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Awaiting the Executioner

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foxey/quote..<<..We need to have alternative voices running for office.
But how on earth will they even get to first base
when it costs so much to be even in the running?>>

my plan was to run a tafe course/to train polititions
in all aspects of governing/and as part of the course/final-test
you run for govt..[but in the lead up..we do all the things..a serious campain would need do[pre poll/figure out preferances..print how to vote..stuff form your own poliucy etc

if itsd donr get run the whole thing/we
the course/take's us arrounf groups people stages meetings etc/we need get away from where the 2 parties pick people they got the dirt on.

so all pollies must do the tafe course
and we sort it out together..even teaching how to get the party nomination

[much like the girls handbag/brigade-club did under whats her name?

only we do it for anyone..
then prove we got a better result.
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 5 April 2014 2:21:19 PM
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OUG – With all due respect I doubt very much if the masses would understand!

Debt can take many forms, correct me if I am wrong the debt you refer to is specifically and only that of currency (money)?

I am of the opinion that a monetary system only has value when it is based on a productive system.

To illustrate my point, if the world was populated only by bankers, politicians, advertisers, celebrities, sports persons and god bothers. If they invented a monetary system it would have no value as they have nothing to base that value on. They produce nothing of substance that they can buy and sell!

The great unwashed get angry in isolation all the time but this has not and does not prompt a change in the system. When there is anger on a mass scale the type of change required still does not materialise. The 99% achieved very little! The majority of individuals will always look after number one.

Polly school is not a concept I have been presented with in the past.

Who would teach the teachers? Don’t you think you would run the risk of instead of having white dogs with black spots, we would produce black dogs with only one white spot?

I personality would like to see public servant school and have as much representative diversity as possible. We also need to evolve a system that does not allow a minority to achieve a majority.

I would value you opinion on my original post in this thread.
Posted by Producer, Saturday, 5 April 2014 5:06:14 PM
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producer/you only have
potential values/until you produce..a product
once you have..that product..its the value/if you monetized/that would have..that silver value[in silver value..the values remain..relatively stable/predictable..]

in those sure you will recall/for one got 4 pieces of fish/chips for four/and a huge box of chocolates/for mum[i recall because i did it] would have cost two bucks.

i still hold..a few pounds worth of shillings[silver]..they are sterling grade silver[i bought them over the last few decades..and have watched the price in dollars go..up to 9 dollars..[for the round 50 cent piece]..the only silver-coin/minted in sterling silver/thus still today valued well above face value.

but the next minting of 50 cent pieces..was in nickle[and in nickle prices currently..a 50 cent coin holds 50 cents of nickle

a paper dollar[had we still paper dollars]..we have a picture/on paper
no additional value/unlike coin..but if you got pre 1966/ got real silver 'value'

its a store of real value/ditto the gold coins..[notes were only a promise to/pay weight in gold or silver coin] was actually printed on our old.[commonwealth/notes]..this note may be redeemed in silver/at any common wealth bank

cant you see that they cant change the real values of gold nor silver
but have deflated the paper/plastic/credit oversupply/but because everyone has done it..we are fast sinking the coin age values into nothingness/the next hyper infation will steal the last values from our coin

invest in nickle..coin
cause you can bet there is soon a flood of paper
once they start spending all that

maybe if i try to reply your questions

<<..Debt can take many forms,..correct me if I am wrong the..debt you refer to is specifically and only that of currency..(money)?>>

not really only money/but credit/bonds..all paper instruments
[like paper gold]..only real gold and real coin..represent rereal value

[so i thought/what is worth more than the gold/ return the values back into our queens coin..[and realized the fruits..promised man/by revelation..22;2..''leaves'..[how the wise men saw paper money]..for the healing of the nations[having 12 fruits]..

govt just need begin with coin based values restored

Posted by one under god, Saturday, 5 April 2014 5:56:56 PM
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hemp seed has 38,000 'fruits..for industry..[our wikiseed/wikigeld..notes..each contain/[bear]..a living permission to grow thyne own pound of the seed..[for industry for food..restoration/debt settlement rebuilding repair insurance..anything needing value/storing adding value]..

hemp seed makes anything from medicine/to fibre to oil to hydrocarbon/fertilizer[38,000..passable industry or survival..value]

ie one pound of seed gives 200 mil of hemp oil/grow locally
anyhow the simple version is return the value back where curreently there is over supply/deflating values

<<>.I am of the opinion that a monetary system only has value when it is based on a productive system.>>

[the minimum value of coin=its metal content/but wikiseed/wikigeld..restores value to the paper[heck old bank notes were even/printed on hemp-paper[part of the reason we got a drug 'war' so we cant fake money with hemp paper[but notes are plastic now

<<>>If they invented a monetary would have no value as they have base that value on.>>

the value..lies in our promise to work/for their paper/to repay the debt..[think of it like say ,momey is the hair/on your head[as your the only one who has your 'hair'..your the boss] lend me 3 hairs..but to pay the intrest..i can only ho to you/or steal hair [read monbey] lent to others at intrest.

this means we have an inflation rate
[thats supposed to reveasl how much value has been thieved from our queens coin..even then its true inflation isnt measured[too much is excluded/like fuelhousing etc..

as rockafella said..give me control of money
and i care not who makes the law

<<..They produce nothing of substance that they can buy and sell!>>

yes they do..they tie kids.into debt/from education.easy credit.minimum re payment..etc.then lend themn bacvk their own super at interest..[its such sa clever scam/complusory super so they can only survive on credit/lend them back the money you stole from their wage

its too clever by far
for them to have a 'credit' rating they must pay..or cops come and take you to jail[but govt alone can make the value[see federal constitution..number 115..[nothing but gold/silver coin=lawful tender for payment..of debts]

please ask the questions again
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 5 April 2014 5:57:17 PM
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OUG – Surely it’s the opposite. Money has potential value and that value can only exist once productivity has taken place. I refer you to the example I made in my previous post.

In 1996 I lived in the middle of the Nullarbor Plain and there was no fish and chip shop so I couldn’t say. In 1967 I lived in Nhill and I preferred Chiko Rolls.

Back in those days the proportion of productive people where far greater that the non-productive ones. There was less demand on the productive sector as the demand and proportion of the non-productive sector was smaller, less demanding and received a lower proportional share of productive wealth.

The monetary value of gold and silver is artificial and only reflects the value of productivity it can purchase and man’s illogical desire to own it. Its real value is its use as a metal in productivity. Gold and silver would have no value to the non-productive world I described in my previous post.

This leaves the question, why has the price of fish and chips inflated so much since 1966? The answer is simple, we have a greater proportion of non-productive individuals demanding more from a lesser proportion of productive ones. The producer has to produce more to pay for the artificial and inflated demands of the non-productive sector. The producer of hair is not the boss and has to supply those who do not suffer alopecia who choose to shave their heads.

Debt is created artificially, not produced. You can have a bucket load of debt metaphorically, but you can never have a bucket of debt. It is merely one of the ruses that enable a non-productive parasite a means to accrue productive wealth.

I do not disagree with most of what you say with the exception your perspective is taken half way up the ladder. I believe you need to go to the bottom of the ladder, pre money and when gold and silver had only bling value.
Posted by Producer, Saturday, 5 April 2014 9:29:07 PM
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producer/quote..<,..OUG..Surely it’s the opposite..Money has potential value..>>..

its an abstract/concept..people accept it as value...thus it has value/where-as others money..has less..easily/accepted exchange value

[but iTS A CON..a trick]..where a magic man..shows you..imagined/future value/then replaces the value with imagined values..and the dumbfounded audience..applauds..till that day they find-out the trick stole everything they valued...[i talk of the silver values of the shillings..i gave up/ super/that i got back as devalued dollars]..2000 seemed so much money when i began working]..but now is a weeks wage


yeah great your going to get a lump far off day
but by then inflation has deflated it..into nothing/but less than one weeks pay/BUT IN THE went broke paying the intrest,..on your own money/lent back to yo AT INTEREST

please note .credit card interest hasnt fallen
in fact..many are finding charge that rate

<<..that value can only exist..
once productivity has taken place.>>

SURE//BUT ITS A chain..of productivity..each adding value/up the chain
the artist..needs buy/paint/canvas brushes..[note..hemp seed can made them all]..before he can recoup the return extra value/

but before them someone needs get the pigments/oil
ITS A CHAIN OF VALUE ADDING..thaT was resolved long-ago..[its summed up..simply as work adds value..[its the work that adds the value]..


but share dividend..CAPITAL GAIN..or rent or interest is income..but the same deceived..think wage is income..[thus THEY IGNORANTLY applied..[BEGGED/in writing..[ into law..THUS MADE A CONTRACT,,to become a 'Person'/under the TAXATION-[INCO[LOL]..TAX ACT

IN fact..[they were right royally..conned or rather pressured..into all of it really]..[no informed consent..just/so the boss can pay their wages as if..income/when true income is the profit he made from their work[adding the value]..its sick..but ignorance of the law is no excuse for ignorance]

the world has become a place for slaves
to slave from rented diggs..into EARLY..[and soon to be]..rented grave

2b ctd
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 6 April 2014 6:59:07 AM
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