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The Carpark

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"Please just leave it. I certainly dont want to go through what others already have experienced"

Well I can speak from experience antje. Just delete the pale id first and start another id. Very simple. Hard to stuff that up.

IMO you are a bit of a hypocrite with the 'bodgey' name thing. You post under a different id yourself. Sure, here you add your name most of the time, but there is another thread that you post to that rarely has anjte attached to it.

You used to post under anjte - what happened to that id? It leaves me wondering if there is a reason you want to hide behind the pale one :)
Posted by PF, Monday, 13 November 2006 5:37:34 AM
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Antje, I've never changed my OLO alias so anything I know about changing alias's is what I've seen others do.

My understanding of the detail.
- Your alias is a site thing, not an issue for local PC's, I'm not sure what happens if you are logged into the site from multiple PC's at the same time and change your name from one then send posts from the other before reoppening the site. THat may introduce a risk.
- As I'm typing this I have a message above this pane saying
"You are logged in as R0bert. Type your comments into the box below.". If you change your ID and want to send a message check that before posting the message.
- From memory Scout put up a footnote at the base of her earlier posts as Scout identifying herself by her former alias. That might be a useful technique.

On a general note I think it's well past time to move on from the squabling with Yabby and PF. As a bystander to that stuff you seem to be the one who keeps trying to pick the fights. Argue the point not the poster. One of the good things about the use of aliases is that often the only thing we know about a poster is their posts and their history of posting, it makes "playing the man" (or woman) much less usefull. How about an end to the focus on bans, suspensions, who might be breaking a rule etc and get back to discussion about the real issues. The site is not an end in itself for most of us but rather a tool to allow discussion and debate across a wide range of topics. We need rules and consequences to keep it going but endless focus on those is hardly benefiting anybody.

Posted by R0bert, Monday, 13 November 2006 7:56:09 AM
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We see it slightly differently. Since when was aking a question picking fights. I appreciate the fact you have now tried to give my question some thought.
As far as me picking fights- Here is how I see it.
I come in and ask you a question about a technical matter. I think I have found a way to improve the system, which is what you set this up for you said.I didnt do anything wrong in the first place and there has! been a injustice done here. TO ME! Dont you worry about that its ok who cares You dont understand either. I got the blame for the last stuff up because I did it with Steve the web master that day. If I got it wrong that day then its going to happen again. I have had two web people look at what happend and they have no! answers either so lets just say I want it on record I did nothing wrong.
You can see the only one who has been fair about my question was Celivia Everybody else has just tried to pick fights certainly not me.
I will change nothing because I dont trust the set up being bitten once already .
Sorry I asked what I felt a reasonable question. I dont care anymore. You are all so blinded with this anti pale thing you fail to see me as a person. I have put up with abuse on the forum over something that was not my fault in the first place. Then I have had to try to explain it to dozens of other people. Well I still cant explain it and it looks like nobody else can either.
At least Celivia was a bit decent and reasonable. You could all learn from her. Dont worry Robert I shall not raise any more technical problems. A sincere thanks to Celivia for considering what I was! trying to say.

Antje Struthmann.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Monday, 13 November 2006 3:36:33 PM
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People Against Live Exports, I have absolutely no idea about the technical issues about which you are complaining, and certainly you are free to "discuss" what you want to within the rules of the forum.
I merely commented that there is a very different writing style here from other material I have read by Antje Struthman, and about what I see as basically advertising content being less than appropriate. I do not see anyone other than you "picking fights" and engaging in personal attacks rather than reasoned debate either. It's a bit sad really. I wasn't expecting to agree with Yabby about anything much, but I do agree with his comments here. Lay off the personalities, and participate in some balanced discussion! I think you would find it much more rewarding.
Posted by Nicky, Monday, 13 November 2006 11:19:00 PM
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At least a dozen people emailed me through the web site email address at the time this all happend to say how unfair they thought it was. I guess thats because they were around at the time and did see what happend. Several of them told me they had written to OLO management complaing at the attacks on pale which still contiune.
Correct me if I am wrong but given the fact you have already said you dont know what happend because you were not around didnt you! just come in here to pick a fight with me?
I think so.
You didnt even notice the pig farmer on the other thread until I pointed it out to you. You accused me of chasing everybody out of that thread when in fact nobody had posted there for months. Certainly not you. I simply pointed out the dates and you didnt like it. So now you! have come in here to try to pick a fight.
Not me.
You go on the say you see two different styles of posts. In other words accusing me of being a lyer.
You also by your not trying to pick a fight with me, oh no of course not.

Yabby you clearly have no idea of how it is in the big world if you say no public funds are spent. MLA middle East head emails Wendy and visa vera and they speak on the phone. You are two thousand percent inncorrect. The report by R Nicholson in 2002 showed each tax paer forking out around $650.00 PA. Its far more now. Who also do you think pays all the overseas staff Yabby. Thats funded 50 50 by the tax payer and Industry. Then there are all the interesting grants given out through National Regional Transport and of course often under the title RESEARCH . The AWB are up to their necks in live exports Yabby as well and we all know how honest the arrangments between them and the Government are.
Antje Struthmann
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Tuesday, 14 November 2006 6:41:43 AM
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"Lay off the personalities, and participate in some balanced discussion! I think you would find it much more rewarding."

Absolutely Nicky. I am also very tired of every thread being turned into a soapbox for pale. It seems that anyone that does not toe the pale line is accused of attacking them. Antje you must be able to accept that others have differing opinions to yours.

As for the 2 different writing styles - I have brought that up before and I believe the pale id is being misused also. Maybe its a case of antje genuinely not knowing?
Posted by PF, Tuesday, 14 November 2006 7:05:05 AM
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