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More imported crime

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"The mob that jay is in is just as bad as the muslim terrorists"

Is that a fact?

Whom did they last murder? (Reference, please)

You may well be a reference in your own eyes, doog, but that's not not academically acceptable, so if they are as bad as muslim terrorists, who have they murdered lately?
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 6:07:24 PM
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Is the UPF likely to field Senate candidates>
Posted by EmperorJulian, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 8:48:12 PM
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J O M said;
but it is a right wing, pro Zionist group which answers to Jewish
Zionists in the U.S

How do you know this ? I see accusations like this about many people,
organisations etc etc.
It seems to be a normal attribute to hang on any conspiracy theory.
How do they "answer" to Jewish Zionists ?

If it is so is that a bad thing or is it just birds of a feather ?

Re UPF, it might be useful to have two different organisations
pushing the same message but aimed at different people.
The organisation could swap preferences at elections.
Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 10:24:52 PM
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//UPF=United Patriots Front, it's a front group for Anti Islam, Anti Left, Anti Progressive people led by a group of about ten young men from different parts of the country. They are using a phased approach to building a national movement, hammer on about Islam in order to fire up the Left into a violent reaction, disturb the progressive and liberal local government officials and re-build a sense of solidarity within the working class.//

They sound like white power skinheads to me.

//Whom did they last murder?//

I dunno about this mob, but white power skinheads have murdered a few people.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Wednesday, 7 October 2015 10:48:36 PM
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I have now read the ALA manifesto, and the only thing I have a problem with is their insistence that people are not entitled to the right of euthanasia. I would have no problem voting ALA first, Family First second, or vice versa, and putting the new-socialist Coalition down among the other Left parties.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 8 October 2015 9:45:14 AM
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The new Socialist Coalition, You mean you were never a liberal, just an Abbott loving Conservative, an infiltrator of the Liberal party.

The anti Muslim party, now that is one way of creating more disquiet and persecution on Australian soil. Racism does nothing for anybody, and least of all to a minority group being labeled terrorist because of a handful of radical deadbeats that can be rounded up.

The police are working on the last episode of terror, they now has several in custody and more to come. That is the way to handle this radicalism of young kids. To smart to put themselves in the firing line.

They need kids to do their dirty work, all you blokes could see was a dead terrorist, it’s the story behind the terrorist that needs to come to the surface and be eradicated.

ISs miss must have ties to the anti Muslim group as there seems to be a nerve about beheadings and murder, and blame all Muslims.
Some sort of anti Muslim protest in Bendigo this weekend.

300 police will be in attendance. Fat lot of good that will do for anybody, nothing like a bit of rational talk, when all else fails get nasty. They are currently fighting VECAT about a decision on a mosque. At least they have been restricted to an isolated place.
Posted by doog, Thursday, 8 October 2015 10:29:12 AM
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