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Unions A difference Exists

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Mr Gerritt
I hope Belly responds to you and others. Its a good comment.
I was watching Parliment for a few minutes yesterday and Peter Costello added up the funds Australia wide per state per federal.
It worked out the Syates ran at 58 billion in the red while federal run out at the same figures in black.
Dont get me wrong I am not a Howard supporter given my stand against the cruelty of animals and their discusting attitude towards animals along with the National Party.
However if you look at other matters you would have to be puffin muffins to vote for labour.
They have not got a clue how to manage money even in their labour states so why give them the country to stuff up like they did last time.
Look at the massive debt we were in before this Government.
Many orginary people seem to think that doesnt matter because Australia will borrow from overseas.
Thats a very dangerous attitude to have.
Guess what all you welfare lovers out there.
If Australia runs dry welfare going to be one of the first things to go.
There wont be any old age P - or sickness or unmarried Mothers P.
Trust me you all want to think about that.
Rudd will flood the country with more and more stuff from china.
Umm- So what happens when China puts its prices up?
I most certainly dont want to eat vegetables farmed on humane Ex
There is your furture with labour men and women of Australia.
Oh and by the way that comment made by Mr Rudd about our Prime Minsters wife was a good insight as to the lack of respect held by him towards the senior women of this country.
Food for thought ladies.
Do not be so bored you are all fooled.
Bored is good compaired to broke.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 2:32:45 AM
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Well pale I will answer that post and yours, I find much in common with that post.
Let us get down to the very basics of what workchoices is, I A PROUD TRADE UNIONIST am not in need of a lie to state my case.
Workchoices harms the very fabric of the Aussie fair go! it at first harms our kids and wives and daughters.
It was aimed to cut costs and increase profits by wage reduction.
It was aimed at reducing union cash support to the ALP, yet no impost is ever planed on big business contributions to the conservatives.
Long term, just 4 more years of John Howard would reduce union numbers and membership by half in my view.
But it would in its mad attempt to make this country compete with cheap Asian Labour reduce half our peoples living standards and increase the other half's.
We once could say we had no class system in this country but we do now!
I believe the system of enterprise bargaining we had was best for business and workers and that workchoices is illegal and truly evil.
However it is also blind to its harm and kills real productivity increases along with the fair go!
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 6:29:46 AM
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When Costello was talking about the state's debt he was banking on conning and manipulating the gullible, and PALE, you bit. The reason the states are 'in debt' as you say, is because the federal government refuses to help fund basic services and infrastructure, instead, they are holding on to all our tax money so they 'look' like good financial managers, at the expense of every Australian. Can't you see that this was their plan? And, that it has indeed conned many Australians, you being just one of them.

You claim there will be no welfare if Labor gets in. There will be less welfare if the Coalition stays in. Can't you see that Howard's whole plan is to totally scrap the Age Pension, in fact, those under a certain age are already aware they won't have any Age Pension. or any other welfare or health care for any who aren't wealthy. Howard is trying to make Australia exactly like the USA where all but the wealthy have either no or minimal services. You need to read international newspapers and take a long trip to the USA to see what's happened there, then decide if you really want Australia to be that way under Howard.

You talk about eating non-Australian food. Under Howard, with his FTA, that's mostly what we're eating now as Howard has done all he can to ensure the American multinationals take over the country and refuse to support Aussie farmers.

Janette is indeed an example of what Howard thinks of women. 'A woman's place is in the home' being subservient to the superior male. Also, keep all women down and if they choose to work, on less pay, so they'll be skint when retire because they won't have as much super
Posted by Bobbicee, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 8:47:55 AM
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For goodness sake. Give me ONE example of Costello conning or trying to con the public with the figures he raised in Parliment?

He will stand by the figures raised. How long do you think Costello has been in the job?

Only labour raise figures that are either incorrect or out of date.

Another example was "again in parliment today-" How embarresing.

They even sent out incorrect figures to their OWN members.

Now they are arranging for all the bus drivers to be trained to door knock to promote labour.

Talk about On the busses. Funny as.

Mind you they could have asked the nurses to fill in for them but they are planning to send THEM out doorknocking too! Complete with a back pack. It breaks me up!
Oh well it should give us a chance to try out the Governments hot line for sus people.
So all is well with you lot- that is IF you are not in ineed of a nurse "or a lift to a hopital" by bus!.

You again rubbish our Prime Minsters wife Jannet. I cant think what shes possibly done to deserve your wraff!

Clearly this lady would have a busy life with a full family home and added dutites as the Prime Ministers wife with many social funtions to attend.
I am just wondering- What more you want from any Australia woman of her age- OR any age for that matter.?

Peter Beattie at least! has show some leadership against Rudds irresponsible moves with council.

Now if Peter Beattie were running for PM I "might" hold some hope for a better leader because I am NOT happy with Howards blind eye to animal cruelty and exporting our animals in their most valuable form.

I cant think of a better reason to PRAY as Boaz would say somebody else throws their hat in the ring.
Only a dumb dumb would vote labour.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 6:05:45 PM
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pale I do hope you have the courage of your convictions that you will hold your self accountable for this post.
You underestimate the move against Howard and the fact he can not win this election.
I stand accountable for my post and back my understanding of issues against yours.
The slap you aimed, God only knows how you got bus drivers into it! at unions giving information to members is quaint but like most of your posts uninformed.
Every election, even internal union ones, sees members knock on the door of other members.
How is that different than politicians doing it?
Or the Howard phone calls to our mobiles last election?
And is the real crime not the current flood of tax payer funded adds Howard is using to improve his vote?
Stay focused on others opinions too ask is it likely you are always right? and those you debate always wrong?
None of us can claim perfection .
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 6:47:26 PM
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Drop everything.

I forgot to tell you about labours attempt to rail road Meals On Wheels.

Thats right ladies and gentleman - You heard correct. "Meals on Wheels.?

I have got to say thanks to labour for my entertainment.

Why would you buy a commedy.

" Please Mr Howard you have never given me anythng else I have asked for- Cant we produce a video in the interests of national Health?

They say laughter is best for all of us.

Can We? Can We ? Please pretty please Mr Howard? Umm I should say May We please?

Dear Prime Minister can you please ask Pete for funding to run the best adds for political TV advertsing ever?

Come on Mr Costello? Dont be mean.

Can you imagine running a add - Three reasons not to vote labour running up for the next federal elections?

We could do the on the busses- look alikes All Saints and Meals on wheels.

It cracks me up.

Cant you just imagine all the oldies trying to turn in their hearing aids to pick up on another scare tactic of the most frial-

Our Elderly.

Remember folks this is before they are elected?

God only knows what they would introduce if they got in. { apart from even smaller size shoes and nickers!

Tony Abbot tried to point out that Julia sitting in Parliment contiunally pointing to a a4 peice of papers while our PM was answering her question was rude ill mannered and to be honest I felt ashamed for her!

The continued cracks at Mrs Howard will only alarm all our senior ladies and other women of Australia.

You see they just cant help stooping to lower than low tactics like bullies.

Now there is a familar word speaking of unions.

A little birdie told me the AMIEU were told to back off live animal exports and the barbaric cruelty involved.

See you on the busses Mr Rudd- funny as!
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 7:07:04 PM
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