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More imported crime

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Just heard Geert Wilders MP has received his visa.
They could not have left it much longer.
It is probably a diplomatic of saying No Yes.

On the other matter, and I feel reluctant to say this but it needs it;
I do not think that there will be any action by
government until a much worse event happens.
Any soft policy before or excusing after would mean the end of that government.
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 8 October 2015 10:09:55 PM
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Bazz So what is the correct way of saying Muslims are not Muslims so what are they.

Dikky Did I ever say there was no terrorism in Australia.

No doubt that Greet Wilders will be monitored while here. There could be the intention of incitement of a course of action.

One terrorist group in Australia is enough without another one being created. We will see how the demonstration in Bendigo goes tomorrow. Their spot has been laid out and 300 police with horses and dogs are ready. Should be exciting for the radicals.

Some dumb arce female thought it was a good idea to put herself in the mayor’s chair at their council meeting a couple of weeks ago, after councilors were escorted out of their chambers by police.

This mob are going against the decision by VEECAT, so why target Bendigo.

The disturbing part about the radical mob is they are disruptive to business and public. Not a large group but they spread themselves out and stopped public transport from running and disrupted business from trading because no one went near where they were.

I am not sure what that was meant to achieve, certainly a different sort of a protest, and they were not backward when it came to confrontation either.

The police are organized this time, and they have been restricted to a back street, to do their thing. There is a wine festival going on in town this weekend also
Posted by doog, Friday, 9 October 2015 7:38:44 AM
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I think you are confused doog;
The Aus Lib All is not involved in Bendigo, in fact they made an
announcement that their members should not go there.
I am sure Geert Wilders will be protected by Federal Police as perhaps
the Dutch police are not permitted to carry weapons here.

It is the other mob, err UPF I think, that is supposed to be going.
There was supposed to be a demo at the Parramatta Mosque today but not so far.
I have no objection to the UPF organisation staging a demo as that is
their right, so long as they do not physically confront anybody.
That is something the Moslem & Greens could consider as there have
been very physical demos by both those groups in Sydney.
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 9 October 2015 12:33:40 PM
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Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 6 October 2015 10:31:46 AM

The ghosts of millions of aborigines are screaming at you right now Bazz.
Posted by mikk, Wednesday, 14 October 2015 9:56:59 PM
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Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 14 October 2015 10:37:37 PM
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