a protest organisation”). So who exactly are they and what are they doing? The Q Society — named because the group was founded at a 2010 meeting in the upper class Melbourne suburb of Kew — claims to have members across the country. Its mission is about “educating” people about Islam, spokesman Andrew Horwood said, rather than leading the protests. They describe themselves as “Islam-critical”, are avowed opponents of sharia law and have published a book Getting Through: How To Talk To Non Muslims About The Disturbing Nature of Islam and produced YouTube videos including “How to stop a mosque”. Posted by doog, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 10:34:03 AM
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Tks ttbn, I am waiting for J I Melb to reply.
If he belongs to UPF perhaps his comment about ALA is just interorganisation competition. Anyway if it is Jewish initiated, or has members who are Jews, I really can't see the problem. I suppose it could also have members who are Catholics or a variety of other Christian religions or horror it might even have atheists as members ! It might even have lapsed ex moslems as members. I would need must more detail than J of Melb assertions. Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 10:51:32 AM
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A couple of years ago I went to a public meeting the Q Society held
in Liverpool. The location was kept secret until the day before when I received an email giving the place. When we got there the Riot Squad or whatever they call them had isolated the meeting area and after showing the ticket there was a security body scan and then we went in and upstairs there was a frame similar to an airport air side scanner. Some of this I suspect was because Geert Wilders was the main speaker. He is leader of the second largest party, the PVV, in the Dutch parliament. He is tipped to be Prime Minister after the next election as his party has been getting increased voting percentage. He goes nowhere without Dutch police escort even in Australia. He gave a very interesting talk on the situation in Holland. I bought his book there and it is an interesting read. Very level headed, no ranting or any of that silly stuff some protesters often go on with such as beheadings. It appears Geert Wilders has not yet got his visa. Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 11:09:15 AM
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Be careful there bazz That Jay bloke is tied up with that beheading mob. A mob of radical anti muslim protesters that don’t like taking notice of the law as well. A protest is one thing, disruption of public life is another. So be careful what you get yourself involved in.
The mob that jay is in is just as bad as the muslim terrorists. Posted by doog, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 11:37:33 AM
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Not to worry doog, I had no intention of getting involved with his mob
I wanted to know more detail about what he said about ALA. I have read the Q Societies info for a few years now and they seem very level headed and some Q Soc members were involved in setting up a political party, the Australian Liberty Alliance. The party's info seems pretty straight forward and they have been approved as a political party and will have candidates in next years elections. It will be interesting to read their policies. Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 12:41:54 PM
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"The mob that jay is in is just as bad as the muslim terrorists" Is that a fact? Whom did they last murder? (Reference, please). Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 2:00:19 PM
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So we have some resident 'legends in their own lunchtimes' wanting to going to Bendigo to join anti-mosque protesters.
Well the locals don't want you; “Ms Allan said something needed to be done to allow the functioning of council after the protesters – many of whom were wearing signs with Bendigo postcodes to refute claims anti-mosque demonstrators were coming from out of town – prevented elected representatives from doing their jobs.” But still that is unlikely to stop you is it so here you go, wear 3350 and don't forget to pack your best brown shirt. Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 2:04:25 PM
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Sorry Bazz, Doog today was one of those rare occasions of late where I actually had a job to go to.
UPF=United Patriots Front, it's a front group for Anti Islam, Anti Left, Anti Progressive people led by a group of about ten young men from different parts of the country. They are using a phased approach to building a national movement, hammer on about Islam in order to fire up the Left into a violent reaction, disturb the progressive and liberal local government officials and re-build a sense of solidarity within the working class. As political stunts go making a bit of a mess on a footpath doesn't even compare to say, burning down a detention centre or shooting a harmless accountant on his way home from work. Re Liberty Alliance I didn't say it was a Jewish front but it is a right wing, pro Zionist group which answers to Jewish Zionists in the U.S and gets most of it's inspiration and propaganda from the David Horowitz circle and people like Geert Wilders,Ben Shapiro, Pamela Geller, Rabbi Nachum Shiffren, Daniel Pipes and so on. This is what I mean by satellite politics, they're not really opposition groups, I wouldn't even use the term "controlled opposition" they're just the activist arm of mainstream conservatism with obvious links to the Liberal party and various Neo-con and Likudnik groups both here and abroad. Liberty Alliance doesn't challenge the status quo, it reinforces it by forbidding radicalism and operates on the assumption that Australia is a "Judeo Christian" society, the UPF by contrast use the motif of an Australian Nation and our mixed Anglo-European-Aboriginal heritage and culture. That is to say a view of Australian history revealed as a unique cultural collaboration between many groups and schools of thought, which in practice looks like the old Labor party and draws on the radical Australian tradition of the mid to late 19th century. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 2:07:35 PM
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One more note, to paraphrase Kim Vuga and her speech at the last UPF rally the working class have a different interpretation of Multiculturalism to the elite and upper classes.
Furthermore our particularly Australian take on multi racial society which developed over the first 200 years of our nation's history, the one most of us accept and abide in has been distorted to acommodate Islam when the fact is that Islam and the Muslim way of life are the very antithesis of our own. What we're objecting to is the idea that the bulk of the working class and Anglo-Irish descended Australians particularly are publicly shamed and ridiculed by the elite and upper castes and effectively excommunicated from the system and way of life our ancestors built for us the moment we express any group interest or assert our own identity. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 2:18:19 PM
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I was born in the Bendigo district, I own land up there and pay rates and if a person can trace their ancestry back to the 1850's in that area there's a pretty good chance I'm related to them, these are my people. So, the UPF are not allowed to facilitate protests in Bendigo because they're "outsiders" but Australian Islamic Missions, a Sydney based foundation which receives funding from international Islamic philanthropists is to be welcomed and no questions are to be asked of it's supporters? We'll see what happens on Saturday, the last demo was very interesting and well atended and for the record, the most charitable thing I've heard a Bendigonian say about Jacinta Allan is that she's a purely decorative feature in the local political scene. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 2:27:44 PM
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Missi That mob cut the head of a dummy and left fake blood all over the place for the fire brigade to clean up, I am your best reference missy.
They are not welcome in Bendigo, if this is all they have to offer. Demonstrations are one thing and vandalism is another. So if that is in your favor, you best watch out for the welcoming committee Posted by doog, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 2:38:28 PM
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The ALA manifesto can be downloaded from their website. I've got it, but I haven't read it yet. Manifestos are not very exciting, but I am steeling myself. I'll make my judgement after the reading.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 4:07:16 PM
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"The mob that jay is in is just as bad as the muslim terrorists" Is that a fact? Whom did they last murder? (Reference, please) You may well be a reference in your own eyes, doog, but that's not not academically acceptable, so if they are as bad as muslim terrorists, who have they murdered lately? Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 6:07:24 PM
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Is the UPF likely to field Senate candidates>
Posted by EmperorJulian, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 8:48:12 PM
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J O M said;
but it is a right wing, pro Zionist group which answers to Jewish Zionists in the U.S How do you know this ? I see accusations like this about many people, organisations etc etc. It seems to be a normal attribute to hang on any conspiracy theory. How do they "answer" to Jewish Zionists ? If it is so is that a bad thing or is it just birds of a feather ? Re UPF, it might be useful to have two different organisations pushing the same message but aimed at different people. The organisation could swap preferences at elections. Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 10:24:52 PM
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//UPF=United Patriots Front, it's a front group for Anti Islam, Anti Left, Anti Progressive people led by a group of about ten young men from different parts of the country. They are using a phased approach to building a national movement, hammer on about Islam in order to fire up the Left into a violent reaction, disturb the progressive and liberal local government officials and re-build a sense of solidarity within the working class.//
They sound like white power skinheads to me. //Whom did they last murder?// I dunno about this mob, but white power skinheads have murdered a few people. Posted by Toni Lavis, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 10:48:36 PM
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I have now read the ALA manifesto, and the only thing I have a problem with is their insistence that people are not entitled to the right of euthanasia. I would have no problem voting ALA first, Family First second, or vice versa, and putting the new-socialist Coalition down among the other Left parties.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 8 October 2015 9:45:14 AM
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The new Socialist Coalition, You mean you were never a liberal, just an Abbott loving Conservative, an infiltrator of the Liberal party.
The anti Muslim party, now that is one way of creating more disquiet and persecution on Australian soil. Racism does nothing for anybody, and least of all to a minority group being labeled terrorist because of a handful of radical deadbeats that can be rounded up. The police are working on the last episode of terror, they now has several in custody and more to come. That is the way to handle this radicalism of young kids. To smart to put themselves in the firing line. They need kids to do their dirty work, all you blokes could see was a dead terrorist, it’s the story behind the terrorist that needs to come to the surface and be eradicated. ISs miss must have ties to the anti Muslim group as there seems to be a nerve about beheadings and murder, and blame all Muslims. Some sort of anti Muslim protest in Bendigo this weekend. 300 police will be in attendance. Fat lot of good that will do for anybody, nothing like a bit of rational talk, when all else fails get nasty. They are currently fighting VECAT about a decision on a mosque. At least they have been restricted to an isolated place. Posted by doog, Thursday, 8 October 2015 10:29:12 AM
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Doog, you really do have a problem.
It seems that you do not understand the different meanings of these two words. Race & Religion. You are making the same mistake that many on the left have made. Is it due to the propaganda of the left or something else ? Is it the Goebbels effect ? However, it is possible to attach the race tag if moslems from the Middle East are under discussion because they have been marrying their cousins for some 1000 years plus. Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 8 October 2015 12:55:26 PM
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So what is wrong with marrying your cousin, that is not uncommon anywhere. It has to be at least your second cousin. It’s good enough for Kings and Queens. Toni would know all about that.
Race and religion. The race is Muslim and the religion is Islam. I do not have a problem with that interpretation. They are not even spelt the same. It sounds like you bazz are in favor of creating disturbance over nothing they can do about, anti Muslum protesters have a welcoming committee waiting for them. No hailers allowed. Best behave themselves. Bendigo has 150 Muslim residents and protesters come from miles away for an act of racism. Anyone is entitled to protest, but business disruption and this mob go together. For what advantage do they get for making fools out of themselves. Just a Racist act to incite violence. Jay has gone quiet since the cat got out of the bag. We do not have Terrorist activity here and there should not be any acts of stupidity to cause any either. Posted by doog, Thursday, 8 October 2015 1:21:30 PM
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Doog said;
Race and religion. The race is Muslim and the religion is Islam. That explains your misunderstanding. Moslems are the name given followers of the religion Islam. It has nothing to do with race. Indonesians are moslems but their race is Malay. The moslems that are Arabs are the race group semites. Regarding cousin marriage it was only intermittant in Royal circles but what has happened since Mohammad checked with Allah and approved cousin marriage it has been common practice in the Middle east. This has had disastrous effects on the people of the Middle East. It has affected their average IQ and has given them a 13% greater chance of having children with genetic faults than other peoples. If you want to check on this there are plenty of sources. Start with Hansard of the NSW State Parliament Dept of Health Report. Next the UK Midlands health Service report to House of Commons. I have not seen more recent government reports. They would probably be politically incorrect these days. Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 8 October 2015 1:44:09 PM
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Your problem doog is that we already do have "acts of terrorism in Aus so you are totally wrong.
Is it time to return to the main thread. We have a small group of extreme fundamentalist religious nuts breaking all the norms of human interaction, apparently just because their religion either permits or even sometimes encourages it. This is the cause of the current crime wave. What should be done about it ? There is, and has never been, any scientific proof of the existence of any “supreme being”. It is therefore an act of total irresponsibility to break both the natural law of human behavior and the laws of Australia. Surely the answer has to be in taking away all the privileges currently offered to and expected by the particular religious organization involved. All religions should be responsible for any of their members who break the law of the country in the name of that religion. They cannot just avoid the issue and pretend that social or financial or international problems are the cause. In Australia we have this wonderful tradition of accepting multicultural immigrants and absorbing them painlessly. However none of those different cultures made any attempt to demand we all changed our attitudes to follow their rites And customs. If you come to Australia you must also accept the customs of your chosen country and obey Australian law. If you insist on worshipping your chosen God, you will discover it is perfectly acceptable as long as you do it quietly and do not try and convert anyone. But there are limits to tolerance and they are currently being exceeded. The present Govt is still struggling to maintain its position on tolerance. I just hope it can succeed but I doubt it Posted by Dickybird, Thursday, 8 October 2015 1:49:36 PM
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Hard to disagree with you comment Dickbird.
I heard comment by a man who had a moslem neighbour. In discussing this subject he was told that it is not possible to be both a moslem and an Australian. If that is a theological correct understanding then all professing moslems should be asked to reject their oath of allegiance and their nationality or their religion. I know that the taking of an oath of allegiance can be excused because there is a para in the Koran that permits to lying to infidels if it advantages Islam or moslems. I often wonder why this is not challenged in court when moslems are giving evidence. I know I would if I were involved and it was evidence against myself. Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 8 October 2015 2:12:49 PM
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Quote: "Race and religion. The race is Muslim and the religion is Islam. I do not have a problem with that interpretation. They are not even spelt the same."
The writer does indeed have a problem with interpretation. Muslim is the Moslem-preferred name for Moslem - meaning adherent of the cult of Islam. Like "Christian" is the name for an adherent of the religion of Christianity. Posted by EmperorJulian, Thursday, 8 October 2015 2:53:18 PM
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Have to disagree. Muslim is not a race. Nothing to do with race. "A Muslim, sometimes spelled Moslem, relates to a person who follows the religion of Islam, a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion based on the Quran. Muslims consider the Quran to be the verbatim word of God as revealed to the Islamic prophet Muhammad" Posted by Flo, Thursday, 8 October 2015 3:02:50 PM
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E.J. was quoting doog's misrepresentation and you have misrepresented Emperor Julian. Religion is certainly not race. No one can change their race, but they can change their religion and cult. Race is to be respected, religion and culture can be challenged. Note: we think of terrorists as criminals they think of themselves as hero's following Mohamed. Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 8 October 2015 4:02:54 PM
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On the ABC yesterday they were interviewing students at the deceased terrorist murderer's former school and one girl said that they feared that the next attack by the radicals would be within the school.
Premier Mike Baird was then shewn telling us all that our schools are safe; I wonder how he knows? Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 8 October 2015 5:34:11 PM
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Other countries are closing Mosques or not approving their construction, Australia could follow by closing Mosques that preach hatred of Western culture and freedoms. Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 8 October 2015 6:56:00 PM
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Is Mse,
Premier Baird has absolutely no idea if our schools are safe from a terrorist attack. So he is talking through his hat with fingers crossed. If he was really concerned about citizens safety, he would be advocating we stop muslim immigration firstly and then consider what other measures could be put in place. Time the politicians woke up to the reality. Posted by Banjo, Thursday, 8 October 2015 7:15:18 PM
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A nice piece of irony from the BBC. They have announced that
PM Angela Merkel has been nominated for a Nobel Prize for humanitarian work for immigrants. It is believed it will be announced Friday. The German people may well hang her with it before this is all over. Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 8 October 2015 10:02:07 PM
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Just heard Geert Wilders MP has received his visa.
They could not have left it much longer. It is probably a diplomatic of saying No Yes. On the other matter, and I feel reluctant to say this but it needs it; I do not think that there will be any action by government until a much worse event happens. Any soft policy before or excusing after would mean the end of that government. Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 8 October 2015 10:09:55 PM
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Bazz So what is the correct way of saying Muslims are not Muslims so what are they.
Dikky Did I ever say there was no terrorism in Australia. No doubt that Greet Wilders will be monitored while here. There could be the intention of incitement of a course of action. One terrorist group in Australia is enough without another one being created. We will see how the demonstration in Bendigo goes tomorrow. Their spot has been laid out and 300 police with horses and dogs are ready. Should be exciting for the radicals. Some dumb arce female thought it was a good idea to put herself in the mayor’s chair at their council meeting a couple of weeks ago, after councilors were escorted out of their chambers by police. This mob are going against the decision by VEECAT, so why target Bendigo. The disturbing part about the radical mob is they are disruptive to business and public. Not a large group but they spread themselves out and stopped public transport from running and disrupted business from trading because no one went near where they were. I am not sure what that was meant to achieve, certainly a different sort of a protest, and they were not backward when it came to confrontation either. The police are organized this time, and they have been restricted to a back street, to do their thing. There is a wine festival going on in town this weekend also Posted by doog, Friday, 9 October 2015 7:38:44 AM
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I think you are confused doog;
The Aus Lib All is not involved in Bendigo, in fact they made an announcement that their members should not go there. I am sure Geert Wilders will be protected by Federal Police as perhaps the Dutch police are not permitted to carry weapons here. It is the other mob, err UPF I think, that is supposed to be going. There was supposed to be a demo at the Parramatta Mosque today but not so far. I have no objection to the UPF organisation staging a demo as that is their right, so long as they do not physically confront anybody. That is something the Moslem & Greens could consider as there have been very physical demos by both those groups in Sydney. Posted by Bazz, Friday, 9 October 2015 12:33:40 PM
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Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 10:31:46 AM The ghosts of millions of aborigines are screaming at you right now Bazz. Posted by mikk, Wednesday, 14 October 2015 9:56:59 PM
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Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 14 October 2015 10:37:37 PM