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The US Senate Report into CIA Torture.

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I've posted them several times in this thread alone, go to the U.S DOJ site and look for yourself or search for Peter Brimelow's "The colour of crime".
As for the American Nazi party there's really nothing to them but from what I understand they're considered a joke even among White Nationalists:
Nazitards or LARPers is what we call them, LARP being the acronym for live action role playing:
Retarded? Yes to normal people "neo Nazism" is laughable but it's harmless escapism for eccentrics, nerds and losers.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 15 December 2014 10:29:50 AM
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SteeleRedux, "So mate is it obvious that Jay of Melbourne, Hasbeen, and onthebeach cowardly support the actions of a coward"

OK, so now you provide the specific quotes where I have done that, or kindly withdraw your comment.

What I have done is dispute the claim that torture never works.

You and some others habitually split the population into those who obviously support you and all others, who you typecast as foul, unthinking brutes. That is irrational.
Posted by onthebeach, Monday, 15 December 2014 11:29:34 AM
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Hi there PAUL1405, and others herein who believe me to be nothing but hot air and bluff ! At the risk of coming perilously close to identifying myself on this Site, I will share some interesting observations with you ?

In 1986 I spent quite some time with a number of US police Departments. One specifically, was Elizabeth NJ, often referred to as the 'armpit' of the East Coast, situated about 7 miles as the crow flies from Manhattan. Firstly I was invited, to speak to the entire night shift (55 members + or -) at their muster. Thereafter, the C of P invited me to undertake a number of 'ride alongs', mainly with the permanent shift Sgt, John VASQUEZ (an Hispanic). The only shift(s) I was authorised to take part, was the 2300-0730 (nights) of 8 1/2 hours duration.

Those who recall that iconic TV series 'Hill Street Blues', that's EXACTLY how it was. The patrol area was about a 6 block radius comprising, mainly of tenements and limited small industry. Also there was a small park, so well lit it resembled a birthday cake ! I've been a pro pug, 4 & 6 round preliminaries, nevertheless a journeyman pug. And I don't easily scare in a 'stink' ?

During my initial 'ride-along', we had our first homicide. Our entire patrol area, was small and compact (it could be more easily walked). With a population essentially black and more blacks ! Most 'hanging out' staring at our 'black and white as we slowly drifted past (10 - 15 mph max.). Their eyes never leaving us, with stares of menace, enmity and malevolence - I enquired of John, we OK ? He replied nonchalantly, sure no problem !


I've exhausted my 350 words, therefore I'll make two observations. In 1986, racism was rampant and reciprocal on both sides. White cops hated black 'everything' ! And vice versa, an intractable situation ! The region was a very poor, and sociologically deprived ? Could it ever recover ? Possibly I don't know, but I can only hope ?
Posted by o sung wu, Monday, 15 December 2014 3:33:30 PM
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Two things STEELEREDUX, you don't need to 'spell' anything out for me ? And as to where I 'raise my colours' on any issue, be assured it will always be diametrically opposed to yours, even if I'm conspicuously opposed to it ! That my friend is irrebuttable.

Your observations as to JAY of MELBOURNE, ONTHEBEACH and HASBEEN all being cowards...? Well please honour me, by including myself amongst that eminent group. I too would unquestionably 'torture' anyone who threatened me, or mine, or my country ! And I mean 'torture' in the full sense of the word !

You drew a distinction about John McCAIN being imprisoned in a Hanoi gaol. You forgot to add that small aside, while Mr McCAIN was imprisoned, his fellow countrywoman, a Ms Jane FONDA was partying along delightedly with his North Vietnamese captors, and all the while Mr McCain was enduring his own awful suffering ? And you have the temerity to throw around allegations of cowardice, because three individuals dared to disagree with you ? Why ?

A question if I may...? Would the occasion or circumstance ever prevail, that you'd see it necessary to engage in the use of lethal or non-lethal force ?

A close member of your family has been abducted, whereabouts unknown ? The abductor's in your custody. Your family member needs regular meds. which by now, is urgent, and necessary to preserve their life. He fails to reveal that persons location. Your only hope being if he rescinds his silence, and tells you. Would you torture him, to save the life of your family member ? Or preserve your own morality and principles, and allow your family member to perish ?
Posted by o sung wu, Monday, 15 December 2014 4:39:20 PM
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O sung,
that's an interesting story but my talking point here is that the U.S, despite the presence in their society of extremely violent elements is not a violent nation.
When you look at the way crime breaks down along racial lines it's perfectly obvious that even dirt poor, rural areas with majority White populations such as in Appalachia, and the deep South have crime rates comparable to any other majority European society in the world.
Saying that the U.S has a problem with violence and that their political power is projected through violence is nonsense, according to the left's narrative the most violent and criminally inclined element in the country, the Blacks are the least powerful, and are even an "oppressed group" in that country. So how does the first part of this paragraph reconcile with the second?
What's also obvious is that Blacks are capable of intimidating Whites and driving them out of certain towns and suburbs whereas Whites are defenceless against their aggression and incapable of re taking those areas even when they've been laid waste and largely abandoned by the Blacks.
So the most "powerful" group is the least violent and the most "powerless" is the most violent? There's no realtionship between violence and power in the U.S.A or any other European dominated society for that matter so the Left narrative is disproven.
Read up on the information that's coming to light on the Jessica Chambers murder, on circumstantial evidence it appears as though the Black drug dealers have corrupted and intimidated the majority White Police force and possibly even other county officials and are running a multi state, organised crime racket manufacturing amphetamines in the south and running them up to the midwest. Does that sound like an "oppressed" group to you? How common is this situation in poor, rural communities in the U.S, Black gangs literally taking over small towns?
When a White gang, numbering three individuals tried to take over a small majority White town the media completely lost their minds and the whole human rights apparatus came crashing down upon them:
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 15 December 2014 5:01:11 PM
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Dear o sung wu,

You wrote;

“And as to where I 'raise my colours' on any issue, be assured it will always be diametrically opposed to yours, even if I'm conspicuously opposed to it ! That my friend is irrebuttable.”

I know and that is why you are so much fun my friend. Lol. I think 'irrational hatred' was raised earlier.

Well you have chosen your road now go and raise those colours next to Dick Cheney, the man who found every excuse under the sun not to go and serve his country while the rest of us support the stance of a war hero, one who could have so easily ended his suffering by taking the offer of repatriation offered to him by his captors but chose instead to stay and face many more years of torture and solitary confinement.

This is what the man who you are now standing shoulder to shoulder with has responded;

“The former vice president showed little remorse for the dozens of prisoners who were found to have been wrongfully detained, for the man who died in the program.“

“"I have no problem as long as we achieve our objective." “

A cowards coward.

And why on earth are you rambling about Fonda?

And please save me the bulldust scenarios about my family being held hostage. It is a furphy designed to legitimise the actions of cowards. This was not the case here with the thousands of captives the US performed rendition and torture on, with a only a very small percentage being relevant to the information they were after. There is pretty good evidence that the hostages held then beheaded by ISIS have been subjected to extensive waterboarding. Under your rational (I'm being very kind using that term) they are perfectly justified in their actions as some of the victims may well be working for the CIA. I find them reprehensible but you can not pass that judgement because instead you empathise with them.

A little sad really.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 15 December 2014 5:58:12 PM
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