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The US Senate Report into CIA Torture.
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Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 15 December 2014 5:55:09 AM
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Paul 1405,
What other conclusion can we draw from crime statistics in the U.S? Race is the major factor in crime in the U.S.A, the left always try to say that America is a violent, barbaric society and that explains things like CIA torture but if you break down crime by race you see that the problem of violent crime is a Black problem, not a society wide issue. As for the sites I link to do you see any "Racist" material on Truth Revolt? No you don't because they're right wing anti racists, the site is published by David Horowitz a Jewish neocon, I don't agree with his politics but it doesn't mean Bill Whittle is wrong. Do you want to know where I get most of my information on Black America? What would be the point of quoting "fascist" sites on anything relating to race even if such sites existed? How can anyone be a "Fascist" or a "Nazi" in 2014, no more Hitler means no more Nazism and there's no such thing as a "Neo Nazi", an authoritarian, socialist viewpoint like my own is found in various forms on both sides of the left-right economic divide. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 15 December 2014 6:55:29 AM
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Jay. if all other factors, such as socioeconomic factors were equal then perhaps you could draw some conclusions on race/crime. Are you inferring simply due to the color of their skin people have inherent criminal tendencies. Can we conclude that Barack Obama is more likely to commit a criminal offence than say Richard Nixon?
You say "How can anyone be a "Fascist" or a "Nazi" in 2014, no more Hitler means no more Nazism" that is as reasonable as saying no more Trotsky, no more Trotskyism, no more Stalin no more Stalinism. Jay who are these people? Their home page appears to contain material you would be likely to rely upon to support your argument. What is 'The Australian National Socialist Party'? Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 15 December 2014 8:47:49 AM
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Paul 1405.
When you control for things like socio economic factors in U.S crime statistics the picture looks even worse for negrophiles, poor Whites commit far less violent crime than poor Blacks. If you don't trust the statistics from the U.S DOJ, FBI and CDC then who do you trust? Where do you get an alternative set of statistics disproving endemic black criminality?. Anything with the term Nazi in the title is a set up or a provocation, if you want to go into the relationships between these groups, the FBI and ASIO we can but we've been down that road before. I don't know which group you mean when you talk about Australian National Socialists there was the Palmer-Coleman gang who lately used the moniker "Klub Nation" and they are longtime police and ASIO informers, David Palmer was probably an ASIO agent from the start. They were part of the Howard-Abbott campaign against One Nation in which Palmer styled himself as a Grand Wizard of the KKK and claimed to have infiltrated the Hanson camp. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 15 December 2014 9:41:11 AM
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Jay, << poor Whites commit far less violent crime than poor Blacks>> that could be true, but before I agree I'll check your stats on that. PLEASE POST THEM.
What about that US mob, 'The American Nazi Party' do they exists? If they do and I assume someone posted that material on the web, so if they are not Nazi's, what are they? Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 15 December 2014 9:59:36 AM
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Here's a site sympathetic to Black causes: Black crime impoverishes the neighbourhoods where they congregate, drives away investment and eliminates altruistic social activity. Ferguson Missouri for example was majority White until the mid 1990's or you can look further afield to places like Newark New Jersey, Gary Indiana, Birmingham Alabama. I'm a crime buff first and foremost, that's how I became interested in race in the first place and there's a case I'm following in the news at the moment,which is incredibly interesting: It's quite remarkable to observe this creeping decay of corruption, drug dealing and murder play out in real time, if even half of this story is true it paints a very different picture of these Black ghetto crews than the pictures of cherubic twelve year olds offered by the leftist media. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 15 December 2014 10:15:55 AM
If it is uncomfortable to liken them to other historical fascists, bad luck. Given the reigns of power I believe these "moderates" as they like others to think of them, would do very much what those historical fascists bastards did. Unfortunately these radicals often gain support from the moderate conservatives and the "christian" element in society.
o sung wu said; "Sometimes you (JofM) speak a whole lot of common sense, and brilliantly articulate how things really are!"
Yes he does a brilliant job of presenting nonsense as fact. Take this "The "bleeding hearts" know the truth as well as anyone, they know that in the U.S 94% of Black homicides are committed by other Blacks but only 86% of White homicides are committed by other Whites, therefore Blacks kill Whites at twice the rate as vice versa." If it is true, what does it prove? Its designed to present B people as murderous types compared to W people. And this;
"It's also worth noting that in the U.S things like police brutality, official corruption, waste and inefficiency get worse under Black Democratic party mayors and police chiefs."
Presented as a fact, without evidence, could it also be nonsense.
And some are impressed!
Does that include the links to "Third Position" and "Truth Revolt" which are nothing more than thinly veiled extreme right wing web ravings.
SteeleRedux, thanks for exposing the other member of the dynamic duo for what he is, and his attacks on David f.