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Unions A difference Exists

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Not all union are the same? Give me a break! Some may be a little less radical than others but they would all like more members, more power, more funds for the ALP and to be held less accountable for their actions. They all hold the same basic "values" and they all have, to a greater or lesser degree, the same "them and us" culture.
The thought of unions once again getting "the right to represent workers in the workplace" is the stuff of nightmares.
Posted by Communicat, Wednesday, 6 June 2007 4:55:29 PM
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No, most people don't understand that most unions are not like the few rogue unions. And, they won't understand because so many Aussies have been conned and manipulated by the Coalition's furphies, spin and scare tactics.

I agree that previously some unions had too much power and a reform was needed, but as you said, Belly, Work Choices was NOT it. Instead it swung the pendulum to the other extreme, where the individual worker has NO rights and the employers can do as they choose.

Most of my friends are younger than I am (I'm 69 and retired)and all have been negatively affected by the government's IR laws.....less pay, no award conditions, bad hours including split shifts, and many have lost all sick leave and rec leave. The only friends I have who have not been severely affected are those who work for the Queensland Government and thus still have their award and other reasonable conditions. But even those people have an unreasonable workload since their department's 'restructured' and 'downsized.'

I had post grad qualifications, good assertion skills and top employment as a Psychologist, but I would have found it very difficult to 'negotiate'for higher pay and decent conditions without the assistance of the Professional Officers union. What chance would a person have to 'negotiate' when they don't have the qualifications and assertion skills. They don't, and many of my friends are 'caught'.... needing their job and being told that if they complain they'll lose their jobs.

I'm all for the Rudd/Gillard changes, which are reform and will put the pendulum in the middle where it should be
Posted by Bobbicee, Wednesday, 6 June 2007 9:41:56 PM
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Good for you. If you feel incapable of speaking up for yourself then by all means go ahead and pay fees that could otherwise go to charity or your weekends or your kids outings.
Not all of us feel we dont have the backbone to handle our own affairs.
I actually get rather insulted at the idea of people insiting they share my choices where to work etc.
Like I said and please dont get me wrong. Go for it. become a number if it makes you feel safe and happy.
Bobs your uncle.
Just dont try to force me or my family to join your darn scholl girls club.
Remember Freedom? That means freedom of choice.
So you join but dont try to force me.
Isnt that fair Enough?
Dont you think.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Wednesday, 6 June 2007 10:02:23 PM
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She? pale I once said I found it hard to believe you knew what you are talking about!
Thanks for the evidence!I am country born male.
BD gee we agree again, in your first post all those you target I agree with!
I am constrained by the fact I am not free to speak on behalf of the movement ,just myself, but my biggest enemy is often thugs from one of those you mention above.
As evidence all unions are not alike it may interest you to know MOST of my delegates are refugees from an other union that has been mentioned.
Communicat shows total lack of understanding that it is indeed true all unions are not alike.
And like it or not the future is bright for those in the movement who are fair and balanced, the members they serve will be well served by honesty in dealing with issues .
threats are a failure of unions and bosses to truly deal with issues.
I again highlight the bosses unions as being different , no way they can be left out of a debate about unions
I started the thread to say clearly unions are not the same nore are they as some blindly think unwanted in every bosses office.
I am proud that twice this last month a boss invited us to visit and start a first ever agreement for business they own and run , not in any way are all bosses the same .
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 7 June 2007 6:46:16 AM
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pale you do go too far, your constant insults are a reminder of why I am unionist and proud of it.
I picture you as not unlike my first wage paying boss, oh I worked without pay for country bosses who thought my labour was free because my dad drew a wage from them but that first boss.
Female country matron who spoke like an English lady.
Picking lettuce till 1 am to get them to market fresh, 3 days work and that first pay.
She ordered me to spend it on a new shirt and hair cut or not return to work!
My plans had been in place every minute of those long afternoons and early mornings.
I bought 6 loves of bread and half a sugar bag of mutton flaps for my hungry siblings 15 of them.
I never left a job that did not see the boss ask me to stay I am proud still to have always been the best or near best worker he/she ever had.
And your constant insults inferring a unionist is a trouble maker,thug , non worker, is remote from reality.
I am proudly unionist forever and proud and content to stand against the rat bags in some unions including the bosses my members are not my comrades but they are my mates.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 7 June 2007 7:02:32 AM
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No Belly I do not misunderstand you or the nature of the union movement. Unlike Bobbica the union (which I was required to belong to) did nothing to help me, indeed it actively worked against me. The union movement and the ALP are as one. There is no room for any other sort of political thinking or ideology. (A former ALP Senator recently told me that she 'did not know how any thinking person could vote anything other than ALP' which was, in my view, breathtakingly arrogant.) The "We, and we alone, are right" attitude of ALL unions and the ALP quite frankly terrifies me. Oh yes, it comes in degrees of belligerence Belly but that is the ONLY difference between you all.
As for fair play, honesty etc etc forget it. More than once I have seen my "union delegate" vote against the wishes of the workers but in favour or the ACTU bosses - and try "voting" any other delegate into their place...the unions are riddled with corruption and so is the ALP.
Posted by Communicat, Thursday, 7 June 2007 7:39:31 AM
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