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The Carpark

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I am shocked at your suggestion. How very unfair of you.

I thought the issue was for people to learn to respect one another.

So you are now suggesting that PALEs not mentioned.

You are saying that like there is something wrong with it.

This is just to suit the agenda of a couple of people

If they are not interested they do not have to comment.

How about suggesting that. Surely it would make more sense and be some more fair and reasonable.

This is how you deal with an issue is it?

By victimising people and suggesting they are not be mentioned as if they had some sort of disease.

My God Free Speech Forum. I think not!

Correct me if I am wrong but wasnt I given the job of signing you up as a member ?

Were you not posting a while back at the unfair attacks yourself.

So you reward bad behavior . I dont.

I have never been so proud in my life as to be known to these people.

So proud I moved from Canberra to QLD to help RSPCA QLD and PALE work on their ban Live Export Campaign.

Well I think thats a lousy idea and insulting.

Possibly you had not intended it Celivia but you certainly have managed to offend me personally beyond words.

The whole project Is People Against live Exports working in conjunction with RSPCA QLD.

Perhaps you also feel the RSPCA QLD should change the web site and their whole campaign just to suit two people on this forum.

People Against Live Animal exports are just people.

People who share the same view on certain matters.

Thats like saying lets ban talking about religion of one faith because it might upset another.

I am very dissapointed in your suggestion and surprised.

I thought you were a fair person
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Saturday, 28 October 2006 7:20:15 PM
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People Against Live Exports (is that how we should address you when there is no personal name behind the posts)? Can you tell me how to address you- I am not sure.

What have I said that upset you so much? I have said nothing, really, that I haven’t said before.

A few posts back (on 23 October) I said:
“I am concerned about damage PALE as an organisation might suffer from being attacked online.
I guess the main reason why (animal) organisations generally do not engage in online forum discussions is to prevent possible defamation of their organisations.”

RObert said, “If PALE's reputation is an issue then do your bit to ensure that you are not putting them up as a target, the issues can probably be discussed without mentioning PALE and hopefully it is the issues that matter.”

In my previous post (28 October) I said:
“RObert, good suggestions about discussing the issue without mentioning PALE.”

This is what upset you so much? I really don’t understand.
It is no different than what I said on October 23st. PALE, unlike other animal organisations, put themselves up on a discussion forum. As a general policy they don’t engage in online forums- that is to protect themselves against damage like PALE has been experiencing.

Posted by Celivia, Saturday, 28 October 2006 9:32:19 PM
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In other words, I am just saying that because PALE has come under attack since PALE has been put up on OLO, that it would be safer for PALE if live exports and intensive farming are being discussed just like other issues are being discussed- because that would be safer for PALE as an organisation.

I have not changed my mind about live exports and intensive farming. I still think these are cruel practices. I merely agreed with RObert that the issues matter and that it would be safer for PALE’s reputation to discuss the issues rather than the organisation.

If you think that this is an unfair thing to say, then I don’t understand- because I said this out of concern for PALE and not at all to criticise PALE.

Having said that, and since you are talking about my membership: even though I agree with what PALE stands for, I think I have already discussed some time ago that I no longer want to be a member and involve myself for personal reasons.

“Besides, my concern wasn't with being able to ban people, but whether people could be encouraged to behave properly.”
Fair enough- I’ll give it some more thought.
Posted by Celivia, Saturday, 28 October 2006 9:32:53 PM
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No porkies at all, just confusion as usual in the Gold Coast
girls club!

Fact is anyone who knows anything about the WA meat industry,
knows that Robbs closed in the 80s. ROFL, not exactly a secret,
simply common knowledge for informed people. Bennie, umm
the bloke who now lives on the gold coast, should have
known that :)

The thing is, you should have paid attention at school!
Plenty of Aboriginals will tell you that the white fella
came to Aus not so long ago. They are correct, as its
a comparative term, so should be seen in that context.

I used the term in the same context, without specifying
the exact year. I used it as the meat inspector who
used to work in meatworks used it.

No wonder you girls are always busy :) Had you asked
me a simple question about dates, I would have explained it.
But no, off we go, on a wild goose chase, ringing AQIS
and DPI. Batgirl and her trusty companion Robina, umm
Angina, as they ride off into the sunset to rescue animals
from those evil men. You really should change your
career to writing fairytales :)

The story about the website finally made the farming press
this week. They quote about another 3 weeks to load up
the data. Look back in the old posts, you'll see that
I mentioned to Celivia, about bringing about changes, so
that people like her had access to more balanced viewpoints.
Its not far away now.
Posted by Yabby, Saturday, 28 October 2006 9:52:33 PM
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Well PALE, I think your comments to Celivia were extremely rude. She has done nothing but politely express her own opinion and you have jumped all over her. I think an apology is in order.

You seem to believe that there are multitudes of people reading this thread. I seriously doubt it :) But lets say there are; are you doing PALE any favours with the kind of comments you post? Or would you be much better off expressing your personal opinions under a nickname and keeping animal welfare issues and personal issue seperate?

Why not start up a thread dedicated to asking PALE animal welfare questions? It would give you far more credibilty than trying to force your organisation on every thread you post on.
Posted by PF, Sunday, 29 October 2006 7:45:20 AM
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The purpose of this thread was to solve disputes between posters and it would seem that up until the PF and rachel06 post that was the case..

Now its just descended into a complete bitchfest..pardon me all but why are you on a political forum if all you are interseted in is catfights and hurling personal abuse at each other..?

I thought that lowlife Ozgirl was the only one who would reduce herself to that?Yet I see you all behaving like nothing more than a bunch of old biddies in a constant pre-menstraul state...
You are all aspiring to lowest common denominator and really girls I thought it was beneath you..Noone is posting anywhere else, your all claiming to be concerned over the multiple Id thing, which you ALL, guilty of doing yourselves, and those that make the loudest that protest that.. 'they do not'... are guiltiest of all....your reasons for being on here are suspect and pathetic.

This is a political forum..bigger fish to fry and much worthies issues to concern yourselves with..

Please move on and get a life.
Posted by WAYFARER, Sunday, 29 October 2006 10:49:30 AM
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